Friday, February 01, 2019

Blind Item #2

What this estranged husband should do in regards to his soon to be ex who is an A- list reality star, is ask the court to have drug testing. The thing is, they would both fail, so yeah, maybe not the best idea for either which is why neither has brought it up. I guess neither wants to get clean for their kid(s). 


  1. +1 tricia you're so fast!!!

    1. Hey noodlebug:) it’s just they have been in the news again it seems... I never even watched that show and I do not get their fame at all lol

  2. Anonymous6:52 AM

    yep. her post yesterday broke my heart.

  3. @tricia me either, but you always crush it! huge fan :)

    1. Thank you very much indeed 🙏

  4. Regardless of the possible drug issue....what he did to her is disgusting. The video of him throwing her like a ragdoll is disgusting

  5. Trash people.

  6. Yep. J-Woww and Roger.

  7. I tell ya, I quit smoking weed for my custody litigation. 3yrs. Not that I was a pot junkie, but it was a convenient way to regulate sleep and relax.

    After that, it was soooo hard to get back in the habit. I get the paranoia like back when I was 18 and would smoke on the way to the mall, then forget what I needed from the mall, think everyone knew I was high, so we would leave.

    Sometime I am going to experiment on how long it takes to get through that paranoia and into just being a pot head.

    Meth is out of your system in 3days, like coke, and if they use shitty tests, you can get away with saying that you took a sudafed for allergies.

    1. Hahaha! YES! The paranoia makes smoking totally unbearable for me. I can get medical marijuana in my state but I don’t even bother because I’d just spend my time worrying about stupid shit and thinking everyone could tell I’m high.

      If I ever touched meth or coke I’d probably drop dead. Too high strung for that mess. Can’t drink either. Hope your custody worked out for you.

    2. Meth doesnt schiz you out in moderate doses. Gets you "in the zone" and focused. Thats why they give pilots amphetamines. Take too much and on day 2 or 3 ya start goin batty. Also, if chicks smoke it, they seem to get insanely horny. Lots of fun.

    3. But it’s made of weird chemicals and stuff. Isn’t adderall legal meth basically? Hmm....

  8. Adderall is amphetamine salts. They are similar and have similar effects, but i think they arent too close chemically.

  9. If it wasn’t for “A-List reality”, the post could be about Brad and Angie. I’m still surprised that their relationship went toe up, but with an opioid addict and an alcoholic/pot head living under one roof, who knows (other than those poor kids) how chaotic it must have been.

    Here in California you can’t swing a cat without hitting a marijuana dispensary, but I can’t smoke either. I get anxious and paranoid and it’s not fun.

  10. Takes a few times to get passed that, Mango. Worth it. If given the choice, i would pick weed over drinking. Sleep like a baby and no hangover.

  11. Count, maybe I could deal with just paranoia, but not the anxiety. My heart starts jackhammering in my chest and I feel like I’m gonna die. There’s no way I could do that a few times.

  12. Huh. That is surprising. Weed is prescribed for anxiety.

  13. I guess everyone has their sensitivities. I can drink half a pot of coffee and nothing. Weed? I’m a jittery wreck. It wasn’t always like that. In high school and in college I smoked my fair share. A friend did give me some edibles a few years ago to try (some sort of gummy worm) and it just made me sleepy.

  14. Roger always gave weird vibes, as in would beat up a woman vibes. Glad she's out of it, but sucks that they both use and for the sake of their kids i hope its not anything hardcore
