Thursday, January 10, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 25, 2018

How cheap can that leading subscription entertainment service be? Their new show, which isn't that great, takes place in two cities. One expensive to film in, the other cheap to film in. Most of the interior scenes that take place in the expensive city are actually filmed in the cheaper city on the other side of the world. If you look closely, you can see that the supposed American sets don't look quite right--the brands and sizes of the appliances in kitchen scenes, products in the back, the furniture, etc. Then, of course, is the fact that they don't have to pay pesky union fees and can hire locally sourced guest actors who don't always fit quite in with the standards of the network's other shows (although one or two guest actors do shine). The result is a very disjointed viewing experience with a bizarre mix of actors.



  1. They may be cheap but they are pretty savvy.
    Just was able to watch GGs here on Netflix!

  2. Entertainment company in doing what every other entertainment company does to save costs shocker!

  3. How many TV shows are shot in Vancouver and aren't set in Vancouver? How many movies are made in other countries but supposed to be America? How many millions of dollars are Enty and Hedge going to lose by shorting Netflix stock?

  4. "This leading subscription service is currently playing a very dangerous game. They have a very popular show, yet they don't spend every cent they have on producing it, which means that some background are CGI or even painted mattes. Worse, they don't release every episode of the show at the same time. People have to wait for an entire year, even longer to get another batch of episodes! The audience is starting to get disgusted by these kinds of shenanigans."

  5. Reminds me of Absentia on Amazon Prime - supposed to be Boston, but so obviously Eastern Europe.

  6. A huge amount of shows are filmed in Vancouver and Toronto and set in cities like Seattle, LA, Chicago, NYC, etc. They've been doing that for years now. Most are decent at preventing the obvious nature of where they film (but I still always spot license plates and the different crosswalk man, who looks like a chubby man attempting to run). There aren't quite as many that film across the world and try to pretend they're in US cities, though. If the sets/background take away from the story, what's the point? If they're going to do stuff like this, it's not that difficult to hide the obvious and spend less time on those areas when you can't.

  7. I stopped watching because it looked wonky

  8. I heard Marvel are so cheap that they didn't film any part of the Guardians of the Galaxy films in space!

    1. In all seriousness, I thought those American comicbook companies rented anti-gravitational stuff from NASA for the actors to play with...

      Turns out they put you on strings and hang you like wet clothes in front of those eye-sores of “green screens”.

      I do a better job on MS Paint.

    2. ETA: I should’ve added multiple 😒😒😒😒 emojis at the end of each sentence of the ☝🏼 above post.

      Cheapo full-of-shit companies...

  9. All the CW shows like Arrow, Flash, Supernatural. Supergirl etc are shot in Canada!
    @Dq, i hope you will not tell me Thor is not actually an Asgardian but an actor? Because that will shatter my faith in the humanity!

  10. Ummmm, Enty this is actually pretty normal for the film/tv industry. they've got budgets, just like everyone else.

  11. The shows shot in Vancouver are Union gigs. And our appliances, and homes, offices are the same as in the US, same with our stores. Many of the actors, and even some of the crew are American too. Most people don't know that Canada and the US signed a trade agreement post WWII on entertainment. It's why movies are released in Canada at the same time as the US.So not Canada. I've heard of the lengths the industry will go in making Buenos Aires, and Prague, to look like the US of A. It's a bit absurd, and next time around, they decide to film in NA.

  12. I can always spot the shows filmed in Canada because all the streets are so much cleaner lol.

  13. Dude, if you are noticing the appliance brands on a show, you might need to get out more, or at least move on to a different show.

    This is one of the dumbest complaints I've ever seen. Obvs enty hates Netflix, but this is a dumb ass reason to bitch.

  14. Just to clear up any possible misconceptions, they did film MANIAC in New York City for exterior shots & there are pap photos with Emma Stone from the filming sessions.

  15. I cancelled my Netflix subscription after seeing a foreign toaster in the background of one scene.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I always thought the C in CW stood for Canadian. ;)

  18. If your watching a show to check out the kitchen appliences you're doing it wrong.

  19. These comments are killing me.

  20. "isn't that great" ... aren't we the critic!

  21. Ha - Hollywood trying to take down the smarter, richer beast, Netflix.

  22. A movie I worked on many years ago, Chicago, was shot entirely in Toronto, minus one short exterior shot. Lots of interiors, lots of close-ups,very cramped sets. Won the Oscar.

  23. @Scandi Sanskrit - True, but most people can't tell the difference, but subconsciously can sense something isn't right even while buying into the illusion.

    1. But Thoty: ✨

  24. it's called "suspend disbelief"

  25. no doubt. Canada is exactly like America when it comes to homes and appliances.

    I've tried to watch Maniac. Gave it a chance. I really feel like it tries too hard to be quirky. And Jonah is TERRIBLE casting for this. I can't stop looking at his jaw skin...he looks like he's melting. Emma Stone is great though.
