Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Blind Item #6

Speaking of bad producers, this way under age actress who stars in a movie franchise and a cartoon show that is the Russian version of the annoying Calliou is fighting off producers at every award show stop honoring her brilliant movie performance. There are so many guys always hitting on her who love she can't even drive.


  1. Replies
    1. She does V/O in the Despicable me franchise/film performance is in 8th Grade

    2. She’s credited in Masha and the Bear. I knew the cartoon when mentioned because I had the horrible displeasure of watching it this past weekend.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. WTF is going on with these producers and award shows?

  4. Despicable Me is Russian? What Russian show is she in? Does she speak the language? I don't get this clue unless they mean it in a figurative way.

    Anyway, if it's Elsie Fisher she is 15. That's disgusting. But this is Hollywood so it's sadly not shocking at all. Maybe we should replace child actors with CGI. It would be safer.

    1. Elsie Fisher is not a child anymore.

  5. Does she have parents? Or is she just finding her own food and shelter in a forest someplace?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @Adrastia, they'd still need child voice actors, but the kids could do it over the phone from home, or perhaps safely guarded in a police station while the producers climb the walls and lick the windows as they try to get in at the children.

  8. Ok the show is probably Masha and the Bear. I don’t know anyone that does voices or whatever. Just know of the show. And Caillou is one of the least annoying kids shows out there!

  9. ... And Caillou is one of the *most* annoying kids show out there! ... Phew, glad I got that fixed for ya, astra. 😀

  10. Aww but why? He’s so cute! The narrator lady is annoying but his little adventures are harmless and it isn’t shrieking flashing lights and extremely annoying voices like 99% of kids shows! Caillou forever!

  11. Sorry astra, I have to agree with kelli grrrl. Toupie and Binou is so much better.

    Brayson, for some reason I picture a World War Z-like scenario - producers climbing over the walls, foaming at the mouth, pants unzipped.

    I'd like to know how these producers sleep at night and how the hell they manage to justify the rape of young children.

  12. Watching today's kid's shows, it's no wonder the children are so messed up. If anyone was forced to watch that crap their brains would turn to jello too.

  13. "For the first season in English, Elsie Fisher—the voice of Agnes, the youngest of the three girls in the Despicable Me films—was chosen to dub the voice of Masha.[2]"

  14. This Masha and the Bear looks decent though.

  15. @shakey, that's pretty much want I imagined, except instead of brains they need to feed on innocence.

    I always said we could solve the world's electricity needs by putting pedos in human sized hamster wheel/turbines with a copy of Boy's Life/Highights/Seventeen hanging on a wire just out of reach ahead of them. They'd keep running and running trying to reach them, they're like the energizer bunnies of sexual assault.

  16. That probably explains her wearing a man suit the other day - little did she know that probably turns them on even more. It's disgusting.

  17. @ astra — My daughter loved Caillou. In fact, a Caillou DVD was the only thing that made her happy on an 8-hour (each way!) road trip. So the sight and/or sound of that whiny-assed, Canadian, bald brat makes me so angry!!! Overreaction? Totally!!! 😂

    1. Omg that would make anyone hate anything! Now I understand!

  18. @kelli Caillou is the worst!

  19. Next time you see a blind item about an underage girl and a producer at an after-show party, remember it's most likely bullshit. In Enty's world, at every major award show, there are always something like 30 or 40 middle-aged guys who hit on tweens in plain sight at every party, without anybody saying anything. Those blinds are also never revealed, while it would be a public service to out the pig, compared to, let's say, the identity of a starlet who had a miscarriage or tried to commit suicide.

    So, either the blinds are just a bunch of Mad Libs to cater to the audience or there's a kernel of truth and Enty doesn't want to be sued by revealing the names of the pervs. But, given how vague the blinds are about the adult hitting on the minor, it's obvious he doesn't even want people trying to guess the name of the guy. Because names don't matter. The important word is "producers", or more accurately "(((producers)))", because people like Brayson87 need to have their boner today.

  20. Don't be "Boner shaming" ppl here.... That's sexist!!

  21. Calliou is a brat and whiner had to stop my son from watching it. He started whining just like that little big head m-eefer just started whining out of no where.

  22. @Angela, like the Teen Choice Awards and the after parties aren't a complete shitshow? Please come around when the rest of us are actually here, it's way better with differing opinions to add to the conversation. Oh and great English for a Frenchman, didn't know Angela was a man's name in Paris, unless your profile is a lie too. ;)

  23. @Paul, Elsie Fisher is freakin' 15 years old, that's a child.

    "Born Elsie Kate Fisher

    April 3, 2003 (age 15)"

  24. It's like when the sun goes down the rats come out.

  25. @Brayson87

    Well, Angela can be an alias for a man as much as Brayson can be an alias for an asswipe, so it's nothing out of the ordinary.
    Et je peux fournir au besoin suffisamment d'Ă©lĂ©ments montrant que le français est ma langue maternelle ou que la France est effectivement mon pays. Je ne vois en fait pas pourquoi je mentirais sur un tel sujet et que je me compliquerais Ă  ce point la vie, si j'Ă©tais amĂ©ricain et que je m'Ă©tais inventĂ© des attaches françaises simplement pour semer la confusion. D'ailleurs, comme je sais pertinemment que je suis bel et bien français, le fait que vous sortiez des arguments pareils me concernant montre surtout que vous ĂȘtes de mauvaise foi et prĂȘt Ă  utiliser n'importe quelle Ăąnerie pour me dĂ©crĂ©dibiliser, donc que j'ai dĂ» toucher une corde sensible vous concernant. C'est instructif.

    The thing is that there's always a pattern to these blind items over the years. Most of the time, you have details about the girl who gets these offers, you can make some guesses about who she is, but never anything about the creeps who are the ones really deserving of being outed and shamed. These ones are always safe, never a reveal about them. And if there were one, I'd be curious to hear details about it.
    Sure, those producers are never in the spotlight, they're not famous, just names you can read on the credits of a show. But why not give us clues about the names of these shows? If they're careless enough to hit on underage girls in the open during parties, in front of many witnesses, the site wouldn't take many risks by alluding to who they actually are. But the blinds are never interested in that, they just depict the mood of these aftershow parties, where a drove of middle-aged men would line up to proposition the underage starlet of the month.

    I have no doubts that there are awful people and predators in this industry. I just don't believe that they operate that casually. Sure, there can be a few desperate has-beens who will brag about their past credits at parties and hit on an actress, even if the movies they were involved with were released before she was even born.
    And it also makes no sense. Why are these girls always alone, without a chaperon or friends of a similar age in parties, where they don't know anybody, at a time they're supposed to be in bed? They may be there because their network asked them to pose for a couple of pictures and do a little promo, but they have no motivation to stay after that and spend all their time at an industry party where they barely know anybody.
    Then, if an actual predator has an inch of common sense, he would rather refrain himself at these parties. He would just offer the actresses to meet to discuss a vague project. Dan Schneider wasn't hitting on underage girls at parties (he was never the guy in these aftershow blind items), he would do that in other places at other times.

    That's why it should be obvious that these blinds are just made up stories that Enty puts together after every major award night, to claim that Hollywood is a debauched and rotten world, full of evil producers. But the producers in these stories are mostly very, very dumb, as it would just take one person with a smartphone to film the scene from a few yards away and ruin their career.

  26. @Brayson
    According to medical science, a girl nearly 16 years old is no longer a child. Next,you'll be telling me 60 is the new 50. Right, Boomer girl?

  27. I hate to be TERRIBLE, but why? Just her youth?? She's not particularly "cute".

  28. Why is it always the french? I'm not british or german, I didn't do anything to the french.

    @Angela, It's totally cool to identify with whatever gender you wish, just think that you'd want your profile to match. Be the woman. Not the shill.

    @Paul, puberty is not the line we use in modern society.

  29. @Brayson
    What line do you suggest we use? God knows how many of your great-great grandmothers, reaching back thousands of years, were less than 18 years old and even younger. As a society, we're fooling women into believing they're still too young to reproduce at 30, and telling top fertile 18 year old women that they're children. It's sheer madness, if you ask me.
