Thursday, February 07, 2019

Blind Item #13

This foreign born former A list model turned A-/B+ list celebrity all of you know introduces her nephew as her nephew, but also as her "friend," when she knows someone will see them doing things aunts and nephews shouldn't be doing.


  1. Woo Hoo ! I beat Tricia13 to the punch !

    I can now retire from CDAN a happy man ...

  2. She's more than a celebrity Entern, she still acts.

  3. Putting the emphasis on Hurl...

    Seriously, what kind of cousin are we talking here? Please let it be some kind of loose "aunt's stepson from her third marriage" situation???

  4. People keep implying that they have some sort of intimate relationship, but is there actually any evidence of that? Pictures of them hugging doesn't mean anything, and that's all I can remember.

  5. I am now officially identifying as Liz Hurley's nephew.
    Please get in touch, Auntie Liz.

  6. @Groggy, I am identifying as her nephew and friend, so I am ahead in line. You should wait your turn!

  7. I hope he's getting well paid from that old battle axe.


  8. Honestly, if they are getting it on, good for them.

  9. Anonymous12:07 PM

    There was a blind not long ago that she was sleeping with her nephew. I don't even read articles about her any more. Ewww, just ewww.

  10. @Vita, Miles is the biological son of Liz Hurley's older sister, Kate Curran. I guess Miles is using his mother's maiden name for to gain a broader fan-base since he also is starting his career as a model (I read he idolizes Brad Pitt so maybe his real dream is to be an actor)? Anyhow, I hope there isn't anything torrid going on between the two and that maybe Elizabeth is just trying to help her nephew break into the industry?

    (Though, if I had a nephew - my 25 yr old daughter's cousins are all female - I would feel weird about being photographed with my nephew that way - intentional or not; not that it matters much, but I'm 6 yrs younger than Liz & still can get away with wearing a bikini as well, but I prefer my 'goods' being covered as they are for my man's eyes only...but that's just me & I'm a not in the entertainment business; with that said, I've had some famous clients in association with a firm I used to work with for many years; thus, I guess that's why I'm intrigued by this website.)

  11. I had a close friend whom I was sure was having a sexual relationship with his aunt. They were both adults but I'm still bothered by it. Ugh.

  12. This is quite pornos.

  13. Grossssssssssssssssssss! 🤮

  14. is their uh 'affair' why nephew Miles got stabbed last year?

  15. sadly this comment section is missing urls to hurley in a bikini committing incest

  16. I wonder if they have had a close relationship their whole lives? Was she estranged from her sister and just recently met the nephew? Could this be a case of the Westermarck Effect, I wonder.

  17. Wow she just can't quit him, no matter how many eyebrows it raises.

  18. Aunt isnt really incesty enough for me. Maybe if she started blowing him when he was 12.

  19. Thanks for the info, Unknown and others. Btw, i'd like to know any scoops from the old firm!!!

    Surely someone of Elizabeth's seeming intellect, talents and physical appeal has a big enough pond of potential fish that she doesn't need to even risk the appearance of impropriety with a family member, right? Ugh.

    Not sure how incest would be something to celebrate?

  20. @Vita, it must have nothing to do with options available before her, rather its about tasting the forbidden fruit. If this blind is true then this is the only explanation I could come up with.

  21. Disgusting. Just like Angelina Voight-Pitt and James Haven.

  22. So gross.
    This isn't the first time she has shown up in blinds for f*cking her nephew.

  23. I'd like to be Liz's bike seat.

  24. The bigger question is, does her sister know?? Why risk your relationship with your sister for incest? So gross.

  25. Enty called her foreign born, but she sounds like she's from deep in the Ozarks to me.

  26. @Bliss, it's funny that you're concerned about the sisterhood when a woman is f*cking her nephew lol.

  27. Hurley yes but she was NEVER A list as a model. She was an actress/celebrity and maybe repped a perfume but didn't do much else. A List models are like Cindy, Heidi, etc.

  28. @kiki: The most disturbing thing about this blind is NOT that she was never an A List model.

  29. She’s a slut and there’s nothing cute about this!!!
    I wouldn’t allow my son around his aunt.

  30. You morons have no idea whether this is true or not, but don't let that get in the way of being disgusted and spreading gossip. "gross yuck ewww nasty" FFS.

  31. Ugh yeah yeah we get it already. Someone comes on here in every single comment section and follows the same script. “You’re all idiots for believing this, it’s not true, blah blah blah”. WE HAVE HEARD IT ALL BEFORE. At this point, it’s just boring. So can you just stop please? 🙄

  32. I don't understand why people can't see that the nephew is gay! Gay, gay, gay. Gay. He is gay, and there is no heat between them.

    I think there is a good chance that they do share beds. It would be like any cis female sharing a bed her cis aunt. I've done it often. If I went to visit my aunt, there is a good chance that we'd share her bed in her home. It is cosy, like a sleepover. Or on a trip? Definitely. I've shared a bed with my sister, multiple aunts, my grandparents, and my Mom. When my Mom had a horrible health scare a year ago, I stayed a month on "my" side of her bed.

    Also you have to realize, that Liz is likely a yachter. Her gay nephew is there for company, and security, and a little of his own publicity. Simple. I would agree to the suggestion that the idea of any impropriety is planted for her personal publicity. Normies that would take it as truth are not her income targets.

  33. Jan 15-- interesting spin! Im personally just going off what the blind is implying.

    So, in your scenario, she should be rewarded for efficiency, getting them both yacht work out of one pic!

  34. Liz's nephew is not attractive and THOSE EARS!

  35. @ Outraged. You don't like it, don't read it. It's easy, and you won't waste the bandwidth.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.
