Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #34

December 5, 2018

Everyone remembers this permanent A list celebrity who did a turn in reality late in life as some type of gregarious larger than life celebrity. He was that, but people forget that he also tried to sell a magazine a few decades ago that sexualized tweens and teens. It didn't last long, but not because there was not demand. It is because people were afraid to carry the magazine in stores because of how it depicted these tweens and teens.

People also forget how he anonymously wrote a review in the magazine that made him famous giving a rave review to a book. In that review he said, "Last year, the Puritan press generated a national burst of pious outrage over child pornography, the abuse of minors at the hands of callous X-rated film makers, pimps and worse. Behind the campaign was the notion that children need to be protected from all forms of sexuality until they reach an age when they can fully appreciate the subtle nuances of guilt and shame that make sex such a bummer for many adults."

It is also a book that glorifies incest and suggests that babies as young as six months are ready for sex. It also says that incest should be embraced and not rejected in society. That if you start very early with your female children they can grow into "notably erotic young women."

Hugh Hefner


  1. I remember Playboy was known for publishing old modeling pics of actresses after they got their big break on a tv show. While the pics usually weren't actually nude, because they were published in Playboy it ruined the actresses career.

    Somehow not surprised that Hef praised a book that gave instructions on how to groom daughters by sexually abusing them.

  2. Vomit vomit vomit

  3. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Yeah, I remember how they tried to ruin Marilyn with those modeling nudes yet she was savvy enough to use them to her advantage.

  4. Always got a bad vibe from HH and think he was in the closet. His daughter seems ok. Sick old geezeer

  5. Andi F: Playboy had all their models/Playmates sign agreements. The agreements were
    industry standard in that Playboy owned the photos in perpetuity.
    Every single publication out there has the same exact statement in the model release.

    I was asked to pose and when I saw the "in perpetuity", I declined the offer.

    These girls also stated they were over 18, as per the legal contract.

  6. No, Playboy is famous for buying pics from photographers of old modeling shots that an actress did when she was struggling. Then when they get their big break, publish the pics. Many lost their jobs because of it.

  7. When this blind was first published, I called b.s. on the magazine part. I can find no record that Playboy ever had anything to do with another skin mag besides Oui, which doesn't fit.

  8. The 70s were so off the charts. There was so much of this "children are programmed by puritan society to not enjoy sex" out there, also in a lot of cults like Children of God.

  9. Can't expect much from someone whose idol was a pedophile "researcher" in child molestation the Western world has inexplicably adopted as their visionary for sexual behavior: Alfred Kinsey (Re: http://www.drjudithreisman.com/the_kinsey_coverup.html).

  10. I celebrated his death. I hope he suffered before he died.

  11. Frickin disgusting

  12. The 70s were like the wild west. It's a time when Jimmy Page and David Bowie were banging a 13 year old and given a lifetime pass for it.
