Monday, February 25, 2019

Blind Item #47 - Oscars

This foreign born A list song producer was yelling at this A/A- list singer/actress because he thinks she is going to die like Amy Winehouse, not that he ever helped Amy when he had the chance.


  1. Mark Ronson and Gaga

  2. Maybe she wants that, so she can finally get all the plaudits and accolades she craves? I mean, Amy Winehouse was said to be a horrible person, incredibly racist as well as a drunk and a drug addict but the moment she died, she became a saint.

    1. Holy fucking shit. I had no idea.

      I just Googled it and it says the word “black” is meant to refer to the race/ethic group:

      I honestly thought when she said “black” it meant a period of deep, dark depression (like you’d say someone’s got a “black, black heart”).

    2. What you say about Amy Winehouse is not true at all. I lived in London at the same time as her and she was well known in the Camden town area. Nobody had anything but nice things to say about her. She had drink and drug problems, but was generous with her time and money, and was well known amongst british charities as a soft touch. She frequently spent time with fans who often door stopped her, inviting them in for tea and such like. She was a good person with loads of talent who ended up in a dark place. No way was she a horrible person.

    3. +1. She was a sweetheart and empath... to like anyone.

  3. Does Gaga have a drug problem?

  4. Well, Gaga's hair is getting more beehive-like by the day..😉 That being said, perhaps he learned from the mistake, and doesn't want to stand by and watch tragic self-destruction twice.

  5. I could give two shits if Gaga croaks

  6. doubt it. gaga seemed very sober last night.. probably a made up post.

  7. Winehouse died from acute alcohol toxicity and out-of-control bulimia. Which was destroying her body from the inside out. She was their money train so no one wanted to take on the job of helping her. Even her family.

    1. Ha that word is always a conversation stopper.

  8. There was nothing Mark Ronson or any other lay person could have done to save Amy W.

    1. Exactly. That's what her family said.

  9. I immediately thought Mark Ronson.

    I always thought "Back to Black" was a reference to black tar heroin but what do i know?

    1. I hope you’re right. I’ve lost enough innocence for the day:

      And I’ve already been disillusioned about Kanye and Bowie. I don’t want to have to dislike Amy too. 🖤

    2. Back to Black is in reference to going back to a dark place. She explained this in interviews.

    3. Thank you, Mon. 🖤

  10. @Scandi, I wouldn't be disillusioned by Bowie either. When he was on tour for Ziggy and doing groupies, the age gap between him and any of them was 10 years or less, and he wasn't getting them incapacitated to have sex. It wasn't like it was some middle age creeper preying on kids, and I don't think there were many of Lori Maddox's age that he was with.

  11. Amy was not a horrible person, or a racist. What a completely unsubstantiated and ludicrous statement. She was a sweetheart with a very dark and heavy soul. Very self destructive. Nobody could have saved her.

  12. Let Amy rest in peace.

    That voice was a gift from God & she did not have to wear a meat suit to get attention.

    She toured with The Dap Kings. They are heavily AA.

    Her voice was soulful. She sung like she had the pain of the ancestors in her. Racist! Wowzers.


  13. the way Gaga clapped for Olivia Colman has to be seen to be believed

  14. There is NO WAY Amy was racist. Also Mark Ronson has probably been around more than a few addicts/alcoholics who are still using or in recovery. Addicts have to hit their bottom. If they don't think they have an issue in the core of their being then dragging them off to rehab is a waste of time and money.

  15. Who's he yelling at? I thought Miley was his little protege lately seems like she'd be the investment he'd be most likely to want to protect at the moment because you're right, he didn't give to shits about Whinehouse because he was supplying her the drugs. With families like him involved it's all about the benjamins and nuthin else.

    Love reading these blinds and then seeing what clueless twats show up afterward to put their ill informed two cents in. Most of you are like slaves turning around to thank the master for the last whipping and politely asking for another. You kiss these fuckers asses so much like you know them so well like you're fishing buddies or something.

    This blind actually sounds more like a warning and promise instead of the half assed way most of you are reading it like there's some amount of empathy mixed in there.

    But I for one am not going to let anyone here forget who this little jerk is, hiding and comingling with Hollywood stars when his entire family is part of the reason this world is the shitty fucking mess that it is.

    Mark Ronson (Aaronson) is related to Malcolm Rifkind, and to Leon Brittan, which lead to Jimmy Savile, Prince Charles and Edward, Lord McAlpine and Edward Heath.

    Him and his relatives go right to the TOP of the chain in the UK SEX ABUSE SCANDALS.


    Mark Ronson's uncle convicted fraudster Gerald Ronson.

    Mark Ronson has been the produced Amy Winehouse and Lily Allen, Robbie Williams and Christina Aguilera.

    Mark Ronson's friends have included Michael Jackson, Sean Lennon, Yoko Ono, Keith Moon, P Diddy, Tom Cruise, Yuri Geller, David Blane, Greville Janner and Paul Boateng.

    Bunch of clueless yaps. You really have no idea what they've done to the world have you?


  17. Gaga is A+. Especially after winning an Oscar.


    Sir Leon Brittan was accused by the UK Member of Parliament Jim Hood of 'improper conduct with children'.

    It is believed that the police have film of Sir Leon Brittan at a sex party organised by the child killer Sidney Cooke.

    Carole Kasir, owner of the Elm Guest House boy brothel, showed a social worker eight photographs from Elm Guest House.

    Leon Brittan was in two of them.

    And what about Sir Jimmy Savile, a very close friend of Israel, and Jeffrey Epstein, a Jewish friend of Donald Trump?

    The editor licks his lips and says, "This is more anti-semitism.The witnesses may be fantasists."

    A Miami Herald investigation put the number of victims of Epstein at 80.

  19. Why should it have been anyone's responsibility to 'save' poor millionaire drug-addict, drunk and abusive Amy?! Why should ANYONE else be accountable for the shit choices that junkies make in their lives? She had plenty of help. She refused it. Fuck that guilt-trip shit.

  20. Yelling, so that's how you get people clean, the answer was right there all along ;)

  21. It's not Mark Ronson's job to "save" anyone. Just like it wasn't Ariana Grande's job to "save" Mac Miller.

  22. Could be why Gaga had that fake tan...

  23. I don't think for a minute that Gaga needs anyone to save her, more power to her - she's a very talented and rightly ambitious lady imo

  24. Anonymous3:27 PM

    similarly, knew Amy, lovely, sweet and funny as. Completely extra, but a lovely soul.

  25. I also spent time with Amy. She was a sweet soul, bless her. I do miss her. Her laughter was so contagious. Many tried to help, but Amy was a strong willed adult, despite all advice, she made her own decisions.
