Thursday, January 24, 2019

Blind Item #1

This B+ list late night comic actor told some really disgusting jokes the other night about raping babies but when someone called him out on it, the actor said the person calling him out was to blame because they were not being respectful of the actor's mental health. So, you get to say what you want and blame it on that and no one can say anything or they are the bad guy?


  1. Remember when Angela the man and plot defended Tim Gunn? They're gonna like this one

  2. He’s so gross. He went back to living with his mom, after he & Ariana broke up. He’s been talking about her & Sean’s sex life in his routine, as well. People say he constantly brings up her name in his set.

  3. Can’t say anything bad about him because he has borderline personality disorder. So he can be vulgar all he wants but no one can call him out on it.

  4. A joke is a joke. He wasn't dressing up like a Priest. Comedy is supposed to get a response. Maybe he's working through some stuff. Who knows what he's seen or heard of happening. Either way, it's low brow garbage comedy.

    1. Fine but if you’re called out on it wtf does that have to do with not respecting mental issues?......

    2. Is it? Try telling an ethnic or racial joke (about a non white person), and see who defends that by saying “it’s just a joke”. Tell one about any protected class and see how people flip the fuck out, call for the person to be ruined and threaten them with death, etc.

      What this says to me is that evidently we are in a society where “jokes” about RAPING BABIES (really look at those words and contemplate them) is OK and defendable, but jokes about others, aren’t. And ask yourself if you’re comfortable with jokes about BABY RAPE (think on this again) and want to live in a society where it’s “no big deal”.

      THIS ATTITUDE is why children aren’t protected. Joking about raping children is utterly indefensible and truly, if you think it’s ok, seek help immediately, you sick fuck.

    3. Joking about raping a baby is so wrong. Bipolar is not a free pass for crap like that. That Morty cartoonist does the same dang thing. Sickos. And i hope it is not Pete . So disappointed if it is.

  5. Rosie, I think you mean James Gunn. Tim Gunn is a lovely, compassionate gentleman. I ❤️ him.

    1. Phew! Thanja for clearing that up.. Love Tim Gunn.

    2. Me too. Tim Gunn is a good human.

    3. Oh right! Well see, there's a reason I never offer up guesses here lol
      Thankyou weekittylass

  6. Lorne and the whole production is milking dry this newfound fascination with Pete. He barely made it to the back corner of the frame in a skit and now he's in every single one of them.

  7. I’m curious as to whether he has Bipolar Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder. He has said that his doctor told him that he has one or the other and that they were going to figure it out. They are 2 separate and different disorders.

    1. A lot of the diagnosis criteria are the same for many of the same types of issues. Usually people with bipolar try to control their moods. So they will abuse drugs that have the same.side effect as their chosen state of mind. up vs. down


    Try again.

  9. 'Jokes' about raping babies aren't jokes. They're bait.

  10. Will someone please give this guy a noose and a chair. Enough already.

    1. PLEASE. Dear Lord, make it hurt really really bad. At least as bad as it hurt innocent child victims of rape. But hopefully at least threefold. Amen.

  11. The fact that he was going to kill himself in December and posted a tweet for attention, but now he's out at all these parties acting fine makes me think good for him or he is milking this and still needs help!

  12. Anonymous8:07 AM

    sorry i still love pete.

    1. What if he told a joke about gay people? Or black people? Would you grab the torch and pitchfork and join the ravening mob? Or are BABY RAPE jokes the only ones that are ok?

      Hahaha yeah what a great guy! Baby rape is sooooo funny!

      What in the fuck.

  13. Weekittylass - thank you. I almost burst into flames. Not Tim Gunn!!! Whew. :)

  14. Pete Davidson opened up for Dave Chappelle last year. Davidson's routine was bad but in one bit, he talks about babysitting a baby, that he said was actually his, and getting off when the baby sucked on his finger. REAAALY creepy and pervy for so many reasons.

  15. You can be bipolar and have borderline personality disorder at the same time. If he is out partying he is not ok. Headed for another crash. He is just past the current crisis.

    1. True, but Pete has said his doctor told him he has one or the other. Wondering which one the doc eventually decided on. Perhaps it was both, who knows? And seeing that he is an addict, then yes, him out partying is not a good sign.

  16. If someone's "mental health issues" are that goddamn drastic, why is anyone letting the twit onstage to begin with?

    And doesn't anyone in management ask to see the routines beforehand? That way, they could stop him and say, "Cut the baby-rape part! What were you THINKING?!"

  17. Oh god nooooo I had pity for him till now.this is sick.dors anyone have a link to this lowlife routine?

  18. What next will he rape a baby and blame his personality disorder?#boycott

  19. Bipolar is a mood disorder that responds to medication, while Borderline is a personality disorder that requires therapy, it usually rooted in some sort of early trauma.

  20. I am so sick of hearing about Pete, Ariana, etc. I have a great deal of compassion for people with mental health issues (my cousin’s husband is bi-polar), but get this guy off of SNL already. Not funny, just annoying.

  21. This person is so lost and confused. First and only rule of comedy is: Be Funny.

  22. Reminds me of those idiots who hack into government websites and basically break the law, then claim autism to get out of jail.

  23. But was the joke funny? I can forgive just about any joke if it's actually funny.

    1. Is there any possible way that any joke about BABY RAPE, could ever be funny? If the answer is yes....please join Pete when he picks up his noose and chair.

  24. I understood that the reference to Tim Gunn was a mistake. And I know nothing about Tim Gunn and have no information that he has ever been involved in anything shady/abusive/gross. But hasn't every single story on this site and in the news made you realize yet that "YOU DON'T REALLY KNOW THE PEOPLE YOU SEE ON A SCREEN." Stop becoming emotionally invested in them.

  25. @rosie

    "Remember when Angela the man and plot defended Tim Gunn?"

    I would defend Tim Gunn anytime, anywhere.

    Does anyone know what the joke was? Does it really exist?

    Or are we getting emotionally worked up over a mirage?

  26. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Astra +1 Yes to everything you said. It is important to understand that we each have a power over these scum by NOT GIVING THEM OUR MONEY AND ATTENTION. We seem to be like-minded on many issues. All the best to you.

    1. Thank you! Same to you and I appreciate it ❤️🙏🏻

  27. Regarding bipolar vs BPD, borderline people tend to have real hot and cold relationships and push people away. Serious separation issues and loyalty issues. They're known to threaten suicide and really erratic. Not all bipolar people appear crazy, especially bipolar 2.

    I like Pete but I've been waiting for him to be fired, that seems to be an ongoing theme here that never happens...

  28. There is no "we" plot. There are sane people and then there's you, who defends James Gunn and pretends Davidson doesnt make pedo "jokes."

  29. Wait, he's admitted he has borderline personality disorder?

    Quick primer for those without any background, most personality disorders generally translate to "bad human being", "unable to change." "incurable." It's not the schizophrenic who is most likely to strangle your cat, it's the person with the personality disorder.

  30. Also Tim Gunn is not James Gunn. The former is a very fashionable older gentleman, the later once joked about anally raping his future daughter.

  31. @Brayson, your post really scared me there! Took me a minute to realize that I dont a cat or any other pet!

  32. "who defends James Gunn and pretends Davidson doesnt make pedo "jokes." "

    Well, do you know what Davidson's pedo joke was? I don't.

    I don't give a shit about James Gunn, actually, but I refuse to get upset about old jokes someone told to a private group of people. I'm simply unable to work up a give-a-shit. Now, the latest Louis CK stand up routine, yeah, that was disturbing.

  33. @ Dannette- Plot didn’t pretend Davidson doesn’t make pedo jokes. She asked if anyone knows what the joke was.

  34. @astra worthington, thank you for putting my feelings into words.

    1. Thank you for feeling the same way. What’s deeply disturbing is that anyone wouldn’t!

  35. Okay, astra, what is the joke Davidson told that is getting you (and others) into such a lather?
