Monday, January 21, 2019

Blind Item #1

Very interesting that the first music released by this former tweener turned A- list adult singer/bad actress is on her ghost singer's record.


  1. Then the ghost singer is Julia Michaels

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What does ghost singer mean?

  4. Wow!! Well good for Ms Michaels. She will make a bundle.

  5. Means someone else is actually singing the song..
    It happens all the time

  6. Julia Michaels - the one with the talent who makes the big hits.

  7. @Trapped
    How does it work? Their voices are so different, give me so examples, I'm so confused

  8. I believe Julia does the high notes that those Disney singers cant hit.

  9. F*cking worthless fake pop stars. It would be great if they got replaced with CGI holograms.

  10. Don't worry. Brayson, holo singers (and actors) are right around the corner. They're already a thing in Asia. In 10 years, you will be amazed who is "real" and who is not.

  11. William Gibson predicted hologram performers in his novel Idoru, yeah, the future sucks.

  12. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Ghost singing has been around forever! Back in the day, Sheryl Crow was brought in to sing the high notes for Paula Abdul, and other middling “singers.” Now with auto tune and bricking of sound, all Pop/Hip Hop/EDM ALL SOUNDS THE BLOODY SAME. Did you all know that less than half a dozen middle-aged white men write nearly all of the top 20 Pop music? I am a pro musician and listen to mostly classical/opera/trad. Jazz now because modern music is essentially garbage written by Pervy men in order to legitimise sexualisation of children. And, classic rock is no better. I live in HOLLYWOOD, it is NOT a place for children! Frankly, it is not a place for sane people. If I did not make my living with music/fashion, I would not live in this cesspool.

  13. Anonymous1:31 PM

    The irony of Oracle berating pop music and modern music as being written by Pervy pedos when there were plenty of classical composers with their own sordid and questionable moralities. Mozart had a thing for poop (he loved his poop jokes/scatology) but I dont think it went as far as sex. Saint-Saens was a pedophile from what I gather (I believe he denied being a sodomite because being a pedophile was better than being gay?) both Gombert and Rosenmuller were pedophiles/pedesters, Gesualdo was a murder, Grainger was a sadomasochist, etc. There are also rumors that Benjamin Britten liked young boys and I know that there are plenty of rumors about Handel and Bach too.

    Let's not mince words here and pretend one genre of music yields less controversy than another. And if you want to get all feisty about morals and young musicians, I hate to break it to you, but classical music had its fair share of abuse and manipulation when it came to young composers trying to be the next Mozart. Beethoven was a prime example of this and the subject of being beaten quite often by his drunken father for not being as good as Mozart was as a child.

    1. Great response unknown. Enjoy classical piano and jazz despite their sordid lives.

  14. Great, I don't listen to classical on a regular basis either, f*ck that no singing background music genre too! Thanks Unknown :)

    1. Also, I want my songs short. I have short attention span. Tl, dl. Too long, didn't listen.

  15. Ghost singing would explain why live music is awful so much of the time. Like sometimes people sound like a sh!tty cover band of themselves. It's really great to go to a concert and have someone ruin their music for you forever.

  16. Can't fuck or exploit a hologram.
    Also, if they hired "artists" with talent, then the "artists" would hace more bargaining power. Minimally talentled people are powerless, moldable, and disposable.

  17. Camille Kostek is Gronks girlfriend

  18. Thanks Oracle for laying it out clearly. I almost don't want to support children being in show business at all now. I just assume they have all been or are being abused.

  19. Sara, Making It Work
    Sociopaths deliberately surround themselves with incompetents in order to have control. The incompetent relies totally on the sociopath to keep them in their job and the incompetent will do a lot to protect them and thus their job.

  20. Gonna dip my toe in. Think Unknown needs to cite the Masters' use of sex/debauchery in opera as the counter to Oracle's 'garbage..legitimize sexualisation of children.' Instead of focusing on the classic composers personal perversions. Cause those folks had talent, genius. I mean listen to them and weep.

  21. I mean it's been centuries for some of these composers. Fair play, I suppose, to ask when is it OK to accept their music after they've been disgraced. Anyway, I'm interested by Unknown's research.
    and yeah. Aida or Katy Perry? hahahahaha!

  22. Not that interesting since their voices sound nothing alike. I had to take my sister and her friends to a Selena Gomez concert and she definitely has trouble catching her breath singing live, but she sounded like the songs the girls were playing on the way to the concert. Julia sounds like she's gargling marbles. From what I understand she has written for many artists though and is very gifted there.

  23. Selena Gomez is testament to the fact that Disney and the rest of Hollywood now have promotion and marketing perfected.

    She's a lousy actress and an incompetent singer. She doesn't write music or lyrics. But she's a brand and somehow they have managed to keep her on the shelves for several lifetimes longer than the 15 minutes she deserved.

    She's not the only one, of course. The pop charts have reverted to entirely a producer's medium, with photogenic kiddos willing to play the game on the label.

  24. Well... Julia Michaels also writes music for Justin Bieber, Shawn Mendes and a few other singers. That makes her ghost writer for them too, and everybody knows that, where’s the new information and why is it interesting if this is something everybody knows? Ugh
