Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #14

November 28, 2018

Was she a big named actress? No, but she never really had a chance to hit it big. She was starting out and she landed a huge part right out of the gate. Not big, but in a very big movie. That is the kind of credit that looks great when you are going into castings. At the time she was beginning her acting career, she also was dating this permanent A list musician/songwriter. Even back then, which is a couple decades ago he was still permanent A list. He has been in and out of the news the past year or so. Our permanent A lister has always had a temper and has always exhibited behavior that is violent when drunk, and specifically towards women. In other words, this is not a guy you want to date or be with. The thing is though, when you are who he is and are in the permanent A list group he was in and out of, women don't see or hear that. They should. It was more difficult to hear about it back then because of a lack of social media and what not. Anyway, our actress was dating him and he had too much to drink at a party. He shouldn't have been walking, let alone driving. Our actress was in the passenger seat when our singer totaled the car. The actress nearly died at the scene and then again at the hospital. She was permanently disfigured from the accident. Our actor never faced any charges. None of this ever made the news. The actress never worked again and, in return for a very very large settlement is not allowed to discuss the events of the night or her relationship with the singer/songwriter/musician. He is also not allowed to discuss it, but I really wish a reporter would at least give it a shot. He ruined the life of someone and has never had to answer for it.

Lindsay Buckingham/Cheri Caspari (Pretty Woman)


  1. Enty's readers got this one, I'm pretty sure. Well done!

    I'm reading Gold Dust Woman, Stevie Nick's biography right now. Lindsay comes across as a complete douchebag. I hope Cheri's payout was huge.

  2. He was the first person to come to my mind!

  3. I was confused bc the last blind makes you sympathetic to Lindsay...Now this one just confirms that he's a jerk...


  4. Was this sometime around 1996?

  5. This is what I don't get with this website, the previous blind was making it out like he was super wronged by Stevie, then this one is saying more or less he's a douche so he deserves bad crap happening to him. It makes me feel like I can't take anything seriously (especially since the whole don henley thing)

  6. Well the thrust of that blind is that it is the fans as the wronged party.

    Fans once again getting screwed due to the petty egos and abject cowardice of the heroes they worship...never-ending story...

  7. Maybe they are all douches? The previous post about him being wronged is present day, and his horrible actions to Cheri were over 20 years ago.

  8. It's what I love about Enty - he's seldom black and white about people. The truth on CDAN is stable but not unyielding to reason.

  9. Don Henley blind never happened

  10. from the 2003 online post: "Anyway here's what I am aware of; LB and Cheri were in a car wreck sometime in 95. They were arguing, and LB lost control of the car. Cheri was hurt pretty bad and LB got out with bumps and bruises. There has been some question that alcohol was involved, but that is alleged. Cheri needed some therapy and evidently couldn't even walk for a time following this wreck. During her therapy, before she was recovered, LB wanted out of the relationship for good. He set her up in a new house, paid her medical bills, and basically walked away from her. Since hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, of course she sued him.

    The case was settled out of court, but Cheri had to sign a statement agreeing to never divulge any of the particulars about their relationship in exchange for a sum of money.

    One could conclude that LB doesn't want to discuss her, either.

    Yes, the relationship with Anne came in the middle of his time with Cheri. LB and Cheri were on and off for about 12 years.

  11. It's amazing how much Buckingham has gotten away with over the years, he's like teflon.
