Thursday, January 31, 2019

Blind Item #8 - Mr. X

What B-list singer/songwriter/celeb spawn of an A+++ lister has been having trouble getting her memoirs published for the last decade or so? It's a roman a clef, so names are changed. The reason why many publishing houses refuse to publish it is because she reveals that the mogul/enabler of that disgraced director raped someone very close to the singer when that person was underage. Not only that, but she also accuses the mogul of orchestrating the media smear campaign of not only that close person, but also a relation of said person when that family member was blackballed due to a national scandal. She also was going to reveal that she  was molested when she was underage by the leader of that cult she and her family were a part of for many years. There are also allegedly sordid details involving several closeted celebs not only who are members of that cult, but people who she considers friends and acquaintances. Maybe she'll self publish the book, but the amount of shocking detail in it may keep it from seeing the light of day.


  1. Hubbard and Scientology

  2. +1 Tricia and MD on all counts.

    Publish it Lisa Marie!

  3. Was the relative Michael Jackson?

  4. Publish it LM! I'd buy that all day long to help support the fight.

  5. Poor Lisa Marie. I wish Elvis had lived. He was screwed up but I can’t help but think she would’ve had a slightly better chance than she did with her whackadoodle mother and Scientology.

  6. Her daughter was super hot as a whore in the Girlfriend Experience show. I'd imagine being a $cio was good prep work for playing a soulless whore.

  7. Certainly sounds like they're getting ready to suicide her, she must have some real dirt on them. Just post it anywhere on the net Lisa Marie, it's the only way you'll be safe!

  8. So is Mr.X saying that Lisa Marie is suicidally depressed and will do the full Robin Williams soon ???????

  9. If Mj is the close friend then is it Janet Jackson and the Super Bowl nipslip

  10. Brayson I was still writing mine when you posted.

  11. Gofundme Lisa!we want the tea!!!!

  12. lol, I can't wait to donate my hard-earned money to Lisa Marie Presley.

  13. So Geffen raped Michael Jackson and later on orchastrated a smear campaign against Janet? Okay.

  14. Look at how 50 Shades of Grey got started and picked up, Lisa Marie would have a much easier time.

  15. LMP, for sure! I've always thought , "oh the stories this one could tell! ," and that was long before the veil started lifting on Co S. ..

    She and Wynnona Judd both have those ass-kicking, nail-spitting eyes...God help you once they've decided they've got no shits left to give!

  16. Mind blowing!! No wonder she is such a wreck. Hope she recovers soon and it will be published someday.

  17. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say MJ is in here

    Lisa Marie Presley accuses Geffen, protector of Bryan Singer, of raping Michael Jackson (close to her) when he was underage and later, orchestrating his smear campaign...and that of family member(s)…
    and that she was molested by Scientology, LRH I guess....
    and that she knows a bunch of closeted scientology members (Travolta for starters I guess - but who cares)

    Geez these people are sick
    why do so many stay in the closet while "proudly supporting" LGB(T)

  18. She may not get suicided but the Enquirer is preparing us for her death via drug overdose.

  19. If MJ is victim of smear is Leaving Neverland just B.S?

    How could he be smeared and the allegations be true?

  20. The idea of Brian Singer raping MJ is crazy... MJ is 7 years older than Brian Singer.

  21. @cc, not singer for MJ

  22. I bet Jackie Collins could have gotten it published.

  23. perhaps one day when Geffen can only hope

  24. I hope she find someone in the publishing industry that’s not afraid of the truth be told.
    This child has been through so much pain I actually feel sorry for her
    Her mother is no better, she always running around looking for a man.
    Her being married to Elvis at 16 tells me a lot about her family also.
    They dated since she was 14-15 years old. Oh hell no my daughter is not for sale.
    There’s a whole family of troublesome information about their lives.
    Money doesn’t buy happiness and Lisa should know, that’s why they do drugs
    to numb the pain and shame of what happened to them.

    1. Drugs don't numb any spiritual pain in any way. On the contrary, they add further pain.

  25. F*ck publishers, eBook!

  26. It fits, then.

    The more known of MJ's accusers all admitted to lying about it at some point or other and Michael always spent his life trying to recreate - in his words - "the childhood he never had". Most assumed it was due to his dad working the Five like slaves but sexual assault as a child could be another reason.

    Plus, if you look at one of the kids who killed the British toddler James Bulger in the early 90s - and whose mother is trying to get the short film, "Detainment", pulled from this year's Oscars - he was re-arrested a few times after release for having child porn.

  27. It's a slippery slope with her being an ex-Scientologist, because u know they would hound her to the edges of the earth. She has the money for bodyguards though, and I would believe her over the couch jumper or gay ol Travolta and his mouth piece Kirstie!

  28. 'cc423 said...

    The idea of Brian Singer raping MJ is crazy... MJ is 7 years older than Brian Singer.'--- Geffen, protector of Bryan Singer, was raping Michael Jackson when he was underage and later, orchestrating his smear campaign.

    1. Geffen probably threw Michael Jackson under the bus. But the dirt on MJ was real. MJ was a pedo. There's no doubt about it. Revealing is not the same as smearing.

  29. lisa marie presley
    david geffen/bryan singer
    michael jackson
    janet jackson
    l ron hubbard/scientology
    john travolta/tom cruise

  30. Not so fast on the Mogul being Geffen just yet... Keep in mind Singer's idol is Speilberg!

    ... just sayin

  31. Hope she can self publish before they snuff her out! She never had a chance with those parents.

    Saw her perform once and she was quite good.

  32. Self publish on amazon! We all need to read this!

  33. DO IT, DO IT AND DO IT, LISA MARIE....and go on The Scio show!!!!!!

  34. I don't think anyone would believe her. They will say she's a crazy druggie. But I have heard the story Michael Jackson was smeared to be pedo by some very powerful hollywood's Jews for years. Is Geffen a Jew? That makes sence then.

  35. Here come the shills! ;)

  36. MJ hated Spielberg so perhaps him. Self publish, it would sell!

  37. Not saying that MJ wasn’t guilty, but Leaving Neverland was a huge gift for Singer - it completely took the heat off of him and focused it all on MJ. It also overshadowed a Weinstein doc that was supposed to hit big. Geffen will do anything to keep Singer out of jail. I’m glad the brave men in Leaving Neverland are getting their say and it’s an important doc, but I do question it’s timing re Singer and Weinstein. I’d personally rather see a living pedo, still active in his crimes, still constantly grooming and preying on underage boys get busted, than a dead pedo who can no longer abuse children. It makes me sick that the Singer piece in the Atlantic is no longer getting the attention it deserves. He’s going to swerve this AGAIN because of this and it’s f*cked up. Apparently Geffen has been watching Leaving Neverland on his yacht with Oprah and Gayle! That doc is supposed to be on lockdown. No one is allowed to view outside Sundance, in case copies are made and it streams before HBO and Channel 4 UK get their big exclusive TV premieres. Yet Geffen has a copy 🤔 The only way that I can see that happening is if Geffen was involved in funding or production in some way and therefore has rights to a copy. He would also have a say in when it dropped and damn did it drop at exactly the perfect time to deflect the Atlantic piece and save Singers ass.

  38. She should definitely self pub. Even at $2.99/bk she would make a killing.

  39. Sal T you have some good questions who gave money for making Leaving Neverland and for it's huge , massive promo. But the movie production takes much time. Geffen couldn't know the time of the Singer's scandal would begin. He made it before the scandal. The question is why. It doesn't seem he hates pedos.

  40. Whew. A lot I want to say here but not tonight. I feel sorry for LMP no doubt. I would buy her book, for sure. RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN AWAY from all of "them" Lisa and let it all hang out!

  41. @DIA He could’ve had it waiting in the wings for any potential scandal re Singer. It’s been several months since BS posted on his Instagram that he knew a publication was planning to expose him. Leaving Neverland has very basic production. It’s basically 2 guys and their families talking candidly in front of the camera. Not film level production, more documentary. It could’ve been completed in a couple of months. Now, the backing of it both financially and getting a studio on board, getting it on the bill at Sundance, promotion, distribution etc is where Geffen would step in. Dan Reid is a virtually unknown director who made one TV documentary in the UK, he wouldn’t have been able to finance the film despite its low budget, Robson and Safechuck are both massively in debt to their lawyers from their several attempts to sue MJ’s estate. The cases kept getting thrown out, but they continued trying to sue from different angles for 5 years. They certainly couldn’t finance it. Remember that Leaving Neverland was a last minute rushed addition to the Sundance Film Festival. That could’ve been because it was the perfect time to distract the public and completely overshadow the Singer allegations. And as we know, it achieved exactly that.

  42. Underage Michael wasn't exactly a beauty. Spotty and not terribly cute. And just because Geffen is gay doesn't mean he's a pedophile. I seriously doubt he was chasing after young MJ. And no one orchestrated a smear campaign against MJ. He's a pedophile. Some may have pushed for him to be revealed as one, rather than protected. In which case, it's more likely someone from Sony.

  43. @Sal T - of course it's a documentary. That's why it's called a documentary. And no, it can't be thrown together last minute. It requires research and 100s of hours of interviews and editing. If Geffen wanted to distract from Singer, there are a million ways to do that that don't involve a 4 hour documentary about a dead guy that everyone already knew was a pedophile. Plus, no one has forgotten about Singer.

  44. Hubtard died in '86 at the age of 74. He went into hiding in the late '70s and was in TERRIBLE health. No one had contact with him except the Broekers, his Dr., and his messengers. I don't think they were sneaking a young girl out there. He had plenty of other things to worry about.
    Lisa Marie was 18 at the time of his death.

    Miss Cabbage is 8 years her senior. I pick him. David Miscaviage is a narcissistic psychopath. I could totally see him doing that. He took over Scientology at the age of 26 in 1986. He has no problem walking up to someone and punching them in the face. No, rape isn't beneath him.

  45. Underage Michael - in all his naturalism - was beautiful.

  46. @Unknown well, the rumors about Geffen being a pedophile is not because he's gay, but because he was one of the original investor behind Bryan Singer and Marc Collin Recto's DEN. Why such a powerful guy like Geffen would put money into what was basically a pedophile ring? also, you seem weirdly over defensive of Geffen. Sorry, but you seem suspicious

  47. @Unknown, Geffen IS a pedo - you dumbass. There are pics and stories all over the internet. It's alllll coming to light, no apologies.

  48. @Sal T i ask myself the same question. How a filmmaker who's unknown got Sundance, HBO, David Geffen behind him? maybe i'm being ignorant, but at least th director of the doc is really well connected, i smell something weird. Also, like you said before, why focus on someone that's dead? Also, the only dead celebrity the media focus is mj, when we all know there are plenty of rock stars, some are dead, who were doing the same thing.

  49. @unknown It depends on how old MJ was at the time, he may have had some awkward teenage years, but 10 year old MJ for example was a very cute looking kid. Geffen would’ve been 25 when MJ was 10. I can believe there was a smear campaign too, even pedophiles can be smeared! Geffen, Spielberg and MJ were once close friends, there was an epic falling out between Spielberg and Jackson around 1989/90, SS and DG threatened to ruin MJ’s career. MJ told them to go ahead and try. MJ even tried to put a curse on SS and DG several times! Spielberg and Geffen are also friends with the owners of some of the biggest news conglomerates (mostly tabloid based) they are also friends with the now deceased Sony boss Tommy Mottola. There are lots of connections and I think the smears were to distract the public from various negative news stories and also what else was going on in Hollywood (whole pedophile rings run by extremely powerful people) It would also serve to ruin MJ’s credibility in case he ever tried to talk. MJ was powerful but not at a SS or DG level, I think after the falling out they sacrificed one of their own (as in pedo’s) not only as a show of power but also as message to any of the others involved. I’m not assuming Geffen is a pedophile just because he’s gay! Sexuality has no relation on pedophilia. Geffen’s proclivities are an open secret in Hollywood. Geffen was having hot tub parties with underage boys for years before Brian Singer directed his first film. Geffen was Singers mentor.

    1. @Sal. Tommy Mottola is still alive. Good reply though!!!

    2. @ Sal T
      "Sexuality has no relation on pedophilia"
      What? Pedophilia is a form of sexuality. An extreme case of homosexuality for the NAMBLA crowd.

  50. Hi unknown above 😊 Just wanted to let you know that my response was to the other unknown a few posts up. Yes, definitely something fishy, if the Singer piece had gained traction and had proper MSM coverage it had the power to end Singer. It was either a deliberate ploy or an extremely lucky coincidence for Singer.

  51. hi Sal T, i know you were answering to the unknown who defended Geffen. I understand. It is really weird. Also, you have to remember that the Singer piece had been around for more than a year, but Singer, somehow managed to stop from being pusblished. I wish some journalist have the guts to write some piece on Geffen. It's not going to happen, but it would be great

  52. To the unknown with the Geffen boner - all the research was already done because of the court cases, all they had to do was read through the files. If Geffen was involved he has the resources to speed up the process - sort out a crew to help with interviews, shots, editing etc Plus 6 months since the article announcement is not an impossible amount of time to create a documentary. I wonder if editing was properly finished before the film (as it was called at Sundance) was rushed to the festival, 4 hours is unusually long. As the Unknown with a brain of their own said, you do seem to be very defensive of Geffen, so I’ll leave you to your fantasies.

  53. @Unknown I knew it was 6 + months since we’d heard about the Singer piece, so thanks for clarifying that it’s been a year. That makes it even more feasible then that they could’ve had the doc put in place to kill the publicity on the Atlantic article. Geffen is one of the biggest monsters out there, I wish there was someway he could be taken down. He’s one of the major kingpins of the Hollywood pedo ring and involved in child trafficking and procuring, plus he looks after his own sick type :(

  54. LMP was born in 68, had her firstchild just before her 21st bday...

  55. Maybe I'm naive but i'm still not convinced MJ was a pedo. I think he confronted SS and DG to defend children and they still hate him for this.

  56. @Sd Oops! Thanks for the correction. x

  57. I do believe MJ was the victim of an organized, long-term smear campaign, and was not a 'pedo'.
    For me the fact that Liz Taylor loved and supported him till her death tells me he wasn't one also.
    From what I know, she was very honest,down to earth, and normal, even considering the life she led from childhood.
    She was very much loved by her children and friends.
    She was probably a victim of hollywood predators too, like all the rest.
    And of course hollywood is the propaganda arm of the deep state, which is heavily invested in child sex, child trafficking, and worse, with lots of money and power behind it to make things happen.

  58. In academia, it's "publish or perish," but if this is in fact a LM-P tell-all, she probably is very aware that self-publishing could be PUBLISH AND PERISH. Hope there's a back up thumb drive that someone trusted has access to should she end up hanging from a bathrobe belt in a nice hotel room...

    Also, I am no expert on any of this, but I'm thinking that it's more likely Speilberg that molested MJ than Geffen. Although, really, it could be both. And to those who are saying MJ wasn't an attractive kid that's matter of opinion, but regardless, that's not a deterrent to a pedophile.

    1. I thought SS was more into little girls.

  59. @Paul Saint John Pedophilia is not an extreme case of homosexuality or any form of sexuality. People are not born pedos! It is a sickness that is incurable and in actuality has very little to do with sex but is about power bc that is what rape is about.
    I also think MJ was innocent. I hope LMP does it.

  60. Sandy 2319 .. FTW!!

    Thank you for esplaining this to the uninformed. Ppl need to stop with the:
    * toxic masculinity
    * all gays are pedophiles
    * woman are always victims
    * sex is bad
    * Flirting is abuse
    Etc, etc, etc....

    The problem is with douchebags that want to feel power over others. They can be old, young, male, female, hetero, homo... Or any other numerous variation.

    If you think you're superior to others... Then YOU ARE SADLY MISTAKEN, and deserving of a death by slow/methodical/calculated torture!!

  61. @Sandy 2319
    Scientists don't know yet the cause of homosexuality. If you do, there's a Nobel Prize waiting for you. As for rape, it's a sexual act. Period.

    1. Scientist don't know the cause of heterosexuality either!!!

      It's a religious concept...

  62. However, don't misunderstand the importance of "roles" in a relationship. Ying/Yang is still imperative... Dominate/submissive is key... But needs to be natural and respectful.

    Two Dom's... don't make a Right! And two subs will never make a decision...

  63. This forum is interesting lol. Also, her father (Lisa) was a hebephile.
