Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Blind Item #10

This B+ list mostly television actress was on a very hit cable show for its entire run. Despite her belief that all women should be heard in the #MeToo movement she chooses to ignore/not believe any of the numerous accusations about her former boss and just last night was partying and making sure he knew she was always available to work with him.


  1. Christina Hendricks??

  2. +1 to Christina she went to an awards show last night

  3. What? Women being hypocrites? Gotta love that “sisterhood” 🙄

    1. There has never been a sisterhood. Women hate eachother mostly. Worked in mostly female environments all my life. The bitchiness is shocking.

    2. Thank you Amy, this has also been my experience. Smile in your face and work to destroy you behind your back. For no reason.

  4. @astra

    did somebody hurt you?

  5. Because #moneycomesfirst, silly.

    #metoo is for when there are no roles available.

  6. Notthisagain, so you’re trying to tell me that this isn’t common among women? Ok then 🙄

    Why do you make snotty comments instead of facing facts?

  7. @astra - kind of seems like the snotty comments are coming from you...

  8. Ooh I like the Lena guess with Judd being the former boss. He certainly has a lot of “friends” with accusations...

  9. According to the wording in the blind, she believes all "women should be heard." Doesn't say anything about her thinking that all of those accused should be blackballed.

  10. Lena D with her horrible looking self

  11. Kris, ok so you also want to pretend like women support and empower each orher, and everything would be sunshine and kitten farts if it wasn’t for that eeeevil patriarchy forcing women to be shitty to each other far more often than they’re nice?

    Ok then. Don’t let me disabuse you of your beliefs. Good luck with that though.

  12. If it was Lena wouldn't there be some reference to the fact that a writer on her show DID come out about abuse from another writer, and Dunham defended him? Seems like she's already had her exposure as a hypocrite.

  13. The worst bosses I ever had were female. Demeaning and would sell you down the river in a second if it would help their career. There, I said it.

  14. It's not Lena because HBO is pay cable not cable.

  15. Like, MeToo, man. Unless, like, he is, like a big shot or a democrat. Then "shush"

  16. Courtney Cox!

    Which is funny, because her last name is Cox!


  17. i watched january jones just last night in 'GOOD KiLL'

  18. Nah, Human beings in general are just horrid to each other when envy raises it head.

  19. "here has never been a sisterhood. Women hate eachother mostly. Worked in mostly female environments all my life. The bitchiness is shocking."

    All my colleagues are female. Hopefully getting a male manager. I want some counterbalance.
