Monday, January 14, 2019

Blind Item #3

This foreign born former A- list mostly television actress from a long running almost network show was talking about suicide last night to some close friends.


  1. imagine how empty and depressing it is to be in hollywood these days

    no wonder they're suicidal

  2. She just had a big birthday bash, too, that they called "NinaChella". Nothing like having another birthday for you to feel your mortality. Hope she gets help, it's not a great feeling.

  3. She is not young anymore and her spark is gone. I feel sorry for everybody who used their beauty till that starts disappearing. Nina.. get help. Open a business.

  4. It's because nobody cares about their awards shows any more.

  5. Not buying this being Nina at all.....and if it is, I'm further not buying that the talk was about actually committing suicide.

  6. I hope the Yachting business is not going through recession! Its tough out there, the supply is increasing day by day, and the demand is not catching up! Then there is the question of skill set, Lilo seems to introduced some new acts in the market which are not easy to perform!

  7. Whoever she is, I hope she gets help!

  8. Talking about suicide doesn't make one suicidal. And I have hard time believing ND is suicidal. She might not have had the best work after TVD but she has been working and she looks great.

  9. Since when is 30 "not young anymore"?

  10. @LauraRamona...yes she is still young. Don't fall into/agree with and spread the fake media/Hollywood hype where anyone over 25 is old. That's total bs and not at all how things work in the real world. Don't be so naïve.

  11. Nina Dobrev has a new show on CBS. May not be her.

  12. Whoever this is, I hope they get help too. Talk to someone left behind by a suicide to get some perspective on the loss that is left. Pick up the phone, tell a counselor, talk to a friend, reach out. There is help available.

  13. Can someone tell me why people are only guessing Nina Dobrev? Surely there are a ton of other former A- foreign born actresses who had network shows. Someone from Pretty Little Liars maybe? I mean really, the list has to be longer than her

  14. @Krissie, because Tricia, the Carnac the Magnificent of CDAN, says it’s her.
