Monday, February 18, 2019

Blind Item #3

This A list director who has had a hard media week with his own words coming back to haunt him, has been super quiet about his best friend and former co-headliner who is an A- list singer accused of sexually assaulting underage females and abusing women too.


  1. R Kelley Spike Lee?

  2. Judd Apatow and Ryan Adams.

    1. +1 yep-Adams was in This is 40....

    2. Lol! 3 guesses and all wrong. Pathetic

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. LOL, psychological "harassment" is now part of POUND Me too, I guess

  5. OMG, TRICIa-take a fucken xanax

    1. Only if she’s sharing😉

    2. DQYDJ
      Get a life dude. Stop making hate your food.

  6. "He was #meantome. Destroy him."

    -- what empowered women say

  7. Is there a way to block people on here?

  8. No way to block people. Which is fine. Derek needs to find another place to inflict his psychotic episodes on. Can you believe the muhfucker? He has no shame. What happened to Chica? Tricia gets the best revenge by living a life this fool can only dream of having.

  9. but most dip shits don't stay around long

  10. "He was #meantome. Destroy him."

    Yawn, Republican trolls are tiresome. You guys thought your world would end if gays got married, how hysterical can you be?

  11. Basically a European-style socialist, completely in favor of gay marriage.

    But do go on. Your inferential powers are breathtaking.

  12. @weekittylass. idk who Derek is. I want to block someone else.

  13. Florence, that’s exactly what this is. Retribution from women who think they didn’t get the relationship they were “owed”. He didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t know the guy, he looks like a beta bitch, but seriously. Not having the “perfect relationship” where you get what you want 100% of the time, isn’t abuse.

  14. When Ryan was promoting “Easy Tiger” ( great album btw). I got to hang out with him a handful of times. 1:1 he was great- hilarious even. But he was such a brat at his concerts- yelling at the audience for singing along and abruptly ending the show if things weren’t perfect like sound and lights. I hope he goes down.

    1. Those damn fans singing along to lyrics!The nerve...🙄Never crossed his path or heard much about him and MM, but the Parker Posey era was pretty gnarly too. Effed her up.
      Seems he has a thing for aliterate ladies(and is skilled at being a doucher).

    2. When MM was trying to be “folk” she opened up for Ben Lee. My friend and I went to that show, did the meet and greet but said we had to leave to go to Ryan’s show later that night. We had some extra tickets and gave them to MM and the other opener and idk if they were already dating then, but I have always wondered if they got together because of your pal Troy Dyer

    3. Love Easy Tiger . And yes he is very intense artist and he is not the only one. Love his music till the end and know this will not end well.

    4. Seen him at the Greek twice with Karen Elson singing and it was awesome. The Teen allegations if found true, will be the it for me.

  15. He is accused of sending sexual texts to a minor, that is beyond just psychologically harassing an adult female or a relationship gone bad. If proven true, that is def doing something wrong.

  16. If it's shown he did that, lock him up. As noted above, guy seems like a stroker.

    But Mandy Moore's accusations? Who cares? If she doesn't wantto deal with dickheads, she should avoid them. Not my problem if she has a thing for guys who treat her like shit.

  17. @notagoodscreenname. I get it. You want to block J. It takes all kinds to make up this world. I don’t care as long as the attacks are not ad hominem. I know he thrives on being obnoxious but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  18. Oh FFS, I'm going to have dig up that other Ryan Adam's blind from last week? Well why the f*ck not.

  19. Short version, he's a f*cking grooming scumbag who also takes advantage of adult women.

    Mandy Moore is so f*cking brave, she only spoke up after several other women did despite being married to him while a lot of that was going on. Typical #TimesUp bullshit.

    Several of the women did sound like they got into a relationship with him hoping it would help their careers, then he got nasty and didn't follow through on his promises. Every good whore knows to get payment up front.

    However a lot of the allegations were straight up sexual harassment, and that online/texting thing with the 15/16 year old in Ohio is pedo as sh!t.

  20. Everyone,look up the Courtney Love accusations against Ryan Adams. Ten years ago. Of course,everyone backed up Ryan. Remember,she was right about Harvey.

  21. It's Monday, so Ryan Adams still sucks donkey.

  22. Florence Harding I'm an Independent but I voted for Trump.

    Trump was publicly in favor of gay marriage well before Obama, who was silent on the subject until it was safely poll-tested.

    This is all well documented and you can look it up.

  23. @Troy that is a good one..// I bet they did link because if that night. Never know 💫

  24. @weekittylass No it’s not J either.

  25. Traditionally, apathy is the best way to block people.

  26. @notagoodscreenname don’t let them get in your head. Keep commenting. I like reading them.

  27. I'm beginning to just think that Derek has some sort of mental illness. To be SO obsessed with someone like he is with Tricia is NOT normal. I'm not trying to make a joke either, I really think he needs to find some help.

    And Tricia, please protect yourself, I really think he would try to hurt you.

    1. We good Wendy:) I appreciate that very much, though...❤️

  28. He addressed it today

  29. This blind item is actually just a digest of a piece published by Breitbart yesterday. That's your well connected source in the entertainment industry to you.

    The piece is obviously written by somebody who hadn't heard of Ryan Adams until the allegations, spent 20 minutes making Twitter searches and wrote that Adams and Apatow were very close friends, which was the objective right from the beginning.

    Enty, spill it, as you have a first hand experience of it. How does Alex Marlow's butthole taste?

  30. And, for the record, I have no problem believing the reports against Adams, especially his involvement with the underage bassist. The other stories show he is a needy asshole in basically all his relationships, with a lot of mythologizing over the tortured artist syndrome, but, apart from the suicide threats, it's legal and his private life. But these stories draw a pattern that's totally consistent with the testimony of the teenage bass player.

    But Enty is full of shit. I was able to collect a few BIs he had published over Adams and Moore's marriage at the time the NYT released their exposé:

    All the stuff that Enty "knew" about Adams between 2014 and 2016 was that he was cheating on Moore. Enty had zero clue about the extent of his creepiness and would write instead come run-of-the-mill blinds based on what an indie musician is supposed to do in one's imagination, shagging groupies and acting like a diva.

    And now, the same son of a bitch is trying to pass as his own a smear piece put together by some hack at Breitbart, to blame Judd Apatow for not knowing the very same stuff that Enty himself had zero idea about in the days?

  31. Ironically, the only fanbase left for Ryan Adams are people that read Breitbart. For a good laugh look at all his MAGA fans on Twitter or this thread.

  32. And, even more ironically, it's the liberal and failing New York Times which has exposed Ryan Adams, while Breitbart and CDAN are merely trying to spin their work to serve a very oriented agenda without any research or actual work.

  33. Yeah, there does seem to be an assumption here that people know everything we do (or think we do) and the fact is lots of abusers do NOT do it in front of everyone the meet or work with. So I hardly blame Apatow for this.
    I am curious how much he knew or suspected about James Franco though.

  34. blablablaIhateEntythereforeIcontinuetocomehere andbitchandmoanabouthimblablabla.

  35. blablablablaIamacompletemoronandevenwhenconfrontedwithevidencethatEntypimpsBreitbartmaterialIprefertoblindlybelieveEntycozIhaveshitforbrainsblablabla

  36. yelling at the audience for singing along

    What the hell? Who does that??!

  37. Damn,I knew that many people here were angry at life or whatever,but this is crossing the line.Yes,psychological "harassment" is still harassment. Sometimes it's even worse than a physical one. But who cares? We'll make fun of everyone,call the story bullsh*t and insult the victims.

  38. @Mango: Right? I thought that the audience singing along was the height of fame; they know all of the words, are enthusiastic, etc. Who knew it was an insult?

  39. I read the NYT article this weekend. He's described as a prolific singer/songwriter. The only song that I found of his that I know is When The Stars Go Blue (or is it turn blue?). Anyway, beautiful song (I have The Corrs's version on my iPod). Have no clue what else he's done and I have no desire to look up his videos on youtube or vemo.

    The guy's a narcissistic ass whose sphincter should be loosened up in jail.

  40. @Flo said: " You guys thought your world would end if gays got married, how hysterical can you be?"

    A LBGTQ organization cut ties with Maria Navratilova yesterday after she double-downed on a tweet saying Trans-"Women" (Chick with Dicks) should not be competing against athletes than we're born women, because it is unfair.

    The villain of the story was Martina Navratilova, who's been an LBGTQ advocate forever, because she was obviously being "transphobic" in her opinion that (generally most) men are stronger and faster than women, and not wanting to have an honest conversation about what's fair for women athletes.

    Most people's concerns about gay marriage wasn't gay marriage itself, but he slipper-slope of degeneracy - which I didn't buy into either. However, Radical Femenists are running into the trans-wall of mental delusion right now.

    Next up: the normalization of Pedophilia. Oh wait, that project is already underway, after all, "love is love" right? Who are you to deny love?

  41. Meh. I'm not pro-TERF, but if there is a place I think they might have a point, it's professional level competitive sports. A body that developed hormonally male will have some advantages (and in some things disadvantages), like someone who has doped. Not saying I have the answer, but I can get what Navratilova is saying.
    Also, you're wrong. Next up is group marriage. Something many conservatives (coughUtahCough) can get behind.
