Saturday, January 19, 2019

Blind Item #8

For now, the alliterate talk show host is standing firm with her husband because press releases are coming from the name they use together rather than her as an individual. 


  1. not sure what this means.

  2. I'm wondering if Wendy Williams show is cancelled. Every week there's a new story why is she isn't back. I think she's sick and needs months of care. Enty, what's going on with Wendy?

    1. My suspicion this whole time has been rehab.

  3. She claims Graves Disease,but after months of treatment she shouldn't be having problems. Rehab for sure,but she hates being gossiped about like she does with others.

  4. Wendy Williams Hunter.

  5. I know someone with Graves disease and after their thyroid was removed everything was fine. However she has bulging eyes (ophthalmopathy) and has had at least 10 surgeries. She sees double in one eye and the other is like V hold (old tv's). She's had her forehead and cheekbones broken to put the eye back in the head.

    But I don't think Wendy has that yet.

  6. Wendy is secretly sick of her cheating but she builds his no good ass up on every show..
    She knows about all the women...

  7. Julie Chen & Les Moonves or Wendy Williams
