Thursday, January 24, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 17, 2019

This record label wants you to look at one of their hands while they mute the child molester and want you to ignore the other hand that just gave a ton of money to the serial woman beater who never stops doing it.

RCA/R. Kelly/Chris Brown


  1. Was there a Reveal for the movie about Debbie Does Dallas? The movie everyone in the movie industry wanted to be in? Is it the new dog titled 'Serenity'?

  2. If you can't join them, beat them.

  3. Stop giving ANY of these corporeal demons, your money. Stop funding people and corporations that abuse children (and adults for that matter).

    Boycott it all. Can you really enjoy any media/music/etc, knowing that people are damaged and destroyed, by those that create, promote and control it?

  4. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Astra +1 I was a pro musician and screenwriter and I quit working for all but small, Indy, well-vetted people and companies in Hollywood when I found out about how Hollywood and the music biz actually functions. I began to listen to and fall in love with classical music, books, and art museums and am VERY selective about what little TV or films I watch and basically listen to almost no non-callsical music. I feel so much better about life since I cut out the degrading, dehumanizing “culture” being foisted upon us. A couple of hours at Griffith Park beats a paedophile produced, derivative piece of Hollywood propaganda by miles. Modern “entertainment is poison. Avoid it like the plague.

    1. Yet you come trailing through celebrity gossip sites for all the latest. GIVE ME A BREAK LOL

    2. Uh I haven’t bought anything related to the entertainment industry for seven years. Yet I enjoy celeb gossip. What’s your point?

      Thanks Oracle and Aquagirl 👌🏻😁

  5. Whoop-de-doo, I thought it was already established a long time ago that RCA was the devil. Why are record labels even still in business now? Youtube is making more stars than they are.
