Thursday, January 17, 2019

Blind Item #8

There is now a minimum requirement of 5-7 puff pieces per day praising the alliterate former actress turned A list celebrity. I wonder how all of that will play out when the former husband decides to sell the wedding reception video that is being fought about behind the scenes. 


  1. Replies
    1. I’m guessing she’s puffing on something in the video.

    2. @MD, yes, but it’s already out there that she gave out gift bags that included joints at her first wedding, so it must be something more than that.

  2. Her nastiness Markle

  3. I'm guessing she's puffing on something in the video

    Likely, 4 or 5 of the groomsmen.

  4. @Aquagirl

    i read that too about her first weeding ... err wedding.

    i thought it was such a love story and Harry seemed really happy and madly in love at the wedding. how could he have been so fooled? :(

    1. He doesn’t seem particularly smart, bless his heart. He also doesn’t seem to want to listen to advice. Probably still has a lot of anger about his mom, and just wanted to stick it to his family. A big, big mistake!

  5. MM & Harry got booed last night @ Royal Albert Hall.

  6. @Raven: ‘first weeding’! Ha!

  7. Wait, somebody actually had a decent wedding reception? Now I want to see the video of this rare bird. ;)

  8. OMG can’t wait for that video!!

  9. @Brayson: you’re hanging out with the wrong people. I’ve been to several great weddings. Probably 3 great ones and 30 so/so or horrible ones. The key to the great ones is that they only invited people who they really wanted to be there, they lasted for the whole weekend, and they were very unique—nothing cliched. And also, one was in the south of France so that helped. Happy to say those 3 couples are all still very happily married.

  10. @Aqua, Destination weddings are a different category, that's vacations disguised as ceremonial events lol.

    1. Oh, yeah! Definitely! But I’ve also been to crappy destination weddings because they’re just cookie cutter.

  11. I’ve already seen so many pics of MM’s Jamaica wedding, like the beer pong & the wheelbarrow races on the beach & all that crap, and the pot is common knowledge; so it’s gotta be something bigger. She convinced him to not do the show that he was going to (about an ex-wife marrying into royalty) so if he’s still fighting for this, it’s gotta be something major.

  12. Also f*ck France :)

  13. Hi DM'ERS!! missed y'all while Enty and the Enterns were making up new blinds about your Prince's princess. Welcome back anyway.

  14. Nah, they paid the first hubby off to be quiet. He is the least of their,worries

    1. I think they paid him to get him to not work on that project. MM said she ‘convinced’ him not to do it.

  15. One Bride, Two Cups

  16. I think there was a wedding to someone else before the Jamaica wedding. I read somewhere it was annulled. means Harry is husband #3.

    1. Yeah, but that guy’s not talking.

  17. Have you ever noticed that there isn't usually blind items on the same day about Lindsay Lohan and Meghan Markle?

    This is only the third Meghan Markle this month. Then, we had a string of blind items about this "alliterate former almost A- list mostly movie actress" for days (at least five in two weeks). And today, Meghan returns.
    You could also find out that there's often an Elon Musk blind on slow news days, like today.

    That's what called in the language of journalism, evergreen content. You can basically write the stories in advance. You know they're popular with the audience, you just need to vary the target a little. When people are starting to get tired with expressing their hatred for Markle, it's time to switch to Firecrotch for a while, so the stories about Meghan will sound fresh again.

  18. Of course it's Meghan Markle again. This blind makes it sound like a bombshell, but we already know about her marijuana goody bags. I suppose if it involved her sniffing coke while topless and drunk, screaming at the guests like a harridan--that might be trashy enough to be somewhat interesting. Now inquiring minds want to know when the surrogate is due and just how long she and Harry can keep up the charade.

    1. That’s the one thing that Trevor does have over her. When she hooked up with Harry, Trevor said that he was very upset about losing her because he loved her so much and also it didn’t bother him that she couldn’t have kids because he loved her so much. Subsequently wiped from the internet.

    2. Oh shit, she was barren? Hmm maybe she just told him that. Wouldn’t put it past her. She’s got mean, glittering spider eyes. Something about her is bad news. Bad vibes just waft off her.

  19. oh its been a few days since we last had a MM blind, the gift that keeps on giving to everyone but Harry. I bet MM storys get the most clicks on here, mind you many many of the other celebs mentioned on here ive never heard of of have clue why they are famous, at least MM has a world wide media profile.

  20. There is a growing belief that they have a surrogate...videos show her "bump" creasing, changing shape and even slipping down. They were booed at the Albert Hall last night. The RF needs to take action.

    1. I saw her in that sequined dress. Her bump looked very low and flat in one pic. Like it was slipping. A real pregnancy belly doesn’t do that. If it’s high, it stays high until it drops, then it stays low. It doesn’t move around and change position. Very questionable and suspicious.

  21. @Angela, Aren't you supposed to be a guy from Paris, France?


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  22. Meghan Markle is becoming more unpopular by the day here in the UK. A major reason is that Harry looks so ill and unhappy. She is draining the life out of him.

  23. Chris P, if the first marriage (the annulled one) really happened, wouldn't her former childhood friend or step sister gleefully spill the beans for a stack of cash? Maybe Samantha will include that chapter in her upcoming book. ;) Her past really is murky. What's the story with her mother's disappearance during her teen years? I expect Samantha to include that chapter in her book as well.

    1. Meg has been estranged from that side of the family for so long they might not know about it.

  24. @cupofteaandsliceofcake "world wide media profile" LOL. Except she doesn't. And nobody cares.

  25. Does anyone ever think that Harry looks miserable because of all of the things everyone says about his wife...that he loves? He has always said that he would protect her from the paps and from the "professional" disdain of the British people.

  26. Most of MM's haters would trade places with her in a second.

    1. True but most wouldn't be the narcissistic asshole she is. She is the problem, not him.

    2. I wouldn’t. Who in their right mind would want to marry into that family?!

    3. Hahaha seriously? I don’t “hate” her although I do view her with suspicion. She has a mean face and mean eyes. Really fake seeming all around. I just don’t like her but I don’t have ill will towards her (don’t care that much tbh). But I wouldn’t trade my life with anyone, ever. Especially not to be in the royal family. That is literally to me, hell on earth. Lol I’ve been to London and hated it, I’d never want to live there, even in their palaces.

  27. And to think Harry could have had Chelsey & NONE of this BS

    1. Neither Chelsey nor Cressida wanted to marry him. Didn’t want the limelight.

  28. "puff pieces" are glowing articles meant to puff up the reputation of the person they are about. NOT puffing on marijuana. Also, I can find no proof that they were booed at Royal Albert last night.

    1. I think the majority of people know what a puff piece is but in light of the rumors of her smoking pot at the wedding Enty purposely put it in there. Thank you for the education.

  29. Isn't revenge porn illegal? I know we are all supposed to hate her or whatever, but getting tired of this. Seeing how her family trashes her and embarrasses her daily make me actually feel more sympathy for her. Jeez.

  30. They weren't booed at Albert Hall. They were warmly cheered -- Google is your freind. Still -- Harry continues to look beleaguered.

  31. Trevor has a minimal amount of time to earn money off of Meghan. A year from now no one will care about what she did at her second wedding.

    The really interesting dirt would come from the first husband, Joseph Goldman-Giuliano, the marriage that was annulled. But he has family money and probably doesn't need the cash he'd get from dishing on Meghan.

  32. lilac, I saw the video - they were booed by a lot of people but then a bunch of people started cheering loudly.

  33. Also, I have no insight about whether or not the two of them were boo'ed, but Google is by no means your friend.

    It highlights what it wants to highlight and suppresses what it chooses to suppress. Partly the handiwork of professional publicists and SEO people, partly Google's own biases.

    But if you're looking for the truth on any sensitive matter, trusting Google to bring it to you is a very bad idea.

  34. She is Fergie part 2. Electric Boogaloo.

    Daily Mail loves her, we have at least 3 stories a day. Like there is nothing else going on in the UK at the moment...

    1. Fergie for all her faults is a kind woman. The thing about Markle is that she seems barely human. She is as cold as ice and has no affection for or interest in anyone -- apart from her own greedy self. A sociopath or worse.

  35. @LondonGirl, anything to distract the masses. How's the negotiations going to un-surrender to the EU? Every time I think the US govt is the biggest joke I only have to look across the Atlantic to see worse.

  36. maybe on that tape she says something really racist, that would be very damaging for her,

  37. Wait, wait, wait....They were booed last night? I didn't see that in the Daily Mail.

    And someone please post a link of the bump creasing for heaven's sakes!!!!

  38. My guess is either a sex tape or a tape of her having a complete meltdown and going off on people for not being perfect. According to guests, her “relaxed” destination wedding was still strictly regimented (ex. guests were required to do early morning yoga with Doria and were required to participate in the drinking games at a specific time, which would end at a specific time).

    1. Ew a control freak! The worst people ever. You’d think all that weed and alcohol would calm those types down. Guess not!

  39. She looks ridiculous pawing at her huge bump -- yet somehow able to squat down and pick up a dog (with her six inch heels on) without any effort at all. Her prosthetic actually slipped down on film, she suddenly lost the bump and there was this big bulky mass sliding down towards her thighs. This was at the purple dress event.

    1. Exactly. At six or seven months that is not really possible, no matter what kind of shape you’re in. You’d probably piss your pants and/or fall over. I’d like to see the video of that fake bump sliding down. How do they explain this away, do people not comment? Do most not notice? This is all so fascinating and creepy.

  40. Megan Markle ------ they all have scandals in their backgrounds, so she will fit in fine..

  41. @Unknown: #moonbump on twitter, loads of photos

  42. so she's pulling a Beyonce with the pillow action, eh?

    i just don't get it. how would the Queen ever put up with a surrogate for her bloodline?

    doesn't make sense.

  43. I dont care about the royals but the purple dress pic on Twitter if not doctored clearly show its a strap on bump. Too bad they chose to fake it. With their visibility they could have brought some great conversations about fertility issues.

  44. Harry looks sick to his stomach. He knows Meghan Markle is faking the pregnancy but is dragged in too deep to do anything about it. What a mess.

  45. If you were going to use a surrogate on the downlow and fake carrying the fetus, would you rely on just one surrogate? Or would you have a few surrogates carrying?

  46. Please do stop with this surrogate nonsense. This is the RF we are talking about not some pop star.

    By law the birth must be witnessed by a member of the Privy Council (there are a least two dozen medical doctors on the Privy Council), if the birth is not witnessed first hand and legally signed off on the child will be excluded from the line of succession and all titles pertaining to Harry. That is a boy child would not be able to be known by Harry's lesser title (Earl of Dumbarton) nor inherit his Dukedom as the child must be 'born in wedlock' and 'of the body' meaning from his wife, a surrogate would be treated as a mistress under the law and the child would have no legal rights re the royal family.

  47. Queen has changed numerous royal laws/guidelines to benefit her family in the past. When she does is she required to publicly state those changes? Its also been claimed they like Ann,dont want any titles for their child....

  48. i did think her bump went from one third to two thirds overnight the other day.

    Also she does not have any pregnancy face or swelling.

  49. It is possible she is padding just to emphasize her precious twin spawn (some women don't show very much, and there are several vids out there where you can see her throw her coat open at strategic times so the paps can get a clear pregnancy shot).

    We know all that @emeraldcity. Sparkles has a habit of floating stories that she hopes come true, as in the one about her and Haz move into Kensington Palace. One of the articles last fall talked about her planning on a home birth, with just her mother present. So we shall see, right?


  50. they gave princess diana a car crash

    what will they give markle ?

  51. @emerald city,(profile not available),a surrogate is not a mistress. The child is biologically Harry's, maybe even Meghan's. She was said to be unable to have children,she has an odd bump,an obsession with holding it. The Royal Family is just a bunch of amusing celebrities to the USA,nothing more.

  52. Thank you WIEZ, for splaining. I looked up #moonbump. Looks like it might be fairly easy to wear it under clothing and look pregnant. Why, though? Am I naive? She supposedly likes the attention on her? Wouldn't she love it if they had a surrogate and the world was enraptured with their story, for publicity? It's not like their child has a chance of being actual royalty! So why go to these great lengths?

  53. Maybe she’s bewitched him. Sounds insane but that shit is real. Somewhere there’s a ngai plant with his name on it. Or whatever she’s into.

  54. Maybe she is "barren". Why the great secrecy on the fertility struggles? As I pointed out, none of their kids would actually be on on the royalty line anyways. And as someone who purports to be a humanist, hiding this struggle is not humanistic.

  55. Of course this is about Meghan Markhle, I've got to say that if this video does drop it's probably going to be a bit of a storm in a tea cup and it will be historic regardless, the House of Windsor has dealt with worse and coped, heck Harry when through a bit of a phrase in where he went off the rails in his 20's remember Las Vegas, also the Nazi costume and stuff.

    People seem to forget that despite their public image the Windsors are actually a pretty dysfunctional family

  56. I just took a look at hashtag moon bump on twitter and wow! Those pictures are mighty mighty convincing.
    Especially the one where 1 minute she's cradling a very sizeable baby stomach, and the next minute she's squatting, while being forward, effortlessly to stroke a dog. And in 4 inch heels mind you! As a woman who has been pregnant in the past, let me tell you that she might have both talents of a magician and acrobat.

  57. *bending forward*

  58. Of course baby bumps move around and change shape. Once I couldn't help laughing hard because the baby shifted to my left and so did my whole bump. It looked ridiculous. Anyone who says otherwise has never been pregnant.

  59. The only 'puff piece' is the fact we have yet another unproveable MM blind item that will go nowhere and nothing will happen.

    You're all like a bunch of rabid savages getting whipped up by something that a. probably didn't even happen b. if it did, people will be bumped off before it gets out.

    The public certainly are not going to get to see stuff like this, if it even exists.

  60. @Unknown: their kids will be in line of succesion, right after Harry, very slim chance to ever get close to the throne but still in line, I'm guessing that the surrogacy might remove them from the line of succesion and they might not even get HRH title

  61. @Krab: did your bump looked perfectly round all 9 months? did it changed from small to big in a matter of hours, did it move from up to down in a matter of minutes? where you able to squat down with your knees together and then stand up with ease and then need your husbands help with sitting down couple of hours later when you where already big?

  62. @emeraldcity: I have always thought that this rule applied only to future monarchs and spares, now that William secured his line Harry doesn't need to follow that rule with his kids, my take on fake pregnancy is that only Meghan and Harry knows but no one else from the RF
    @Unknown: I think she might be using surrogate out of vanity - she doesn't want to put her body through the pregnancy, she made her ex-husband sign a contract in which he agreed to financialy help her go back to pre-pregnancy body
