Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Blind Item #3

This B-list producer of children's movies, including a live action reboot of a classic, found himself in some hot water, due to something he said on social media regarding violence towards children.


  1. Covington kids and a wood chipper Disney producer Jack Morissey of Mary Poppins etc

  2. He didn't only "say" it, he provided an image of a wood chipper with blood dripping out of it. Fun guy.

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  4. I hope this is the tipping point for all these psychos,

  5. I think what he wrote on the image of the kid going into the wood chipper is just as problematic, "#MAGAkids go screaming, hats first, into the woodchipper."
    Good work Jack, violence against children because of their political views, did you really need two shovels to dig your hole?

    1. 😱😱😱 What the actual fuck?

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  7. Imagine if someone made an image and said something similar about the kids who like to play the knockout game on strangers on the subway?

  8. I agree with Brayson.

    If Trump has a superpower, it's enraging his opponents to the point where they put their own most cherished values in the woodchipper. (Example: during the most recent Supreme Court hearings the ACLU was suddenly opposed to due process? What?)

    This producer guy lives in California and works in the industry, so he probably identifies as progressive, pacifist and inclusive. Yeah, not so much.

  9. Right now on IMDB: "Nickname - Coward". Haha.

  10. +1, Nutty
    Some people peacefully assemble, then they get screamed at for it, then the social media mobs and even some in the mainstream media openly say they hate them and they should die. It's lunacy.

  11. And the grown man who goes around menacing kids, beating a smelly drum inches from their faces? I'm waiting for celebrities to drag him for his deranged behavior...

  12. pretty soon the only people left on social media will be the crazy fringe mobs and clickbait journalists lovingly reporting their every word

  13. @J
    in addition to probably being smelly, the drum was a "medicine" drum.
    Just my opinion but if what appears to be an old Native American dude comes around chanting and banging a medicine drum inches from my face...I'm gonna interpret that as a threat - or at least a use of bad medicine.

    TDS is real. Real sad and real sick.

  14. Trump is a dick. Too bad democrats haven't learned a damn thing about how to beat him. Consider Hillary's constant visits to cesspool Hollywood (CA never in doubt) while refusing to set foot in yucky Wisconsin. "Let men use the girl's bathroom" isn't a plan to salvage America's future.

  15. Hillary was using the old formula that whoever spends the most money wins, so she spent most of her time fundraising. Obviously she got some awful advice from her team, just awful, but they were probably afraid to be frank with her. Good news though, she's probably going to try again in 2020 with a new strategy, can't wait for those bumper stickers! ;)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Someone fucked with his IMDB page; his nickname is now 'Coward.'😆😆😆😆😆

  17. Jack Morrissey? Isn't that the guy that's supposedly producing Dancing Boy's movie??

    *slinks back into lurkdom*

  18. Does anyone believe that Covington Catholic Kid was innocent of that 'in your face' staredown? FWIW I don't believe he was not nonconfrontational given the events that led up to it. I saw the full videos and everyone was contributing to the powder keg. I must conclude that the kid's basically exaggerating/lying about being innocent of THE STAREDOWN. I've been on the receiving end of that you blink first staredown and it's for real and it's "on purpose".

  19. Oooh, STAREDOWN!

    I agree, though, the best response to some crazy old dude banging a drum in your face is to step away... unfortunately, this "grown man" kept going from kid to kid, so I doubt avoiding him completely probably was an option.

  20. Oh yeah, to hell with all that. If some old dude starts beating a drum in my kid's face, invading his personal space, while the kid is just standing there not saying anything, there's going to be issues. And I've got more Native American blood than Elizabeth Warren, which isn't saying much of course. ;)

  21. It takes a special kind of dumbfuck to make spoiled kids in MAGA hats into the good guys... but this drumbthumping attention whore has what it takes.

  22. I hear you Brayson. Get up in my kid’s face and you get the Puerto Rican Irish fury raining down on your head. I’ll gladly do weekends and anger management. It won’t be the first time.

  23. Crazy old man lied about being a Vietnam Vet as well

    Before that IIRR the Hebrew black army? was extremely aggressive.

    MSM said they deserved it for wearing their red caps....

    I think it's safe to say, Trump makes the left reveal their core fascist nature.

  24. Combat vets really love it when other vets are wish-washy about where they were deployed.


    "Correction: Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips said he served in the U.S. Marines but was never deployed to Vietnam."


    "Phillips himself does not appear to have ever made the claim that he deployed to Vietnam. In several interviews, he has referred to himself as a “Vietnam times veteran.”"

  25. Such a surprise. I always assumed you could bang a drum for minutes on end four inches from some stranger's face without it "getting ugly."

    I mean, it's totally peaceful behavior.

  26. The Hollyweird contingent will probably make the drummer an Oscar presenter.

  27. These "Covington Kids" were not the innocents they want the world believe. Nor are they the unaware and uneducated young men who wanted to show concern for their fellow man. They knew they were baiting and inflaming groups of agitated protesters, zealots and embittered activists. Those students basically wanted to have a laugh at the expense of those inflamed protesters. Those students certainly knew their mocking behavior was adding to the powder keg situation so if they truly wanted to calm things down they should have simply walked away and let the other groups go by. Instead they inflamed and escalated the situation by screaming and mocking, smirking and staring down the hyped up activists. There is nothing illegal about protesting as everyone has a right to their opinions, but for those students to rewrite their intentions after learning about the opposing groups' backgrounds is more than disingenuous. The attempted bullying, mocking and racial insensitivity is indeed shocking but more than that is how the chaperones did not encourage the young men to walk away for their safety. They too are to be held responsible for encouraging a potentially dangerous, inflammatory situation.

  28. Bluestar, do you think the same way when Antifa protesters do worse than that during rallies for Trump while wearing masks to hide their identities?

    1. Yeah Rowdy. Antifa runs down those who oppose them with cars. Pffft. Sit down.

  29. @bluestar - I agree, that kid is guilty of a exhibiting an improper facial expression. and needs to be reeducated about showing proper respect for his elders. The authorities have been far too lenient in allowing facecrime to flourish.

  30. A liberal progressive peaceful leftie, publicly wishing a sickening, gruesome death upon those who disagree with his pacifist views?
    Colour me shocked.

  31. THey couldn't just walk away because they were waiting for a bus... and when you are kid waiting for a bus, you don't have the control an adult does when it comes to making calls and changing arrangements.

    Also these are KIDS, whatever happened to adults being adults. It is the adults who are supposed to act with dignity and teach and CORRECT children when they are acting inappropriately, not descend on them like a pack of wild hyenas. How do you expect these kids to grow up and learn the right way of acting in this world when all the adults have lost the plot and are acting like crazed sociopaths?

  32. Last word - for 8 years before I had enough of petulant teenage assholes teaching HS I know how jock assholes roll. Especially when parents get involved.

  33. Those kids, and that 'in your face' idiot were/was looking for his 15 minutes. Congrats. Now they get to go to the now disgraces White House.
    I don't care who rolls back their 'first impression'.
    And yes, I watched the entire version of events.
    Hope they enjoy their disgusting burgers.

  34. *now disgraced White House.
