Saturday, January 26, 2019

Blind Item #1

Apparently this reality family is able to overlook the other two dozen accusations against this woman beating/sexual assaulting/multiple five year restraining order receiving A list singer and think he is being falsely accused of one complaint, but totally forget the dozens of others. Awful people.


  1. Kardashians and Chris Brown

  2. And Good Morning Etny and Commentors!
    Stay warm - it's freezing in the Midwest.

    1. Not so bad here. High of 25 today!!

    2. Wednesday's high is a whopping 0.
      Sandy, you got room on that beach?

  3. They're just taking Rihanna's word for it that he's really a great guy.

  4. They are disgusting. They hang out with lots of undesirables, like that Joe Francis guy too. They used to vacation at his home in Mexico.

  5. the British Royal Family, just to be different.

  6. has to be the Kardashians. I thought that they weren't going to be covered on CDAN? I wish they would disappear. Such trash.

  7. Idiots all over Twatter think he's innocent and ignore every otger complaint.

    1. Twatter is the far leftist safe space, and they loove hookers and woman beaters, pedophiles and perverts. Didn't they go to bat for that pedo director there, too?

  8. Not just them. Most of the rappers, Kanye is from their family? It's not a surprise

  9. Five more days until a Kardashian free February!
    Hopefully. I can't remember if he did that last year but Two years ago February was totally Kardashian free.
    We should petition Sir Enty for all, of 2019 to be Kardashian free

  10. Anytime you wanna get here low key a fully furnished bedroom is yours, but its not the warm Florida you'd desire for the next week or so, just warmer than wherever you are. 40s to low 60s a lot of rain expected.

    1. I'd take 40s over single digits any day, Sandy!
      I have family in central Florida and they're complaining about the "cold" and I'm like... really? Come to Ohio!

    2. Whereabouts? I need to come for a week sometime in the next few months! ☺️ I’ll be visiting the S/W side.

  11. True, Sandy, wearing a sweater in FL today.

  12. 😀, for whatever reason they are cold, the wind does make it feel rawer than it really is. Or it might be the flip flops they are wearing while wearing long pants and a coat to keep them warm (see that all the time here). I don't really bundle up because I have no wintery wardrobe anymore but that 20-30 mph wind can be a bitch.

  13. Fucks sake Sandy, you got it good. Here in Ulster it's freezing horizontal rain and literal howling wind. Its more hellish than Satan's ballbag.

  14. I'll put you up Vic right now there's plenty of people from the UK here, you won't be out of your element. We've even got the premier league on TV every game they play, and a channel showing rugby and cricket, you'll almost feel like you're home.

    1. I FOR REAL want to come visit you! I also may be moving there in the next couple of years.

  15. East Central Florida Freebird, near Cocoa beach and the Space center
