Thursday, January 31, 2019

Blind Item #1

This permanent A++ list celebrity always seems to be partying with the worst people. There is the disgraced producer and now the mogul who is pulling all the strings he can to save the disgraced director. Meanwhile, the mogul has been one of the worst offenders ever, but our celebrity just smiles and pretends none of that ever happened.


  1. Oprah - this isn't as fun since I started reading the DM.

    1. Oh yesmah the good old DM. I agree that rag used to be quite fun to read but lately watch out!! They are becoming a bit crafty. Dont know if it's the new PR guy at KP but I've posted some pretty innocuous comments ranging from Mehgan Markle to Prince Philip's car crash and ALL of my Markle comments have been deleted!! I asked them if MM is now more powerful than God since they allow nasty comments about religion churches etc which I dont care either way but it's a very interesting situation regarding MM exposure. My comments must've sparked some real issues ie pot smoking, treatment of father, the usual banal commentary ... so yeah.

    2. DM banned me ages ago lol. Didn’t even say anything all that bad.

  2. I agree, that’s the cheat sheet for this site


  3. ^dailymail

    these people are untouchable sadly.

  4. Oprah partying with Harvey and David Geffen. Also, she was a special guest at Meghan Markle's wedding, so she's working on her next generation of horrible people.

  5. O for Obnoxious.

  6. ok at a certain point if all you hang out with is horrible people its probably because you too are a horrible person.. why does Oprah always get a pass? that photo of her, harvey and rita ora said a lot... just the look on everyones faces

  7. Oprah is a sanctimonious asshole, like Ellen.

    They both get passes because they are women, and lesbians, plus Oprah's Black, the holy grail of passes right now.

    1. Exactly. And Oprah is a lesbian, we all know it. She just won’t admit it.

  8. " and now the mogul who is pulling all the strings he can to save the disgraced director "

    will he succeed? And, what does" save the director( Singer) mean? That Singer will avoid to go to jail? That no more accusers will come forward? Or that Singer will be back to work like nothing happend, later? BC while all of these possibilities are ugly, the chance of him back to directing like nothing happend is horrific

    Anyway, when will Geffen die? Can be soon? ( bc of course he will NEVER get in trouble )

  9. It's called the "Daily Hell" for a reason.

  10. Oprah is horrible and I can't wait until all this hits the mainstream news.

  11. Bryan Singer. The disgraced producer is Marc Collins-Rector. I'd guess Avi Lerner is the mogul.

  12. Oprah

    Between Singer and his profit from Bohemian Rhapsody and Gunn being rehired, I feel defeated. I’m not sure Hollywood has the capacity for change.

  13. Don't forget Oprah's Hillary connection, too. The scum floats to the top and coagulates.

    1. Don't forget Oprah promoted the "John of God" pervert in Brazil that has 600 allegations of rape against him AND now being investigated for operating a Baby Mill for selling newborns for adoption...

    2. But@ JF, this is the type of thing Enty makes up! I was going to post about this and then saw that you did!

  14. YOU get a pass and YOU get a pass and YOU get a pass, it's a pass for YOU and YOUget a pass......

  15. Oprah's not burying her head in the sand. She's enabling it. Just look at her school in Africa that was grooming girls to be prostitutes.

  16. my opinions about Oprah have completely changed.

    to freaking support these monsters and then Gayle has the audacity to say that MJ was so terrible and deserved to be punished and felt sorry for Wade & Co. HYPOCRITES!!

    i will no longer support her network OWN - which really sucks because Queen Sugar and Greenleaf are two of my favorite shows.

    what i really need to know though is what color/brand of lipstick does Grace wear??? can't find it anywhere. :(

    1. If you think about it, all of this seem like an orchestrated move to return to the smirking days of yore, when it involves child molestation in HW. Child molestation has never been a laughing matter and yet, whenever MJ is in frame, it becomes one, resulting in fcuktards cracking jokes, and only recently, getting call into account for the fcuk$hit that was spewed.Gayle doesn't have any credibility because she work with Charlie Rose for years and yet, never picked up on anything.... She claimed.

  17. I also remember her watching cold porn on her show. I think she showed a clip to her studio audience. The show was allegedly about how child molesters go about their business, using everyday household objects like film canisters to penetrate infants...

  18. I was gonna say Bill Clinton

  19. I remember always being pissed if a book I was going to read came out on Oprah's reading list. If it did, I wouldn't read it.

  20. "You get a trauma, and YOU get a trauma, and YOU get a trauma! And I don't care!"

    1. hahah thank you for the laugh

  21. Why is everyone surprised that Oprah is a villain? It was obvious all along.

  22. Remember when Howard Stern read a transcript from her show,to demonstrate that her show was filthier than his?

    1. @guesser: yes. I also remember when he would call Ellen by the name Vaginefeld, now he talks about how much he loves it when she dances. Dude is worse than a 100y/o Imus.

  23. Please let us not forget about and give a pass to her “journalist “ girlfriend, Gayle, who is complicit and knows all the dirt as well.

  24. Say what you want about Oprah but I'd never put her in the Ellen category. She may be sanctimous but she did start a bonafide self help movement and network that HAS helped so many. Ellen does giveaways and personal interest stories for 5 minutes. Oprah made self help and examination and spirituality and LITERARY/READING her brand which did benefit the dumb masses once all into Jerry Springer content alone. I like that brand more than Ellen who is crap to her writers and wife and pretends to love animals she then forces on her unwilling staff.

  25. Give me Springer, Wilkos and my favorite, Maury, over Oprah ANY DAY. At least they aren’t pretending to be anything other than what they are. Trashy shows and pure entertainment. I don’t need to be preached to or told how to live, and I’ve been reading since I was 3, I don’t need her recommending books to me. She ain’t shit and I don’t understand her following at all. Not likeable, not pleasant, not anything to aspire to...I saw one episode of her show years ago and it was all *I* did this and *I* did that, talking over her guests and constantly talking me me meee bullshit. Why even have guests then? It was annoying and so is she.

  26. oprah on david geffen's yacht

    david geffen is the devil incarnate. the day he dies will be a holiday.

  27. @astra: it dont get much better than Not The Father dances on Maury, w/ embarrassed skanks in the background.

    1. Damn right! I never ever get tired of that! Especially when the cheater/skank runs off stage and ends up hysterically crying on the backstage furniture. It’s all gold, pure gold!

  28. @kiki71 - No, Oprah's worse. This so-called self-help stuff that Oprah promotes is to deliberately lead people away from Christianity. That's her job. I used to be into spiritualism. It's not good.

  29. Oprah is so phony it's ridiculous. She's like a bad actress. And all the guests, all of the books, and she still can't come out of the closet. I doubt it's a question of courage, it's more of a question of greed. Also they don't look into a lot of the guests they have on the show while she sings their praises.
    Ellen might be secretly b!tchy and manipulative, but at least she doesn't hide behind a sanctimonious facade. And she doesn't make her partner pretend to be just her friend.

  30. That's a good point Brayson. So much for self examination and honest inner spirituality, eh O?

    1. Oprah brought us Dr. Phil and Dr.Oz. Fake weight lose diets. Oprah,self help yourself.

  31. Gotta admit a soft spot for O. She's my age and her show was in my hometown Chicago. Persevered through low self-worth - praying she wouldn't win some award 'cause she hated how fat she was to walk on stage.
    She's certainly on top now - and is still proving low self-worth?

  32. I can’t stand Oprah. She has an annoying way of repeating virtually everything she says. She thinks her words are so profound!

    I believe she’s shady too...the reason she became one of the richest women in America is because of who she aligned herself with. Her friends are a who’s who of the sick and depraved. Those African schools for girls are dodgy and there have been claims of child rape there before.

  33. Oprah has a long history of poor judgement when it comes to stories people tell her.
    For one instance, she believe and promoted the fake story about the child reaching through the fence to another child at Auschitwz. Just one of many bullshit stories Oprah promotes.

  34. Oprah's Black, the Holy Grail of passes right now...Depeche Model. Bahaha! Indeed

  35. Is she a lesbian...?
    Or is she a high level grooming witch pedo?
    Besides Gail, who have we seen her on vacation with?...
    Gail is in the coven too?
    Things that make you go, Hmmmmm.......
