Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Blind Item #4

This Housewife is dropping a bunch of weight, but using Adderrall to do it. So, when she comes out with a diet and exercise book, it will be all crap.


  1. Shannon Beador?

  2. Or fish lips Kim Z

  3. Definitely Shannon Beador...her instagram has fresh skinny pics

  4. The Countess? or Shannon...

  5. I love her and hope not but Kandi is looking AMAZING lately and lost a lot of weight.

  6. bethenny has no fat to lose.

  7. Shannon for sure. Unless she’s Facetuning pics...she’s dropping lbs fast

  8. Teresa actually goes to the gym and eats sensibly, this has to be crazy Shannon!

  9. Vile Kyle Richards was in the DM yesterday with an entirely different body. When the show started years ago she looked dumpy.

  10. What is up with all the adderrall dieting blinds? Did stars only just find out it's a quick way to lose weight if you're cool with potentially losing your mind?

  11. Losing weight is the hardest easiest thing I ever did.

    If you Count Calories, Exercise and Fight off the between meal hunger pangs, you will lose weight slowy!

    Plus, junk food is nothing but empty calories! Stay Away!


    (Stepping down off my soap box now.)

  12. Definitely Shannon Beador debuting a skinny look and she actually does look terrific. Fellow housewife Tamra is claiming to be training her so now we know they BOTH get a paycheck out of this!

  13. +1 Shannon and she will also say the weight loss is from eating her food that she sells on QVC

  14. Too bad reality stars are too poor to afford doppelgangers, could have been another Avril, I mean Melissa. ;)

  15. Beador. She's exercise-averse and unwilling to put down the fork and the vodka. Fat is fine, unless the fat person whines endlessly about being fat.

  16. I don't know who's that crazy, because Adderrall (sp) can also cause you to speed, break out with acme, and among other things it causes some to rage at others.. Housewives in the best zip codes, it's their breakfast, lunch, an apple and a dry salad at night.
    What a miserable life.. I gained weight when I went through three family members drying with 3 months of each other and they were healthy.
    I couldn't express the pain I was feeling and having to always be the one who handles the arrangements for them..
    I decided 6 months later that I looked horrible 40 lbs heavier, thank goodness I'm 5'11 I only went up one pant and dress size, but those breast, hips and ass was too big.. I asked my spouse why you didn't say anything to me? What was he really going to say, that would have just ticked me off to the max.. I like the weight gain, he said to me looks damn good girly...
    Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup with a kick, ginger and red pepper flakes, chicken, celery, carrots, peas, potatoes and noodles..
    Parsley and a 1/2 teaspoon of fresh grated Parmesan cheese with fresh parsley on top, 5 eat crackers..
    I ate it for breakfast and dinner, for lunch I ate whatever I wanted.. I lost 40 lbs in 2 months and now it's 60 lbs..
    I have a little bit of loose skin on my hips and ass by losing the weight quickly.. it shocked me that I've lost so much weight without giving
    up my favorite thing to have is a nice cold Coke Cola.. I dranked 4 cola a day..
    Lent is coming up and I need to quit smoking badly, I hate the taste and smell of smoking, but it's calming to me..
    I can't give up cokes because I really don't need to lose anymore weight and I will lose weight no drinking any sodas at all.

  17. How on earth are all these people getting prescribed adderall? Surely the docs know they are not ADD??

    1. You can buy it from college students.

  18. @trapped that is one hell of a diet. congrats on the weight loss. give up the smoking for lent & put everything else on the backburner (weightloss, coke). seriously. focus on one at a time.

    I smoked 17yrs. patch worked for me, I weaned off in 2 weeks. good luck to ya

  19. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Are people actually watching this junk?
