Saturday, January 26, 2019

Blind Item #4

This permanent A list singer is proving once again that if the check is large enough, she would perform for anyone under any conditions. OK, maybe not a live execution, but shortly thereafter probably.


  1. I'm sure Feminist Beyonce would take the cash too.

  2. Cash is king. Crying about human rights violations isnt going to have you leaving a pawn shop w/ a Halliburton full of $100s.

  3. This is sad because they are in the unique position to say NO and issue a press release to this effect. Sure it is a lot of money but they make a lot of money, period. You can't take it in the box with you.

  4. Crazy ! She must be broke and insane! Hell on earth for women.

  5. Thank goodness we have these exalted people to show us how to be! Human rights? Not if a paycheck is involved! But I’m sure they’ll give interviews and tweet about how oppressed they are here by DRUMPF 🙄

  6. Mariah Carey or Beyoncé

  7. Isn't that Christmas song money enough? How greedy can you be?

  8. Looks like everyone is willing to talk it up about “bad violent people” and then turn a blind eye to Saudi Arabia.*

    @astra: so would you turn down a few mil to make a special appearance in Saudi Arabia? Hate to say it, but I probably wouldn’t.****

    *Except a few like Kashoggi.**
    **And, yeah... ***
    ***That alone should be the best reason to figure out effective power cell technology that doesn’t rely on hydrocarbons, but what do I know...
    ****I’d be thinking from the point of signing on the dotted line what I could do to bear witness to the problems endemic there though. I’ll have more respect for whoever it is if they talk.

    1. If I didn’t have to screw anyone or do sexual stuff, you better believe I’d go and make that money! However the difference is that I’m not preaching about how moral, uptight and what a virtuous feminist I am, to millions of people. I recognize that different countries have different cultures, and while I may not necessarily agree with them, it’s not my place to interfere with their ways. Unfortunately celebrities don’t do this.

  9. They pay more so people like her and JLo go for the easy payday and hour concert. Then they don't have to tour or do residencies.

    1. Sandy, dont forget the income is tax free, either stashed off shore or laundered via jewelry purchases.

  10. Glades Knight at the Super Bowl

  11. I dont like Mariah going to some of the places she does.
    She was performing in St Barts at New Years, when some of the dregs of humanity, bottom dwelling scum, are down there.
    I have a bad feeling about it. She just circles the globe too much.

  12. But thank God none of these entitled fucktards refuse to sing at the Superbowl, eh? Because that would be wellll beyond the fucking pale, wouldn't it.

  13. Forgot about the tax loophole\money laundering into a Dubai account.

  14. Ahhh, so this blind is believable but the MM/CC’s aren’t? Interesting. Trying to learn the rules.

    Oh and Mariah? She’s about as much of a feminist as Gaga. Fuck ‘em both.

  15. Ho's gonna Ho.....

  16. Mariah or Jennifer Lopez
