Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Turned Me Out

I was a small town girl, naive, and parent-less when I went off to college.  My mom died when I was 14 years old, and my father remarried less than a year later to a woman who didn’t want me or my brother and made my father choose between her and us.  My father chose her.   I couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there.

I attended a college in the  area, on a full theatrical scholarship, with dreams of stardom and my virginity still intact.  Two short months and one college party later and I would find myself pushed down onto a bed and raped by a Brazilian soccer player who I secretly had a crush on.  Like many women, I blamed myself.  It didn’t matter that I kept saying no, and was too drunk to say my own name.  It was my fault and I had asked for it. 

I would drop out of college after this, terrified that I would run into him again on campus.  Everything went downhill from there.

I tell you all of this because it was at this time in my life when I would meet a man I will call J.  J was twice my age.  J would groom me and then use me, turning me out to his music industry buddies and later… M.   It’s girls like me that become easy prey for sexual predators. 

I met J the beginning of 1989.  I was 19 years old.  He was twice my age, physically unattractive but charismatic and confident.   I would soon find out that he was the owner of a rehearsal studio, whose name was an homage to Elvis, J’s idol.

Studio    was a magnificent concert rehearsal facility, unlike any other rehearsal studio in      , designed to cater to both local and international talent.  The likes of Jimmy Miller, Dick Scott of Dick Scott Entertainment, New Kids On The Block and Stevie Nicks (just to name a few) all rehearsed there.

I told J my story and he pretended to care.  In between the time that I was raped and quit school, to the time I met him, I had dated a woman.  He seemed to like hearing about these things.  I didn’t understand it at the time why. 

J went from making me feel like I was special and beautiful to putting me in uncomfortable situations where I was left alone at parties with men or sent off on car rides only to be brought back to their homes where i was told they could make me famous and then in the blink of an eye their hands were all over me.  Some people would say, why didn’t you push them off of you, tell you no, and insist they drive you home?  I don’t have an answer for that.  I think I began to feel on some level that this was all I was good for. 

Nearly one year into the relationship, in October 1989, my “boyfriend” J would ask me if I would sleep with M.

I swear to you on my mother’s grave I didn’t know who M was.  J laughed in disbelief, letting me know he was lead singer of the band          .

Okay, now we were getting somewhere.

I wasn’t a fan. I knew some of their music.  I couldn’t remember what M looked like.  I didn’t want to do it. I loved J. 

This is exactly how it was presented to me. 

M wanted to see two girls “make love” before he left the country to launch their      tour.  J was only happy to hook him up.  I imagine this was something he did more often than not, for these celebrities that rehearsed at his studio to ensure their continued patronage. 

When I asked J who I would potentially be making love to in this scenario he asked ME to find someone. 

I called my ex-girlfriend and she said NO.  She was involved in a relationship with another woman at this time and she was not having any of it.

I thought of another woman who i had met at the studio, whose name I won’t reveal.  She went on to became a big Hollywood talent agent.  She couldn’t do it because she had a date that night.  But she did make a brief appearance for the opportunity to meet M, whose baby she told him, half jokingly, he wanted to have.

Long story short I showed up at that night.  M greets me at the door.  He tells me J had told him all about me. (I’m sure he did).  He wastes no time and begins to kiss me. (I’m not going to lie I was attracted to him).  But it turns out we’re not going to be able to get down to business right now because the entire band is there rehearsing … Now let’s not forget M  and the band, now represented by manager       , are now on the sober path.  One thing I haven’t told you yet is that J was big time in to cocaine.  BIG TIME.  If their manager       knew this I doubt very much he would have approved of their being there. Drugs were never my thing, thank god, in fact I was terrified of them.

Anyway, I digress. 

Next thing I know I’m being escorted into the large room with a stage and there’s the band. I sit on a stool.  M pours me champagne and I begin to realize that I’m in a situation that many girls would have killed to be in.  IT still doesn’t feel right to me.  Where’s J??

All I could think about was J.  I loved J.  I wanted to be with J.  Where was he?

After playing a set, M  takes me into the back room, a suite with a large TV, sauna and jacuzzi.  There are two other YOUNG girls there talking, and they grow giddy and nervous when he enters the room.  I feel immediately uncomfortable, I don’t know who these girls are.

I’m very relaxed around M.  We sit there watching roller derby and discussing the possibility that aliens exist.  The two girls sit back on the love sofa, they have grown quiet.  They’re waiting excitedly for him to make his move.

Where’s J?

It suddenly hits me that I don’t want to do this.  I love J. 

I got up to leave, M asked me where I was going.  I told him to find J.  He asked me if I was coming back.  I said I didn’t think so but it was nice to meet him.  Then he asked me if he would see me again. I said I’d like that.  And he said he would “arrange” for it to happen when he got back from tour.

And that was that.

BUT… then end of the year J was hooked up with tickets to M's band's Concert at the      , this of New Years Eve 1989 into 90.  I remember when he was on the phone with someone about these tickets and then he hung up he was PISSED.  He starting ranting about how he’d hooked M up with tons of women, and that he’d “even accommodated him with dildos up his ass”. 

That never left me because there were certain things J would tell me when he got high, about fantasies he had about getting it on with the same sex.  I began to wonder if him and M didn’t have threesomes and foursomes together, and if J didn’t oblige him sexually as well. 

I’ll never know this.

I went on to meet another man, just like J who turned me out.  When I tried to run away from him and that life he came after me.  It was a dark road in and out of the sex industry, for years until I met my husband.  I was literally raised by wolves.

J = A list engineer
M = Permanent A+/A list singer from a permanent A+/A list band


  1. Jack Douglas (“”J)/Steven Tyler)

  2. +1 Do Tell
    Immediately thought of the Steel Wheels tour

  3. So many low-self-esteem whores in the Entertainment industry....Pathetic really.

  4. Aerosmith played in Boston on NYE 1989, fwiw. Steven Tyler famously hid coke in his scarves on stage, too.

    I wonder who the Brazilian soccer player is who raped her.

  5. Doomed from "theater scholarship."

  6. Pump Tour
    NYE at the Garden

  7. So just to be clear, M the singer didn't actually do anything wrong besides wanting a threesome with whores? And maybe butt stuff with an engineer in exchange for using his studio?
    J is a scumbag engineer/pimp
    The narrator was raped by a Brazilian soccer player, dropped out of college, turned to prostitution and was passed between pimps. Until she met her husband, who was most likely a john or a pimp, probably not the cashier at Starbucks.

    1. I’m going with the husband as a shy, IT guy who saved her from her life of prostitution. He did nally showed her her real self worth. Now she loves herself, has 1.5 kids, sells LuLuLemon or whatever the F those yoga pants are, and hawks vitamin water on her ever expanding Instagram page, where her bio has an often used self-help quote and the hashtag #livingmybestlife!

    2. ^finally, NOT did nally. Srsly, autocorrect?

  8. Jimmy Iovine idolized Elvis...

  9. The lack of personal responsibility for the situations this girl found herself in, is amazing. Sorry she had a rough childhood but there comes a time when you have to perhaps admit that some of the things you’ve done, or been involved in, may have been not entirely the fault of everyone but you.

  10. To be honest,the rockstar didn't do anything that bad.

  11. @astra. Go f yourself.
    Did you lose your mother at a young age?
    She had no mother, no father to speak of, and probably, no money.
    Its not that simple. Been there.

    1. Ahh so she had absolutely zero responsibility or ability to NOT be prostituted. Every single thing that ever happens to her is the fault of her dead mother and her shit father. And I’m guessing she couldn’t possibly find a job, like most of the world’s population, to support herself? Or go seek help with any of the literally thousands of organizations that help people?

      If a boy/man was in the same situation, does this “zero personal responsibility whatsoever”, extend to him? Or does it only apply to strong empowered independent womyn?

      You can eat a bag of dicks 🍆 THEN go fuck yourself! Have a great day!

  12. Axl Rose and Guns and Roses for M, just because of the year

  13. Jimmy Iovine/U2/Bono?

    1. I would love for M/dido interaction to be the horrendously sanctimonious Bono.

  14. You guys are hilarous!! I'm going to go full Brayson with a side of Freebird.

    1. +1, even though I’m still craving fried chicken and it’s all your fault. 🍗🍗

  15. for the engineer: someone from one of the Muscle Shoals studios, its not far from where Elvis grew up. People from all over the world went to record there, there was a great documentary on it

  16. Mick Jagger. I don't think Axl would Have let her leave.

  17. It's not Jagger, because she didn't recognize the name until J mentioned the band's name. I'm going with Steven Tyler. Don't know if Iovine had a studio with an Elvis-inspired name, but Stevie Nick did say that Iovine was the inspiration for her song "Edge of Seventeen."

  18. I think "J" is Joe Chicarelli from SoundCheck in Nashville.

  19. The engineer is Ted Jensen of Sterling Sound.

  20. No way in hell it was GnR because they never went sober and certainly not in the late 80s-early 90s. I know Steven Tyler of Aerosmith did and talked about it a lot.

  21. I speak fluent coke whore and it sounds to me like this whore was doing whatever she could to keep her nose full of booger sugar.

  22. I'm gonna be honest and I don't give a fuck. I don't have an ounce of pity for whomever this is. Grooming? Seriously? Sweety, you were already of age! I despise people who like to excuse their wild years with the 'I was a victim' BS or that 'I was groomed' horse shit,PUH-LEASE! Just say that you liked that kind of life, and I don't blame her for being raped but WHAT do you think was gonna happen if you start drinking alcohol when you don't even know how to drink and you're surrounded by complete strangers? The world is a shitty place and you should take care of yourself, always, whether you're a man or a woman, don't expect other people to save you. If there's anything I agree with this tale is that she was, indeed, raised by wolfs cause girl had shit for brains, ugh.

    1. +1. If you leave your safety, sanity, happiness, or whatever, up to other people, you’re going to have a bad life. But of course people don’t like to hear this simple fact. Nobody is going to convince bad people to magically mend their ways and turn into good people. You have to protect yourself from them. All the buzzwords and “teach men not to rape” and “people SHOULD be able to do blah blah blah” is well and good, but it’ll never be reality. Ever.

  23. i know a woman who was in rehab with aerosmith. the whole band went. she said she never had so much fun in her life.

  24. I say Aerosmith and they were pretty nice guys. For anyone going on about women who put up with this shit... I had a family who loved me, but got sexually bullied and harassed at school. Around 8yo, I eventually told my dad who spoke to the teacher. She told him they wouldn't be doing it if I wasn't doing something to provoke it. I looked like a Roman boy, tried not to draw attention, and liked playing on monkey bars. That woman/teacher was a cunt for saying that, though I loved her because I was a naive child. She was also probably a product of the 80s,but what she stuck to my subconscious for years, and manifested in many ways. At 42 I'm grown up and not victim to anything, but when you're young, you're a clean slate.

  25. I have to agree with others, I think a lot of drugs and other things are being left out the story. But let us know who the Brazilian soccer player is, and who the pimps are, those are real villains.

  26. @Totto @astra

    It is such a privilege to have your spotless Perfection, here among us mortals.
    No doubt, your slate is perfectly clean... Mr/Miss Perfect?

    1. Where did I claim to be perfect? Lol but I’m glad you recognize your privilege. Better check it!

  27. Probable target of blind is Mick Jagger since Ent's got a bit of a hard on for the guy wrt gf who suicided. Blind is written so we're supposed to end up hating M (and J) but the lack of autonomy by the narrator is rather appalling even and despite youth. Couldn't stay in college on theater scholarship b/c Brazilian soccer player/rapist might ... be in college? Erm, okaaaay. Seems unlikely but maybe Brazilian soccer stars attended college back then. Moving on, drifts into clutches of gay J, the duke of dildos, and falls in love. Again, it seems like there were warning signs all over that situation. Flashing neon signs. "Run don't walk" signs. Despite being in love agrees to do it with a rock star and some other rando but then (probably after hoovering up a lot of drugs) backs out because is in love? Okay, now really! What did M and J do that was worthy of criticism in the context of rock musicians circa 1989?

    1. The Stones were never sober or purported to be ,really. Ron wood had twins several years ago and has been in and out of rehab as recent is 2015 or so... Keith Richards stills drinks but “considerably less” which for him is probably nothing but normal for others lol.
      Mick too vain to admit to a problem no matter how much he used.
      They have never been known as a “now sober rock band”

  28. Too vain (self-controlled) to allow himself to be an addict to any earthly substance, for sure. But the rest of the band? Keith cut back from the industrial strength quantities he had been consuming previously. Charlie had a late-breaking addiction which maybe he was taking care of around this time. Ronnie's dried out several times.

    1. Maybe ... but they are foreign born band , not known for collective sobriety.
      Also don’t see the connection to the main subject/engineer.
      Jack and Aerosmith parted ways in the 80s only to rejoin post this time (or the blind)-which explains why there was a need for a call and tix etc.
      Dunno—-maybe I’m just going based on -people I know.

    2. Because you know everyone right?
      Please just stop. You are so incredibly irritating.

      Who exactly is it you “know” in the Stones camp darling?

    3. Or Aerosmith? Do tell Trish. Don’t leave us all hanging. 🙄

    4. I don’t know the Stones.... or the person that has produced /engineered their biggest selling albums of all times because he is /has been best friends with my uncle since the 1970s...
      hope that helps:)

  29. When you are raised with no love and respect you come to realize you are a piece of shit that is not worth being loved or love. Predators sense this and are more than happy to reinforce those things through love and abuse.

    She was a damaged girl who let herself be used since she didn't know any better and was attracted to fame and fortune hoping for happiness.

    She made it out whether her husband was a client or not. She gave us a glimpse of the depravity of the late 80's early 90s. Women were used like cum buckets by bands/producers and no one blinked an eye over it.

    We still have a long way to go. Thanks for sharing your story.

    1. I agree. Thank you for share .... it’s nevee easy to go back and relive. Hope life is beautiful now

  30. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Been around the music biz for over 30 years, I have never, not once, seen a rehearsal studio with a master suite with sauna and jacuzzi attached. Never. I don't know anyone who runs one who would even begin to think of dealing with that kind of thing.

    Sorry, but this reads like wanna-be groupie stories.

  31. The rock star didn't do anything wrong? Given the context of the blind, check out the bolded word:
    There are two other YOUNG girls there talking, and they grow giddy and nervous when he enters the room. I feel immediately uncomfortable, I don’t know who these girls are.

  32. Astra: you obviously don't have a clue about what sexual abuse does to someone. And you don't have much of a heart, either.

    1. Not much of a heart, but I do have a brain. And people that think, instead of feel, have precious little patience for stupidity.

      At some point in your life you can either harden the fuck up and refuse to be victimized (once, or again), or you can continue to blame circumstances and everyone and everything for your problems. It’s really that simple and has nothing to do with feelings, or what you want or think you deserve. It’s reality. Get assmad about it if you want but it’s a waste of time. But some people have to learn the hard way.

    2. I know it's not PC but I agree with you. I was sexually abused and I was the opposite of this girl. I am not a victim and do not blame anyone else for my poor life choices nor do I praise anyone but myself for my good choices. It's all me!

    3. I am glad to hear that you aren’t wallowing in self pity and have taken control of your life and circumstances. THAT is strength and extremely inspiring and impressive. I am sorry that you were abused. People like you are amazing and you have my utmost respect, fwiw.

      I have always felt that if you spend your life dwelling on past issues, that you are wasting your life. I’m sure it wasn’t easy to get to the head space you’re in now, but I’d be willing to bet that you’re as mentally healthy as anyone can be. And I hope you are happy. Being in charge of yourself is empowering. It’s damn sure better than being a perpetual victim because it lets the abuser continue to abuse you, essentially for the rest of your life. Best of luck to you!

  33. Sounds like Astra is a dumb bimbo Christian red pill Cool Girl herself. Hard to have empathy for a mindset like that. If any male in your family grows up to be a rapist, we'll all know why.

    1. Lol I don’t give two flying fucks if you empathize with me. I don’t go around whining about my hardships or looking for jack shit from strangers. Feel free to scroll right on past my comments in the future if they trigger you so. 🖕🏻

    2. @astra...you’re a special kind of twat.

    3. Aww Latrina, I mean “Latresa”, I’ll say to you what I said to others....if you don’t like it, feel free to fuck off and keep on scrolling.

  34. There’s an article on zocalpublicsquare.com about the LA recording studios in the hey day. Here is an excerpt...

    Also distinguishing L.A. studios was the “hang,” a shorthand word among musicians for the vibe, accommodations, and/or people in any given recording studio. Smart owners knew how to cater to the specific, if sometimes decadent, demands of their clientele. Niceties varied from studio to studio: sumptuous lounge areas, gourmet kitchens with chefs, private bedrooms, hot tubs, waterbeds, 24-hour personal assistants known as runners. Sunset Sound, the Village Recorder, and Cherokee were all known for the quality of their hang.

    Coffee, tobacco, liquor, and depending on the artist, marijuana all were standard issue during recording sessions; sometimes harder drugs were, too (particularly cocaine, which some saw as a good tool to help stay awake). Liquor bottles might be everywhere. Ashtrays routinely overflowed with butts. About the only real no-no was spilling anything on the mixing console. That could actually get a person in trouble.

  35. This fried chicken is so amazing right now. The outside crunchy crispy part is thick and crusty with just the right amount of seasoning. Golden enough for my white-person palette but enough flavor so I still respect myself.

    The white moist juicy tender meat glistens as I bend a chicken tender against itself, a moist pop as the flesh emerges, plump and ready for a mouthful of succulent delight.

    Mmmm so good.

  36. By the late 80's every last idiot farm girl virgin in creation should have known that rock stars are reptiles. But then, there is indeed a sucker born every minute.

  37. This story doesn't say Brazilian soccer star -- it just says Brazilian soccer player. Maybe it was just some dude on the team who happened to be Brazilian

  38. Vince Neil? Sounds like every music man ever..... esp in the 80's

  39. I didn't read it as looking for sympathy now, just, perhaps, having a bit of sympathy for how her younger self got to that situation as she openly recalled a disturbing story.

    I do think much was implied by the YOUNG girls already being in the room and staying after she left (made me think of the two young girls in that other groupie horror story -- though not suggesting that sort of ending).

    Not knowing tons about recording/touring processes, is the engineer always different from producer, bc engineer is distinctly the term used. Could it be a sound engineer that toured with band? Also rehearsal space, rather than recording studio, also emphasized.

  40. Astra, lacking empathy for others is nothing to brag about, and it's not something that makes you better than other people either. You can have a brain AND a heart. But judging by the fact that you're delusional enough to think not getting abused is a simple matter of pulling oneself up by the bootstraps, and see an abuse victim discussing the impact of what happened to her as weakness, I'd say you're lacking in the brains department as well. Sorry if these truths trigger you. Sounds like you've been brainwashed since childhood to be subservient to the Les Moonves and Joshua Duggars of the world, while being callous and dismissive to those they hurt. Intelligent people realize that constantly running around to minimize abuse and inequality sets a bad example for men, boys, and people in general.

    1. Nothing triggers me, I don’t really give a shit what you think or whatever weird ass little scenarios you’ve made up in your head about me. I stand by my statement that if you’re old enough to vote, sign a contract, fight a war, you’re old enough to be able to make adult decisions and take responsibility for your actions.

      Children have no agency and therefore have no say in their abuse. Child abuse enrages me and it needs to be stopped. Grown ass adults choosing to hang out with shady assholes, do what they want and then act like they had zero part in making those choices, that isn’t abuse. That’s regret over poor decisions and re-writing history to make yourself look like a victim instead of a willing participant. If you don’t like it, oh fucking well.

    2. But why are u so Angry?

  41. I have no idea who the people are, but I'm sorry for what you had to go through. :(

  42. Could be U2 they had a song Raised by Wolves which is the comment at the end. They were also big around that time and did a lot of recording in America

  43. Trish, you don't irritate me. It is perfectly ok to have met/hung with famous people. Astra, I am glad you aren't letting the virtue-signaling pissant get to you. You are allowed to be bummed that someone makes poor choices repeatedly without someone calling you a soulless asshole. My lil story - I was molested by 2, yes 2, uncles when I was a child. One, an uncle by marriage, assaulted me, and one exposed himself to me and my sister, and we did not know it happened to both of us til we were adults. After I cried to my father, he told the in-law that he would kill him if he ever touched me again. As for the other uncle, Dad will never know what his own brother did to us. Point is, we grew up and decided that since any man outside our father could do whatever and apparently have no problem with it, it was up to us to armor up, be aware, and leave the naivete at the door. Knowledge is power. By the way I am also an extremely sensitive soul, but I will not have a victim mentality.

    1. Kudos to your parent(s) for not being in-denial about having creepy family members. Many families would rather sweep something like that under the rug.

  44. This absolutely cannot be Jack Douglas.

  45. Romario for the Brazilian soccer star

  46. Scientists now know that the critical parts of the brain involved in decision-making are not fully developed until years later than people thought at age 25 or so. So no you don't have your own agency at 19. Add in drugs and alcohol, which steal your autonomy and are all too welcome when you have lost one parent and been rejected by another, not to mention rape trauma. A lot of traumitized people make choices that hurt them because they turn it all against themselves. Predators have a genius for tapping into that. Without a parent or a friend to offer perspective how do you manage alone? Twisted words of caring penetrate and manipulate. Nineteen and twenty are young. Big big difference from 23 or 24. People are barely fledglings then.

  47. I actually think tricia got it on the very first guess..too much seems to fit.

    Did some interesting reading about the Record Plant in all of its incarnations. The Pit in Sausalito sounds like quite a sight, and I'm sure there'd be volumes of tales about Rick James taking up residence in that studio!

  48. Cry me a river, small town girl.

  49. Who are you trying to kid with that bullshit, JL? So now a full grown 20 year old is considered a kid? What's next? Now we'll say 30 year olds are just babies? No wonder this generation is doomed if all society does is nurse them like they were babies instead of showing them how to live in the real world and how to deal with difficult situations. It's not lack of empathy, it's about learning to grow up and take responsibility for the things you do. Nowadays no one wants to take responsibility for the things they do, they always blame it on some shitty excuse, and that is exactly why these type of things happen.

  50. I don’t see in astra’s comments where she holds herself out to be spotless. It sounds like good common sense advice.

  51. This is a story about nothing really, neither the 'boyfriend' or the 'singer' actually did anything wrong. meh...

  52. Ok, making myself crazy....this engineer guy would only be about 58-60 years old today according to clues...based upon his bio of working with the Who, John Lennon, etc...I think Jack Douglas would need to be at least 10 years older than that.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I think the other Reddit blind and this are connected and about the same person, and it is Steven Tyler. I saw a picture of him with his extremely young "fiancee" and this sounds like him. Maybe he has had a string of 'fiancees" girls whose life he has made hell. It sounds like him, he was never married as far as I know. Let's see what this is...

  54. LondonGirl, it just sounds like a girl with issues met a lot of weirdos in the music industry and thought she was in love with a guy who liked dildos up his ass. Or who liked putting dildos up the asses of rock stars. This writer isn't good at being specific. There's a "Like OMG!" vibe to the style. Well without actually saying "Like OMG!"

    If M is Steven Tyler I don't know if I have heard any "into dildos up the ass" rumors about him. But who knows.

    U2 had a New Year's Eve concert in 1989. In Dublin. The writer doesn't say it's a foreign concert though.

    I doubt it was The Grateful Dead. But they did play on that date in Oakland.

  55. Whoever wrote the blind, I'm sorry for all you went through and I'm happy that you found Mr. Right. Best wishes to you

  56. +1 @timebob & @AbbyRock

  57. Well, I don't give a damn about M. He did nothing wrong. I wanna know who is the Brazilian soccer player rapist.

  58. I don't get the impression that the Brazilian soccer player is someone famous. Probably just a Brazilian student who plays for the college soccer team or something? She says she had a crush on him so it's obviously someone she knew beforehand.
