Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #31

September 12, 2018

Another one is a common phrase heard in the office of a firm hired to investigate this pretty much former producer. They were hired by the parent company to find out what kind of liability in dollar terms the company could be on the line for. The company wasn't concerned about the well being of the actresses or what they experienced on set. In fact, they have been trying, with the help of the investigators to get the actresses to sign away any all rights to sue or discuss anything that went on during productions.

Another one refers to what an investigator says when they find a new person who is reporting abuse on the set. It is usually said several times a day. Dozens of them have signed their life away for a few bucks and a promise to call them if any acting opportunities come up. One person, has not signed. In fact, she recently rebuffed efforts to sign anything and has taken the opportunity to step out again. She is emboldened and wants to tell the world her story. In the past, she would have done it one Tweet at a time. Now, she plans on a news magazine show to tell her story and finally break open what the world has been waiting for. Who ever knew, she would be our hero.

Amanda Bynes


  1. I'm rooting for her

  2. We're all rooting for you, honey!

  3. A good cover story with Vanity Fair would be good.

  4. And this is a blind how?

  5. Yee shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free! Go AB!

  6. According to her last mag interview she wants to act again, so don't know how far this will go.

  7. She will be blowing dealers for crack again in no time.

    1. Dumb cunt. No wonder your husband left you.

    2. You really need to get a life loser. You do realise we are friends with the real himmmm and in no way would he speak like that! I hope the catch you soon! Idiot!

  8. Who's the producer? Harvey?

  9. Matt Schneider

    Google him, he's the creator/producer/director of all those kid shows on Nik

  10. Replies
    1. Who is the fake Himmm above. Lick em up

    2. Lock not lick. Damn ads ...and eww

    3. Real Himmmm, Fake Himmmm, we are all the same Himmmm.
      You can lick if you are gentle.

  11. I think it would be beneficial for her to confront her abuser. I'd say alot of the issues she's been facing was because of them and keeping quiet is just as devastating as the actual abuse. I am a fan and I wish her the best!

  12. My body is ready for this one

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I am still waiting for that Bryan Singer expose I will hold my breath on hero until she comes forward and tells all.

  15. Anonymous6:05 PM

    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
    Margaret Mead

  16. One person can make a difference. Go Amanda!

  17. Go Amanda! So proud of your strength.

  18. Fuckin' A, Amanda.

    Seems like she needs to speak her truth so she can move forward. I hope she gets to.

  19. This is not one person. Its an industry.
    There will be people paying huge money to keep that interview off the air.

  20. I hope she gets to be happy one day.

  21. I was watching Keenan Thompson on Watch What Happens Live last night (older episode of a few weeks ago) and he was talking all positively about Dan Schneider and how he's talking to him frequently again and I just wanted to throw up. I bet Keenan knows what went down on All That and probably has seen stuff but would rather side with the powerful and it just made me look at him in a whole different light. I hope Amanda does go through with the story. <3

  22. She is a very strong person to step out and do that. We are all in her corner.

  23. Yeah uh huh. We'll see. Just like that Singer story was supposed to come out and expose everything right? Where the hell is that at?
