Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #23

September 24, 2018

Over the years these two have kept to the pact they made that fateful night so long ago. They both know what happened and are the only two people alive who know what was said and done prior to the night that changed their lives forever. One of those people is a permanent A- list mostly movie actor. He is an Academy Award winner/nominee. As was the case that night, like many other nights, the actor took up his friend of the offer of a threesome with the friend and the friend's wife. They always chose to do such things away from prying eyes. No hotels, no spies leaking to papers or the studios. Nope. They were far away. Apparently, the wife of the friend, wanted some more time with our A- list actor. Alone. Our actor, who was married at the time, agreed. The thing is though, the friend, who also happens to be an actor took exception to it. He knew his wife was going to leave him and suspected she was going to leave him for the A- list actor. No woman was going to leave him and he killed her.

Both actors agreed to stay quiet. Until now. Our A- list actor heard that his friend from so long ago threw the A- list actor under the bus to police which is why he has been so aggressive in the press as of late. He thinks he is going to get away with it. Our A- list actor has a trick up his sleeve though. He has a letter from the husband to the wife threatening to kill her if she ever leaves him again. Apparently the wife had left for several weeks before deciding to come back about two months before the death.

Christopher Walken/Natalie Wood/Robert Wagner


  1. This is absurd! Every few years, someone remotely involved in it comes up with yet another story of what happened that night. Until a time machine is invented, we will never find out the truth & since time machines are impossible, that's all there is!

  2. Walken was Natalie's friend from the movie they were filming together, not Wagner's

  3. So who ends up dead next? RJ or Walken?

  4. Justice for Natalie!!

  5. I feel there has been a few different blinds on here with different stories of what happened

  6. Unfortunately if they come for Wagner now, which is doubtful, he won't be alive that much longer, so very little justice.

  7. Moral of the story: once you decide to leave someone, don’t go back.

  8. absolutely no way he would have written a note like that which is evidence she could use to get him arrested. He isnt that stupid

  9. Wagner has always been a weasel about this, but there was another more plausible blind that she fell in the water and Wagner did nothing to help her.

  10. My understanding of this incident is:
    Natalie Woods was wearing a full length mink coat when she went into the water.

    Wet, a mink coat causes you to sink.

    If she had taken the coat off, she'd probably would have survived.

  11. I don't believe Walken would cover anything up for Wagner. I mean, he was young, maybe in the moment he kept his mouth shut, but after all these years? No way.

  12. The thought of banging Natalie Wood in a threesome is hot. Walken should talk about that!

  13. I was an extra in Woods and Walken’s movie Brainstorm. The movie was filmed in our town during October and November prior to Natalie Woods’ death, Thanksgiving weekend. RJ was in town w Natalie during filming. He was drunk almost the entire time they were here in N.C. I remember seeing him carried out of a local bar (Theo’s) on two occasions. Woods always had her mink coat on when she wasn’t shooting scenes. Woods, RJ and Walken were always chummy and friendly. I doubt we will ever know exactly what happened on that fateful night. However, I do believe RJ was blind drunk and argued with Woods. It’s conceivable she had her mink coat on, was drinking and fell overboard. Weighted down by the mink she drowned. Walken didn’t want to be involved so he said he was drunk ( or high) so he could remain neutral in the whole mess.

  14. Just a reminder that this umpteenth Natalie Wood blind is most likely provided by the only and actual "Himmmmm", the wannabe screenwriter/musician named Talley Griffith who enjoys posing as more famous and successful artists. Griffith, as "Himmmmm" and under his real identity, has shown several times that he is obsessed with Natalie Wood and her daughters. Even if he doesn't use the "Himmmmm" moniker anymore, it's very likely that he still supplies Enty with shorter stories, as he has done since the site started.

  15. There were four Hmmmms.

  16. As with everything else, I'll believe it when I see it.

  17. Mr.Angela is more obsessed with the Himmmms than they are with Natalie. Walker needs to talk. All were drunk,I mostly believe Wagner was "teaching her a lesson" by not helping her. But some reports say Walken and Wagner were having the affair ,which is why he was silent.

  18. Remember when "Himmmmm" posted here the personal landline number of Natasha Gregson Wagner (which was in the white pages)? And I'm the one "obsessed"? Seriously?

    There were never multiple "Himmmmms". Just get a good look at Griffith's life and you can see that he projected parts of himself into multiple celebrity figures he admires. RDJ is the recovering addict turned megastar. PTA is the brainiac director-screenwriter, etc. The guy shared on social media pictures of Courtney Brooke Wagner to make it look as if they knew each other. He had grabbed them from another site.

    And I don't give a fuck about Talley Griffith by the way. He just embodies the spirit of the site to many here, who WANT to believe that the biggest actor in Hollywood would spend time talking about conspiracies to a bunch of stay at home moms he's never met.

    Remember a few months ago when they were building a big case against Wagner, according to this very site? They wouldn't. Even if he were guilty. Robert Wagner is turning 89 next month. If they indicted him, it would take two or three years before a trial starts, as any good attorney would be able to delay the whole thing. Investing resources in building a high-profile case against an elderly for a murky case that took place nearly 40 years ago would be rightfully regarded as a waste of public fundings. What court would sentence to jail a guy in his nineties?

  19. I'm sure Bill Cosby felt the same,why go after an old man,for questionable charges? I don't believe Wagner murdered Natalie. I never believed Himmmm was RDJ. For one thing, he gave out info about himself that didn't match his at all. Yes,you are obsessed with Talley. I can't imagine spending so much time researching his social media. Or posting on a site that you hate for 10 plus years.

  20. Bill Cosby was the object of dozens of plaintiffs and testimonies. The charges may have been regarded as questionable, but there is much more documentation, and plaintiffs asking for justice to be served. And Cosby isn't just younger than Wagner by something like seven years, there were accusations of assaults that had taken place in 2004, just ten years before the case was reopened. At this point, the general opinion about assault had also slightly evolved in the right direction, with the word of these women taken more seriously than before.
    Now compare this to Wagner, and this one accusation from 1981, coming mostly from Lana Wood. If he is a murderer, the likelihood of Robert Wagner killing another wife now is quite low in these days.
    That's why they have priorities in courts.

    Also, I haven't hated the site for a decade. I started to resent it when it started to multiply the number of blinds posted every day. In the early times, the blind item was just the gift of the day among some rather innocuous but interesting content. Then, it turned into the bread and butter of the site, which made me wonder how some guy could have time to gather so much gossip every day. He has to be tipped, and, in an ideal place, he would do some checking to get some confirmation. All of that plus a day job that should involve a ton of NDAs. When the blinds went from one then to six and then a dozen every day, it became obvious that he would just rephrase (at best) different sources, with many made-up blinds among the list.

    Even at this point, I was still on the "if people are dumb enough to believe this..." side. It was when Enty decided to move into politics and wide scale conspiracy theories that I realized it was actually just feeding people with validation for their own biases. Like you hate some person to their guts, you read this site, and you "find out" that the person is connected to a big network of child molesters. You will assume it to be true, because you WANT it to be true, you want this person you hate to be an actual monster. And you don't really care one bit for the alleged victims. You're just happy, deep down, that the person you hate deserves to be hated. You'll repeat it on other forums, so you can spread the word to smear the guy, without trying to do anything for the children or whoever is harmed. That's why Enty sells these days, validation for your own worst instincts. His gift to you is that he offers you the illusion that you were right, that your instincts are always right.

    Talley Griffith isn't the biggest piece of shit here. Actually, Enty isn't either. The readers who will come to their defense, because they don't want their precious delusions to be broken, are. And it's both a civic duty and a pleasure to confront them.

  21. You need a more productive hobby, Angela. Your bile will eat you alive.

    It is just a gossip site.

  22. @@Angela, a civic duty and a pleasure?😂 I wouldn't have responded except to correct your blatant lies. One,much of the time it is someone I and many others were fans of that get accused.Two,I and many regular commenters have directly confronted Enty and Himmmm on the contrary blinds and shaming of some women who clearly were victims. The police reported Robert Wagner as a person of interest, Enty knew people would want to have more on this. Time and again you dismiss anyone who cares or is themselves a victim. Time and again our worst fears are proven true. And believe it or not,most of us know that Enty deliberately prints over the top fake blinds, legal reasons? Entertainment? We also know others send in and now he acknowledges his sources. And you go get your last word,but no books this time, okay?

  23. Guesser,

    Once again, I'm not the guy who's published the phone number of someone I was calling a "good friend". I'm not the one who's spent days or years posing as somebody famous I supposedly look up to, to write stories where my role models act like retarded bros who are only concerned about cars, girls with great asses and puke. If you can't see how much the Himmmmm memories are a train wreck, rather than the great memories they pretend to be, it's your problem.

    Oh, by the way, I'm also not the one who took advantage of the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech to promote my crappy music. That was indeed the most disgusting finding I made about Griffith. Talk about moral standards now...

    1. i wouldn;t bother trying to tell them anything. if they believe the crud that comes outta his mouth then that's their call. There's a lot of sad ladies on twitter eating up every word because he gives them attention and he uses it to his advantage. i pretty much had a look a couple of times and it was embarrassing the spiel he was coming out with and they lap it up because he calls them pretty and they think theyre getting attention off somebody in showbiz. you'd worry about them being cat fished but if they don't wanna listen it;s their bad luck. leave em to it.

  24. If Natalie went in wearing a full length fur coat it's quite a trick to have been recovered wearing a red down jacket.

  25. Welp, this is at least the third different version of the story from That Night that Enty himself has told. I'm starting to think the whole thing really was just an accidental drowning. Mostly, though, I'm actually just tired of the whole thing.
