Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 23, 2019

This MTV reality star who has been on since the beginning of the franchise realized she had no way to earn income other than working for a living and immediately signed on again for another season. Almost every last one of them is screwed when the series does finally end.

Amber Portwood/Teen Mom OG


  1. So you're saying they're going to go the Backdoor Farrah route? How empowering.

  2. They were screwed to start the series, too. 😏

  3. Yeah I mean I'd say they already built their careers on their backs, but we all know it was really more like bent over a tailgate.

  4. Every time I see her face I want to scream “soo eee soo eee, hog hog hog!” How much you wanna bet she’d come running?

    And who would’ve thought? Stupid skanks that profited from being stupid skanks, are still incapable of making wise life choices? WOW MIND BLOWN!

  5. Bus tables, scrub floors... work.

  6. Do like the other one did- kailyn- and go to school, learn a trade FFS! All these girls think they just have to put their name to some makeup and they are set, except for Farrah of course.

  7. Good advice Heather Bee. Go to nursing school or community college. And stop having kids.

  8. Farrah would have been a positive role model for them, making her own money, until it turned out she was actually just selling her daughter.

  9. They are going to have to rename the show Middle Aged Mom

  10. Heaven forbid any if them use their salaries to *gasp* pay for community college courses and find a career.

  11. They get paid more per episode than any of them would ever make in a year doing cashier work at WalMart. They aren't qualified to do anything except have kids, act like idiots, do drugs and act like idiots some more.

  12. +1Sandy. And the more they act like idiots the more they get paid. Its kind of a vicious circle really!

  13. Plenty of demand for breeders to work in the baby factories of certain third world countries, they can just watch tv and spit them out all day.

  14. Can we have a reality show free March? MTV free March?

  15. Reality Shows - New Electronic Welfare Queens (some Kings). From the Housewives to KK Klan. Paid to do nothing...

  16. Did anyone see how Farrah put little Sophia dancing in h er r underwear on snapchat???? WTH!!!

  17. Macy got a degree, the guy she married was working at one time. Both of them can work. The baby daddy of Ambers latest had a job when she met him, why can't he work. Why can't Amber go to school and get a job?

    But some of them are doomed and will be lost without that show. I mean you Briana (may not be her name, the girl in Orlando, lives with Mom and sister,)

  18. Chelsea will be okay because Cole has an actual job and she has her esthetician license. Plus her dad has money.

  19. I thought the same of a Brianna but she actually works a 9 to 5 job selling times shares in flordia. They all choose to live together
