Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 16, 2019

Speaking of bad producers, this way under age actress who stars in a movie franchise and a cartoon show that is the Russian version of the annoying Caillou is fighting off producers at every award show stop honoring her brilliant movie performance. There are so many guys always hitting on her who love she can't even drive.

Elsie Fisher


  1. Guess we can rule out Singer as one of the suspects, he seems to stick to boys.

  2. Simple solution to pedosexual predators: Death Penalty
    What is this abiut Bryan Singer I frequently hear about? Also a pedothug rapist?

    1. Aww shit, here we are again, simpatico. All child predators deserve far worse than the death penalty, they deserve slow and agonizing torture. ZERO reason to keep them alive and in fact I think it could help the victims, to know that their abuser is dead and can never hurt them or anyone else, ever again.

  3. Check out the original blind if you want to see how disturbing Paul Saint John is:

    "Paul Saint John said...
    According to medical science, a girl nearly 16 years old is no longer a child. Next,you'll be telling me 60 is the new 50. Right, Boomer girl?"

    1. There are others @ brayson. Ill try to find it.

    2. check out 92010 said.

  4. I’d like to see that ‘medical science’ he refers to. The research shows that up until about age 25, young people are controlled by the amygdala, the emotional part of the brain. After that the pre-frontal cortex takes over, well, for most, which is the rational thought processor. Obviously, this person never made the transition.

  5. Geez Louise, who would risk the CDAN death penalty for that girl? If the strategy is to keep show kids safe by being, um, "ordinary looking", clearly that strategy isn't working. Maybe I'm old fashioned but aren't good looks part of the movie formula? What have I missed here?

  6. I don't get it. Stars in a movie franchise? Despicable Me? She does a voice. And what show is this?

  7. Classy Substance D, real classy, why don't you tell us what types of girls you find attractive perv.

  8. @Brayson,
    You get easily triggered by factual statements. If you find my comments disturbing, you should see a shrink, along with Weekkitylass, who seems to believe childhood ends at 25 years old. Sure, and the 70s are the new 60s, boomer old lady!
