Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Blind Item #6

Speaking of closeted, I don't know if this part-time reality star full time suckup to this reality family is still pretending to date that woman he has been hanging out with forever, but for the past few weeks she has been sucking face in public with a guy who I'm guessing she is doing a lot more with when not in public.


  1. Replies
    1. I’m starting to think in addition to all their other putrid qualities-the Kardashians are homophobes. Why else is Cheban so afraid to come out-as well as Kendall?

    2. I have often wondered the same, Tricia. Which would explain Kris’ insistence that she HAD NO IDEA that her husband cross-dressed or de retry wanted to be a woman.

    3. *or secretly wanted to be a woman

      #FatFingers #TinyPhoneKeyboard

    4. Exactly @Freebird

  2. All the good beards have been taken, he'll have to wait until next season. And he'll need an A++ beard to get him anywhere near straight.

  3. @Tricia, it is incredibly strange, like Caitlyn was all right but not them? It's not like they'd lose fans and Kendall doesn't seem like one of the big earners.

  4. Other than gay, The only thing Jonathan cheban looks like is an androgynous lesbian.

  5. I don’t get PMK management of Kendall. It’s like she sabotages her with the Pepsi ad, the Frye Festival, and the proactive crap. Her beards are crappy too.

  6. MD good point. Kendall loves her Dad and is the kid who has been thebmost loyal to her. PMK rewards the kids who only deal with her. She does anything to protect Khloe, Kylie and Kim.

  7. Jonathan Grossban. He’s looking more & more like that Ken doll wanna-be freak.

  8. PMK, there's nothing like a sassy gay friend!

    Also, I assume Caitlyn was gonna do whatever she wanted without PMK's blessing.

  9. There is a very “special” Hell, awaiting PMK. And it involves zero cell phones, zero money and NO ONE watching or caring what she does. Same goes for her whole tribe.

    1. She def has Satan on speed dial.

      I cannot remember a time they have not been contaminating the daily news cycle.

      10+ yrs is a damn long run of almost total news cycle domination.

      How have they managed to stay this relevant for so long?

      I do not know anyone who is less than repulsed by their egregious vulgarity.

      Are they also in cahoots with Russia & Cambridge Analytic types. WTF?? WHY WONT THEY GO AWAY???

  10. Cheban should do a reality show where he locks himself in a dark room and we see if he melts in night vision. Poor beard though. Nobody still knows her name.

  11. The K crew all claim to be major church attendees. Homophobia is in the ball park.

  12. @Tricia....I worship the genius lightening fast ground you walk on ....xxxx

  13. I always wonder why Kendall doesn't just live how she wants to, fuck everyone else's opinions. Then I remember who her mother is and know she's probably emotionally unable to cope without Kris gleefully running her life. Rob is in the same boat, zero independence and an absolute fear of being shut out by the family like Caitlyn was.

  14. I recall Kris admitting she knew Bruce liked to crossdress in private.

  15. i dont think they are homophobes they are just very brand centric and always want to appeal to the biggest audiences but to be honest Kris is making a mistake with Kendall .. if shes lezzie let her ... will work out for her longterm... now cheban may actually be bruce jenner 2.0 .. not gay but trans

  16. I don't mind the guy but then I don't mind any of them. He is odd looking for someone that closely adjacent to that many stylists.

  17. Oh I was worried that the beard was going to be kissing Cheban! Thank god that poor woman doesn’t have to go through such a horrible experience. He’s nighmarish on every level.

  18. There's a very amusing FB group "I Was Personally Wronged by Jonathan Cheban" - I personally feel I was as he blocked me from IG for a comment I made about his arrogance in proclaiming himself a "g-d" or any type. Anyone can join - it's not a very active page, but an amusing one!
