Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Blind Item #13

After being forced to be good by a huge organization and the multiple 24/7 personnel hired to make sure he stayed sober for a week, you know things are going to be rough out on the road for audiences for awhile. He has some partying to make up for and I would expect  lot of "postponements," which will later turn to cancellations. 


  1. Yup Travis. If things are this drastic, isn't there anyone who actually cares about the guy who thinks its about time he goes to rehab??

  2. Beck? Is he going on tour or touring?

  3. More proof that for fans ticket money is usually better well spent on drugs.

  4. @Brayson87: One way or another, it is!

  5. I can see this being Travis with the NFL paying him to behave. Performance wasn’t good so it was a waste of money.

  6. Anonymous11:55 AM

    speaking of concerts. ill be seeing ariana grande in june

  7. Half of the 30 seconds Travis performed was censored out anyway, so why even bother?

  8. If they charge on average 200k per bleep he should have cost the NFL well over a million.

  9. Good luck there kfitz!

  10. I’m seeing Ariana in May! I’m stoked.

  11. Good luck to you too!

  12. Its Travis, this was in the dm today about canceling a concert in Tulsa at the last minute.

  13. Travis cant even sing. And who is paying to see him?
    Plus he is UGLY as fuck. Whats with the brown spots all over his face? Are those Freckles, Acne Scars or Age Spots? What is it?

  14. @kfitz and Lyss, you think you're to see concerts in June and May, we'll see if she cancels or postpones.

    1. A friend and I bought tickets for her Vancouver show, but only once we were certain of the cancellation policy. We get her the first weekend after Coachella :|

  15. Hopefully,Ariana reschedules at a convenient time for you all. Those service fees are nonrefundable. She cancelled over a song choice,what if something bad happens to Pete? Or something good? Or her (justified) PTS D returns? Or she finally admits her problem? Travis Scott is a crapshoot for any concert,probably can't insure him.

  16. Insurance scam. They all are. That item about a studio delighted their two movies tanked- recall? The NBA, for example 2, is being outed as a tanking operation. Black culture is vulnerable to such manipulation. Remember The Great Society getting black people on welfare, free abortions and malt liquor? These boom box lip synchers are traitorous to their people. They are gov. assets sent out to play the clown and bilk the tone deaf public that gets damp from watching these parolees swing their dicks. Rap/Hip Hop is the encrusted keg sediment of a festering, rotting, stinking pile of putrescence that is kept alive only through ignorance and the lying media terrorizing people into thinking rap has some positive element to it. It does not. It is audio snuff porn. I thank you.

    1. It was YOU!!! You killed Tupac!

      I'm assuming you don't select any NWA songs when you're out karaokeing @ the VFW w/ your Klan?

  17. Travis cancelled in OKC, 45 minutes before showtime. probably not the last time

  18. If you ever meet real career criminals, like people that have done their crimes and done their time, you immediately realize what loud mouth pansies most rappers are. They talk a lot of sh!t, but they don't even look like they could help move a sofa.

  19. No actually Substance D is right and it’s not racism. The government targeted blacks in many ways, for example the CIA running drugs and distributing crack in the inner cities. The government used black people as a testing ground for what they wanted to do to everyone. Whites and opiates are the next rung on the ladder. So it isn’t “racism” on D’s part to point this out. It does everyone a disservice to dismiss it with a flippant and racist in and of itself, remark.

    1. As he said, rap is a big part of it too. Forgot to add that. The music itself isn’t a problem but the subject matter is. Unfortunately most music is this way now....remember, they started with blacks and moved on to wider society. We won’t ever be able to fix any of it if every time someone brings it up, someone screeches about racism. Another thing to keep society fucked up, as they make a lot more money from chaos than order.

  20. It’s been said on here before that the Kartrashians choose their men based on their access to good heroin. Kylie did it all through her pregnancy with Travis. He sold out the PMK long ago.

  21. Eek. It’s trollville up in this thing today.

  22. @Lisa, so many ways I loathe the Kardashians, but honestly Kylie did heroin her entire pregnancy? That would be a whole new low even for them.

    1. Yes girl. If you go back and read last years blinds you’ll see. The word was she was using her entire pregnancy while also getting lip injections. That she didn’t know who her baby daddy was and still might not. The baby does look more like her bodyguard than Travis.

  23. For all of you Tupac-kers:
