Sunday, January 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #7

August 29, 2018

This former back in the day A+ list mostly movie actor made a $1M donation to his church for a special dispensation that no other member of his congregation would be allowed.

Val Kilmer


  1. Actual cancer treatment instead of words to an invisible sky friend?

    1. Exactly.

      Religion is an amazing con job and great money maker, as long as you're on the right side of the collection plate lol

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    4. The “invisible sky man” you scoff at prophecies include the war that is about to happen through Ezekiel. Israel Iran Kazakhstan Russia + a few others will attack Israel from Syria boarders and against all odds Israel will win. But you still will not believe so I hope you remember I told u so when u are in hell.

    5. All my friends will be there with me, so I'm good, thanks. But you are welcome to go there ahead of me and pave the way.

    6. @Dominique: that’s not very Christ-like of you. JC didn’t tell his followers to preemptively gloat over being right about other people going to Hell. He had other advice, especially about motes and beams. Just sayin’.

  2. Allowing him to have his cancer treated?

  3. Christian Scientist.

  4. I don't understand how they don't get it that the same God they believe created Man is the same God that gave him the capacity to evolve and develop the intellect to research and create medical treatments for cancer, perform surgery, and develop antibiotics and antidotes.

  5. Fool and money part.

  6. @dotell that's so true!

  7. Way back in the last century (damn I'm old) We had to have a nurse for my diabetic grandfather because his wife the Christian Scientist didn't believe in insulin injections and with his "shakes" he couldn't do it himself.

  8. religion is so ridiculoius

  9. Spent some of my childhood in CS....they don't monitor you to see if you go to a DR. or CS practioner. There is no CS figurehead to demand this...probably he felt guilty and donated.

  10. Like every other organized religion, strict principles go out the window when money comes in the door.

    1. Or when real life hits these mentally unhinged people.

  11. @Kimberly Odds are since you were a kid, you weren't really privy to the full demands your "church" made of its members. And they don't have to monitor you. If you believe, you do what you're told.

  12. I had a boyfriend who was CS and couldn't understand why I'd go to the doctor for any issue. He could not however explain why he got cavities and went to the dentist. I do not have any cavities and love going to the dentist! He was also proud that his mom gave birth to all the kids at home and none of them had been vaccinated. We weren't together long.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I'm an antitheist. Religious people are the worst. They're egotistical, lying hypocrites who spreads more hate than love. They've either never heard of the Golden Rule or they just don't give a f-ck. RIP Christopher Hitchens!

  15. Was Val Kilmer ever A+ ?

  16. He wa. Between Real Genius, Top Gun, Willow and The Doors, there was a stretch from the mid '80's into the mid '90's where he was definitely A list.

  17. Metallica's James Hetfield was raised Christian Scientist, too. His mother died of cancer when he was young because she refused treatment and then his dad died in the early 90s of cancer, too.

    That's what "Until It Sleeps" is about. No idea why people put religion before actual science, but then you have insane anti-vaxxers refusing to stop themselves and their kids from dying of preventable disease, so....

  18. Where do they draw the line? Are seatbelts okay because they increase lifespan? If you step on a nail are you allowed a tetanus shot? Can you use band-aids?

  19. "REAL SALVATION" is through JESUS CHRIST. God loves you and has offered eternal salvation for FREE. We were made in the IMAGE of GOD and given FREE WILL. You can either have FAITH and BELIEVE or you can CHOOSE not to. You DO NOT need to "belong" to an Organized Religion -> JESUS stated very clearly that the TEMPLE is WITHIN. There are only a couple "Basic" commandments to follow: 1) Love God with all your Heart, Mind & Soul. 2) Love your Neighbor as yourself 3) 10 Commandments. None of this is "Complicated" or needs 1000 thousand different interpretations. None of this requires: Payment or "Secret Knowledge". Every single person has the ability to follow these simple instructions within our lives. We are all SINNERS and can REPENT to GOD. The only JUDGE will be JESUS and no other. That's it. I sincerely hope that more people will understand and embrace the WORD of GOD as it has been Given to us. Live your life as best as you can under these Values... and then spend Eternity with GOD. Peace be with you all!

    1. Pearls before swine. Don’t bother. If people reject salvation, oh well. Nobody is unable to find the gospel, so if they don’t want it, that’s their free will.

    2. You sound like Satan himself @astra.

  20. LeoG, that's a huge generalization, one that I'm guessing is more informed than anything by the so-called "religious" people you see on TV. In this country, anyway, most churchgoers are ordinary people with everyday jobs and families, who quietly come together one hour a week in humility, common worship and fellowship and who don't consider themselves any better than anyone else. In this setting, we see the Golden Rule practiced every day.

  21. Well color me wrong.

    I did not think $1 million would make that much difference to the day to day running of the CS church (which went majorly in the red in the 1990s, when $1 million went a heck of a lot farther than it does today), but perhaps it is as Kimberly Davis said above.

    The only thing I can figure is if Mary Baker Eddy underwent that treatment in her lifetime then it is okay for CS members to have it too.

    Since she died in 1910 though, that is a pretty primitive standard of allowable medical treatments.

  22. If you look into the history of Christian Science, it's really interesting. In short, it was essentially a backlash against all the kooky and fake cure-all medicines and poor doctors/knowledge at the time.

  23. Guardian Angel, thank you for injecting some common srsen into this thread.

  24. Why do some BIs get revealed in a day when others take forever?

  25. @LeoG - Extremely angry atheists like you bring such a smile to my face. I'm not even particularly religious at all. It just brings me a strange sense of happiness to see people like you so miserable. Reading your comment was an awesome way to start my morning! I'm smiling ear to ear knowing you're behind your computer, so mad at people who are religious.

    1. I know, right? Way to fly off the handle over something that doesn’t have anything to do with him. It’s not like anyone is forcing him to go to church or believe in God, and if someone tries to preach to him it’s easy to say “no thanks not interested”, and they’ll leave him alone. Totally not worth the frothing foaming rage. But hey whatever floats his boat. As long as it’s not an ark, I guess.

  26. Eff Yiew said...
    @LeoG - Extremely angry atheists like you bring such a smile to my face. I'm not even particularly religious at all. It just brings me a strange sense of happiness to see people like you so miserable. Reading your comment was an awesome way to start my morning! I'm smiling ear to ear knowing you're behind your computer, so mad at people who are religious.


    I find the butthurt atheist internet trolls spend more time talking about religion than people of faith do. Nice to know we get to live rent free in their minds so much.

    1. @TC Anger seems like a more healthful emotion than the sanctimony I’m seeing from “people of faith” on this thread. Just sayin’.

      Looking at what LeoG said (and that’s antitheist, not atheist), he doesn’t sound terribly angry. But he does sound fairly accurate when describing the self-identified Religious commenters as egotistical. Y’all might wanna check that smug righteousness at the gate before piling on all pious-like. Seriously.

  27. Han Niam said...
    @TC Anger seems like a more healthful emotion than the sanctimony I’m seeing from “people of faith” on this thread. Just sayin’.

    Looking at what LeoG said (and that’s antitheist, not atheist), he doesn’t sound terribly angry. But he does sound fairly accurate when describing the self-identified Religious commenters as egotistical. Y’all might wanna check that smug righteousness at the gate before piling on all pious-like. Seriously.

    Calling people of faith lying hypocrites is a pretty angry, and egotistical statement. He proves my point just as you have.

    1. @TC technically, I called y’all out for the sanctimony, egotism, and smug righteousness that was clearly visible to me in the self-congratulatory comments y’all have been leaving each other here since Leo’s post. I’ll stand by that not at all angry assessment.

      And... psst: I’m not an Atheist. I think your book recommends first attending to the plank in your own eye, yes?
