Monday, January 14, 2019

Blind Item #5

This B+ list mostly television actress all of you know is married. She is also closeted. She was yelling at her latest girlfriend on the phone while at a restaurant because the girlfriend was leaving the actress because the actress is cheating on her.


  1. Who was she dating? I forget that now.

  2. She was with her ex business partner... maybe it’s Allison Brie?

  3. Would Anna Paquin be considered closeted??

  4. Biel would be so cool if she comes out. A Portia kind of character if she just comes out..

  5. *Sigh*
    I really wish lesbians could hold themselves to a higher standard and not do this.

    1. If she dates a man she is not a lesbian

    2. But Jessica biel is a lez?

    3. Ohhh I see.... "Bi erasure" is it?
      Nope, not from me you won't get that.
      I have it on very good authority that there are Indeed MANY bisexuals out here.

    4. @Danilo & Rosie: Bisexuals and Pansexuald aside, if I had a dime for every lesbian I’ve known who at least went through a period of forcing herself to date men for the social acceptance or to throw her friends and family off her Big Gay Secret or even because she was in denial herself, I could treat myself to a nice cup of coffee. We’re talking Starbucks here, Venti. Not some 7-11 pour it yrself bull.*

      *Obvs joking about 7-11 coffee being crap compared to Starbucks’ burnt beans.**
      **But not the lesbian thing. Seriously.***
      ***Bi/Pan erasure sucks, too. ****
      ****But what is it about people who think nobody EVAHR dated or slept with someone who repulsed them for other personal reasons? Or does that only apply to LGBT ppl?

    5. @rosie: Yeah, më too on the higher standard thing. But we’re human. Whatcha gonna do, eh?

      You’d think more of us would be coming out by now. But no...

    6. @HanNiam - I haven't seen you post in a while, I always enjoy your banter and footnotes.

    7. @Eupheme Thanks for that, and it’s good to see you’re still around, too! I haven’t posted much for a while because my give a damn, as they say, was buste- the shop for repairs.

      (My presence here in CDAN always depends on my current level of tolerance for wank,* judgey mcjudgersons,** and trolls.*** Also my willingness to get into arguments.****)

      *And not the fun kind.
      **Again, not the fun kind
      ***If only they were the fun kind. Y’know with the cool fidgetey hair and stuff.
      ****Greatly prefer the fun kind, but sometimes you take the argument you’ve got over the argument you wish you were having.

  6. Brie is closeted??

    1. But sure -Bi maybe?
      They both are I think.

    2. She looks totally like a lesbian to me. I would be shocked if she wasn’t.

  7. Biel i can see. Brie did not know nor saw coming.

  8. And obviously nobody whipped out their phone to record a famous person yelling in public! Sigh, Enty cmon man, at least have some respect for our brain cells!

  9. Don't think Anna is closeted, she admits she's Bi.

  10. And her husband knows. Pink gives off this vibe too.

  11. I wish this site had a like button. You people are hilarious. I know i can +1, but it's not the same.

  12. Dr. Kimberly Shaw

  13. I think what I most want to know, has anyone seen Brayson and Amazing Quotes in the same room together?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. What happened to Geejire??

  16. Not only is she with a chick but cheating on chick with another chick? Oh I so want names enty
