Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 31, 2018

This disgraced morning guy keeps putting out feelers with the public, aided by the place who fired him to try and get his old job back.

Matt Lauer


  1. Matt Lauer doesn't seem to realize that the only people who liked him pretty much matched the demographics of #MeToo. If he figured out how to win them back he wouldn't need tv, he could just run seminars for caught predators.

  2. Thanks to Meghan Kelly and others Matt forced out like Ann Curry, the Today Show ratings are in the toilet. They were higher with him, but he might not be the reason. People were pissed when Ann got fired.

  3. Who's office doesn't have a button to lock people in under their desk?

  4. My office was a cubicle.. Even the big boss had glass windows on his door so he couldn't do shit even if he wanted to.

  5. Interesting choice of words by Enty in this one. Matt Lauer putting out "feelers." That's part of what got him canned in the first place, no? Well played, Enty.

  6. how are things out in the hamptons big shot?

  7. He was unfairly fired. If women aren't able to handle adult situations then they should head back into the kitchens.

  8. LOL Notagoodscreenname

  9. I hate when people think the are irreplaceable! You can't tell me there isn't another person out there that can read off a TelePrompTer. Same with spacey, great actor...yes but there are thousands of great undescovered non pedophile actors in the world.

  10. Can’t stand Matt Lauer and that was before any of this other stuff broke. I doubt he will be back. I hope not.

  11. EW. He is a terrible person, I never want to see his face again, I hope he doesn't get another TV job.

  12. @Jon - adult situations like that don't have to be "handled" in the workplace. He abused one woman to the point she passed out. What's wrong with you?
    A woman wanting to work should have to put out in the office you asshole.

  13. @sandybrook - i read recently that the Today Show ratings have never recovered since Ann Curry was on. they were the highest when she was there. Matt Lauer is pig. i don't EVER want to see him or hear of him on TV again. pos

  14. "Americas first family?" Matt Lauer was the creepy beady eyed rat faced stinky fingered uncle.
