Friday, January 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 10, 2019

This permanent A list mostly movie actor blew off multiple press/promotional appearances for his new movie which is totally unlike him.

Bruce Willis


  1. Replies
    1. Perhaps there's a bigger picture. Maybe Bruce has a dilemma

  2. I think people who have been stars for decades feel their name alone will sell their movie.

  3. Maybe he was sick, it is winter Entern, maybe not where you are but most everywhere else. He seemed happy to be at the premiere although Shamalamadingdongs movies arent the easiest things to sit through.

  4. Yes, it's Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson, when have they ever made a sh!tty movie together? Of course people are going to go see it. I'm burnt on superhero movies and I'm still going to see it.

    1. I'm totally superheroed out, too. But Split was amazing and Glass actually looks really good.

  5. When have they ever made a shitty movie together? When they work with Shyramalamadingdong.

  6. Bruce is definitely in the grab the money stage of his career. The local video store, remember them, is cluttered with new direct to video movies, that I've never heard of or seem in cinemas, featuring Bruce Willis. His scenes are usually only 20-25% of the run time, have a limited number of locations would appear to be shot in a week or less. When he was fired from the Expendables he was shooting four days at a million dollars a day. Looking at these direct to video movies I suspect he'll show up anywhere for anything as long as they pay half a million to a million a day for a couple of days.

  7. January film, was probably supposed to open before xmas but stunk i.e. avoid.

  8. SF Gate has already deemed this the worst movie of 2019. "Most of the rest of the movie, believe it or not, consists of Sarah Paulson, as a psychiatrist specializing in superhero delusion syndrome, trying to make these men, who do have modest superhero powers, believe that they don’t have powers after all."

  9. Dammit, Glass has 36% on Rotten Tomatoes.

  10. He’s not young, he’s got small kids, he’s probably tired and just wants to relax and not have to do too much promo. Who can blame him.

  11. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Didn't he terrorize young girls while filming "Hart's War"??

  12. Hangovers are more painful when you get older

  13. @Unknown: I always call him M Night Shamma-Lamma-Ding-Dong!

  14. " I don’t get Sarah Paulson. Plays every single thing the same way: flat and lifeless. " someone, ANYONE, please stop Ryan Murphy, invocation nr 231124555

  15. I thought Sarah Paulson was good as Marcia Clark. That's really the only thing I've seen her in... But yes, Ryan Murphy needs to learn that less is more.

  16. Cristina, she is a good actress, i just cannot believe she is so good to deserve all these awards...but what Murphy wants, Murphy gets, i suppose (see ACS)

  17. I can’t stand her.

  18. I guess I’m in the minority here. I’ve always enjoyed Shamamalon’s movies just for the twist at the end.

    1. I love Signs, and I hate most movies. I also liked The Village. I think I saw the plant one but I don’t remember. But what I’ve seen I liked.

  19. I can’t stand her either. She has a very unlikable face. I don’t know why, but we all have those people we hate on sight? I feel that way about her. Creepy as hell. Maybe she’s a good actress, never saw her in anything and never will. But I dislike her on sight alone.

  20. @freebird

    He was fired by Stallone because they offered him something like 3 million for 4 days of shooting but he wanted 4 million. Stallone famously tweeted about him also after that. He had a vague tweet about how "Greed and Laziness is a surefire way to kill your career" which was a reference to Willis.
