Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Blind Item #13

This A- list comic movie actor who got his start on late night is married. It didn't stop him from having two strippers orally service him at the same time. He tried to put a leash and collar on them, but apparently that is where they drew the line.


  1. Wow everyone is getting their freak on
    Just come see me baby

  2. Just for the hell of it Eddie Murphy, could be male strippers and we know he gets his freak on.

  3. Chris Rock is divorced. Sandler fits though I hate thinking of him as A-.

  4. Sandler a plus asshole.

  5. Will Ferrell to be different

  6. Off topic, but the Pet Shop Boys have a new EP coming out and it's really worth checking out if you were ever a fan of them. "Give Stupidity A Chance" and "On Social Media" are on YouTube and are pretty amusing.

  7. How exactly would enty know this - is he their pimp?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. He was driving the UBER when this was all going down...

  10. Sawthat Do Tell... thosewere great.

  11. Every time I see the PSB's mentioned I think of this old catty queen I knew who hated them. Whenever one of their songs would come on he would always say to me "That English queen ain't singing she's talking her songs, she's pulling a Johnny Cash" lol.

  12. Sucking nuts with their girlfriend for money was a-okay but wearing a leash was disrespectful, what are they squirrels?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. @DoTell thanks! PSB were always a lot deeper and insightful of pop culture than most gave them credit for

  15. It's axiomatic you don't go near a collarless dog because it's likely not house broken and is probably a biter. But to let an unregistered whore, let alone two, lick your junk is just asking for a sex change.

  16. @MDAnderson Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde aren't married, they're just engaged.

  17. I love me some PSB and West End Girls and I loved me some Bronski Beat too. If you never heard of them, check them on YouTube especially tell me why.

  18. Love me some Bronski Beat!!

  19. @ MDAnderson

    Jason Sudekis was in an indie film i loved called 'Colossal'

  20. ARRRRGH...I actually put some thought into this and said "self, I hope this isn't Adam Sandler". First guess - Adam Sandler. Might not be correct, but it's not looking good.

  21. I really don't see anything wrong with this.

  22. How is Adam Sandler "A List"?

    I'm guessing Steve Carell just for that A List part but I hope it's not him.

  23. @gauloise "I love you more, you pay my rent" what a fucking line, one of my all time favorites. Intra-gay relationship dynamics so much more interesting to this straight guy than the "all we want is to get married" dogshit that no one in their right mind actually believes to be true. (NOTE: Last statement not NECESSARILY true for lesbians, though. Grouping gay and lesbians together under the horrendous tagline of "gay rights" is lazy and likely dishonest.)

    In on the new PSB, just like I was in on new NEW ORDER.

  24. Come on, if it was Murphy it would be dudes
