Thursday, February 21, 2019

Blind Item #12

It seems that this former A- list mostly television actress who has become much more famous since reducing her acting to almost zero has made up with the film/music/tabloid conglomerate because she was partying with their European CEO last night. 


  1. Why would any CEO want to spend time with that useless smelly hag?

    Maybe the CEO of some porta-potty business, but even then...

  2. Anyone see the breaking news of Jeff Epstein?

  3. ...

  4. Does its partner let it yacht, then? How very progressive of them both. They are not very nice people.

  5. Awww AQ is back. Agree with Rose. She was at the Warner Bros party and they produced Charmed.

  6. Enty MIGHT be slightly out of touch, calling Warner Bros a "film/music/tabloid conglomerate."

    Time Warner WAS a film/music/tabloid conglomerate, except that...

    they sold the music branch in 2011. Warner Music is now a different entity owned by a billionaire.

    they sold the entire magazine branch to Meredith Corporation more than a year ago.

    They do own TMZ. But, for at least a year, People has been under a totally different management, and is owned by a totally different group. So, every time Enty writes about the ties between TMZ and "Kneepads", he uses information that's been out of date for at least a year. Calling Warner a music conglomerate hasn't been true for more than seven years.

  7. Better link for the Epstein story.

  8. For poops and giggles-- Suzanne Summers, the Thighmaster, all of her alt health books, and ABC/'s time the put that Chrissy Snow beef to rest!.Love Wins!!!!💗

  9. Please Enty, block Amazing Quotes from commenting if it's remotely possible.
