Monday, January 14, 2019

Blind Item #9 - Mr. X

Which alliterate talk show host is not only in rehab right now but has also hired an attorney to look into her personal finances, because she knows her husband has taken money out of their charity and her personal bank account to pay for gifts for his mistress? If your also wondering if they're splitting up for good, well yes. They've  been living separately for about a year. Whether she will drop him as manager as well remains to be seen.


  1. Damn Wendy. Get through it!

  2. Should be scare quotes around that "charity"

  3. I truly don't understand women who fall for predatory guys.

    Nice guys do finish last -- and stay faithful to their spouses.

    At least I have.

    (This is a bad pun but...)

    She does complete me!

  4. Tbh this is very sad. I pray she gets the help she desperately needs, I don’t think she’ll get out of their marriage without having to cut him a large check. This is sad and gross

  5. Its about time. Once the divorce is final, she will be ok. And yes, he probably is blowing her money

  6. I like Wendy. I hope she prevails over all of this.

  7. I’m glad she’s getting help and getting rid of him!

  8. I guess we are going to be subjected to a non-blind blind about the female "alliterate talk show host" (who else could it be) every day.

    It's about as bad as the non-blind blinds about Elon Musk.

    Maybe they should date, and then we could at least roll these two sets into one.

    1. Dancing Boy and Elon Musk blinds are THE WORST. Total snooze fest. I scroll by those...

  9. Wendy missed her show again today. I'm glad she is taking time to get her stuff together

  10. @David, I tell my single friends: better to be single than to be with anyone just to not be alone. That's true for men and women. If you don't feel worthy of being loved by a "nice" (good, kind) person you aren't going to be open to a relationship with one.

  11. If separated for a year already, why does Wendy Williams talk about her husband constantly on her show? She talks about him almost every show .. things like he does this or that; he helps her with this; he and little Kevin did this … etc. Why mention him at all?

    For that matter, if she's separated for such a long time, why not tell the fans it's over and we still work together. Amy questions?

    Something's missing in this story.

  12. Maybe she woke up after the R Kelly documentary

  13. I’m not so sure keeping on my cheating soon to be ex husband as my manager would be the route that I’d take.

  14. I know her husband is a lying, cheating mofo but at what point does Wendy have to take personal accountability. She is a mess. She is too ill to do her show and one would think if was not drug related she would have disclosed it by now.

  15. Mor than her being in rehab or separated from the husband, what makes me happy is that she hs finally hired a forensic accountant.

  16. David, do you have an older brother, or maybe a younger, single dad?

  17. Jerry O'Connell needs to be her co host. Hosting an hour show by yourself i'm sure is exhausting. BUT she'll never have a co host, as she's always said.
