Monday, February 18, 2019

Blind Item #6

This foreign born A- list actress who is still a newlywed and keeps getting married to remind us of that fact met up with one of the men she once had an affair with who is from her home country. This all happened while our actress was out of the country.


  1. Priyanka and the multiple weddings and her Indian co-star

    1. +1 Sandy... I thought EDR was EVC (married Josh Bowman last month).... she married a Bollywood costar?

  2. I think his name is Shaheed Kapoor because it sure ain't Huddleston she's hooking up with.

  3. She dated him only married Jonas.

    1. Yes lol.... “Four Weddings and -Another Wedding”!

  4. I wish Feb was a Tricia free month.

    1. Let’s hope March would be

  5. Well at least she's not trying to stay celibate for the length of her marriage. You know Nick isn't.

    1. lol fair point Brayson....
      maybe they double date ?!🍾

  6. Priyanka and this older dude named Shah Rukh Khan. This affair led to her blacklist from Bollywood.

    1. +1 International Business Times released an article 12 hours ago.

      Shahid Kapoor is much, much hotter.

    2. “This older dude named SRK”?! 😂🤣

      You talk about him like he’s a nobody.

  7. So what can Pryanka and Nick's couple name be on here?!

  8. BTW, the dude's children live/study in LA where he is frequently visiting. SRK and Priyanka were alleged to have been married in Dubai but the press reports were squashed almost immediately. The legal status of that marriage is unknown, but it's presumed that the guy (SRK) did not take steps to have it recognized in India. It would have been a huge scandal to the guy's family image and near unblemished reputation as a dedicated and faithful husband to his wife of 20+ years whom he met and married prior to joining the industry.

  9. @A list Diva they have a name--Prick.

  10. @Tricia, I don't know, did you have to use a champagne bottle emoji? 😅

  11. I hope Priyanka doesn't fuck up the movie adaptation of 'Wild Wild Country', the story is fascinating, and frankly the Netflix doc kinda sucked, they missed tons of juicy details. Lived nearish to where it went down in Oregon. It's honestly almost hard to believe it actually happened--so bizarre!

    Lovely pic Miss Tricia! Looks so peaceful there.

    1. Thank you! Sunday excursion .. peaceful ,but lots of people. It’s the season I think (people visiting from colder climates). I snorkeled a lot right off reef you see in back 🐠

    2. Yes@Tricia. Beautiful ocean and you look fantastic! Tired of the rain in California!

    3. Thanks SD!
      Sorry about the rain too..//:( at least it’ll keep things green:)

  12. A "thank-you" would suffice, Tricia. This isn't Facebook. If your life is so wonderful-Why the constant need for admiration here? Why the need to guess first on. every. single. bind.? And dont lie and say you spend your life with wonderful friends and family. You are here 24/7. Cant be two places at once...

    1. Lol I hardly ever post but yeah I have noticed certain people are always the first ones to respond.

    2. Desperate for attention despite having kids, friends that visit her and a husband according to Sandy.

  13. What if I tell you she spends most afternoons on the beach with her kids, friends and her nights with her husband. The rest of her family isn't there but some are going down there to visit?
    And your fucking life you useless piece of shit? You have none except the voices in your fucked up head you pathetic motherfucker. Useless fucking brain damaged jackass. Tell us again how you were molested when you were 13? Of course to do that you'd have to be heavily medicated like the last time you told us, but what else do you have except your drugs and wine and your reality TV shows?

  14. Wheres the link to that again, Sandy? Made-up in your sick little mind. Someone in Florida needs to alert the authorities over such matters... Big bark for someone that never collects a bone...

  15. "What if I tell you she spends most afternoons on the beach with her kids, friends and her nights with her husband. The rest of her family isn't there but some are going down there to visit?"

    I would tell you your delusional cause we all see how she spends her "crazydaysandnights" and it is here. 24/7. 365.

  16. Oh I'm not quite as delusional as you, Lady Baus? Can you switch over like last time and speak just like that while apologizing for having to use that alt because you were on your mobile. That was quite enlightening, showed how fucking ill you really are.

  17. I already said I post as LaudyBaus on mobile on this is my laptop account. Nothin to hide. You are like a cross between a 13 yr old bratty girl and a bad satire of Angela Lansbury in Murder She Wrote. The bottom line is both of you suck and you are not hall monitor. Quit lying, Sandy. Its so strange.

  18. *on mobile and this is my laptop account.

    and back to the molestation stuff---where is the link again? By now you must have found it. Lemme guess it was prob YOU who wrote it under my name? Or it doesnt exist? Cant be that hard to find. Fool. Sicko.

  19. Really? And a mentally disturbed fucking loser like you who needs alts to speak to it on social media sites because no one else will isn't strange? Do you even pay attention or are the voices in your head drowning everything else out? You are the biggest fucking joke to ever post on this site and that's saying a lot considering some of the shit that's posted here in the past year or so. And yet you continue to come back and back because your fucking life is so empty and useless there's nothing else for you. Pathetic.

    1. Actually Tricia is the one that is pathetic always wanting to be first regardless is she’s right or has the correct spelling. She can’t even go back and edit her first answer for fear as it won’t post as the first reply. She rather post again with the correct spelling. Now that is some serious mental problem. If you are rally with your family at a fabulous beach location you won’t be glued to the computer waiting to be the first to reply.

  20. Or maybe you went back and depleted it, believe me I'm not all that interested in finding your 3 day rampage because your not even the slughest bit important enough to waste that kind of time on. Youre a complete nobody get used to it, not worth the fucking time of day.

  21. Sandy wants to start making Members Only jackets...Im here like 2 hours a month. Not 12 hours a day like you and Peg Bundy. I'm bored now. May as well be arguing with Humpty Dumpty.

  22. *deleted*. I don't gave the fucking time to have 70 different blogger accounts or aliases like you do, but I do things, you don't.

    1. Hey now that ain’t true! They apparently sew curtains. Really -ugly -looking bathroom shower curtains👀

    2. Yeah you suck up to Tricia something he/she won’t do. You also took it upon yourself to get involve instead of letting Tricia handle it herself.


    1. Yes exactly. Priyanka is an obnoxious try hard who has gotten tons of plastic surgery and lousy actress who married a dopey looking boy for publicity and won't shut up about it.
      Tricia has good guesses and some good gossip and doesn't go on and on about her personal life just little things here and there like most of us occasionally. FFS I was here through the talks too much debacle so I know obnoxious and delusional when I see it.

  24. I'm here afternoons dipshit while I'm working on shit and a bit in the evening. And will respond if questioned by people. And whatever fucking time you decide to spend here ius away too much and unwelcomed by everybody here, so take the message and disappear once and for all for good, you have no friends here

    1. LMAO!!! Are we in grade school? True normal people including kids only come here for gossip not to make friends. If you and Tricia are here for friendship then you two truly are pathetic and desperate. Lol! “ don’t come here you don’t have any friends” something a dumb 1st grader would say. Talk to Tricia offline about her pic and snorkeling shit. We don’t give a fuck about her or anyone else life unless you have a great interesting story about a celeb to share

  25. At least I dont look like that ugly witch Carlton Gebbia. I can make new curtains-you are a lost cause.

  26. Now go back to the cabinet you crawled out of.

  27. Anonymous11:59 AM

    So Derek comes here once a month for 2 hours and in those 2 hours, he finds the need to harass Tricia and Sandy the entire time? Seems legit.

    Seriously, grow the hell up and move on. If you don't like something, scroll on by. It's not that hard. A "mature" and "responsible" adult like yourself should be able to accomplish this quite easily, no? Or is it easier to harass Tricia and accuse her of being irresponsible? Such a hypocrite.

    1. Lol
      All good. We so used to it, it’s like a giant yawn fest you can set a clock to ; A sad , unwanted one-but one all the same. Thanks @Unknown/)🤟

    2. Well apparently Sandy can’t move on if she sees something she doesn’t like.

  28. Um...did you all know wombats' poop is cube shaped?

    1. Thought it was triangular 👀🤩🤫

  29. Dude, what if all three voices are in the same head? 😮

  30. I don't know , you go to check on CDAN to find out which film producer is now raping kids while dressed as a chicken at his home in Malibu and find all hell has broken loose in the comments. ...gotta love Mondays...

  31. Anonymous1:23 PM

    It just gets old, Tricia. It's the same stupid tune every month or so. Obviously you must have pissed him off at some point, lol. Maybe he had a bad Caribbean cruise in the past and you inadvertently give him flashbacks to that "bad shrimp" episode from Carnival's buffet every time he sees your picture? Maybe he's jealous that he doesn't have all those fun stories from when he worked in New York? Who knows. But it is really petty and the fact that everyone here has to be privy to his drama is just annoying more than anything else.

  32. how the fuck did carlton gebbia get brought into this shit storm 😂😂

    1. I wondered the same what did I miss??

  33. Long time reader, infrequent commentator. Most of us just come for the gossip. Can you fools who have a hard on for each other take it offline? OMG! No one gives a fuck!

  34. Omg you are such a moron.
    Seriously, If a person has to change their profile and make new alts MORE THAN ONCE, they probably have a personality disorder.
    Sandy is right, you did spew a bunch of shit and forgot who you even were why the serious fuck would he bother to go back and find it?? It was BAD ENOUGH THE FIRST TIME
    You don't even know how embarrassing it is. Fuck. Don't they have meds in Canada??

  35. Shut up RosiethePIG. Happy Presidents Day....pfffffft. Rosie the lesbian who spews homophobic words like "FAG" at others in disgusting and you can tell she's dumber than dirt with her vocab. I just imagine you grunting around town in a turquoise Suzuki Sidekick and yelling at waiters and elderly.

  36. No blinds/comments about TeenMom Jenelle and her future-serial-killer hubby breaking up, Enty? I'm surprised.

  37. The haggis-- To get back to the twisted gossip, since you mentioned a chicken costume... did you see the chicken mention over the weekend? 😲🐔😜

  38. Happy Presidents day? Lolol

    You got me w/ the Suzuki sidekick.. although it's more of a primer color by now.
    If, by homophobic, you mean "disgusted" at every single entitled, whiny, messy fag like yourself then yes. I'll take it.
    You're everything wrong with the gay community and the reason people are still homophobic. Vile creature.

  39. Can everyone PLEASE stop responding to Derek & his various accounts? He is annoying, but everyone responding just makes it worse. THANKS!

  40. Rosie- You're a person of rare intelligence. It's rare when you show any.
    Like seriously...You must have some awareness of what a moron you are? No one is THAT self unaware. Someone of some relevance must have pulled-you aside and told you before? No one has ever said "LOOK, LADY. You ARE NOT very bright". Between that and your internalized AND externalized homophobia -Damn...just DAMN....

  41. I saw Isn't it Romantic yesterday, it was cute. Unfortunately, the annoying and strange looking Priyanka was in it, but on the upside, the wonderful and loveable Jennifer Saunders was also in it.

  42. Do Tell-- thanks for review! There's not a lot out right now in my area. Is it worth going or wait to rent?

  43. Vita, it's something to go see if you're bored or need a pick me up. Cute movie that takes all the romcom cliches and consciously calls them out even as they become part of the plot. It's not great, but it's a cute, charming movie.

  44. Derek you are like that blind item a while ago (stealing this from Rosie :) ) you will only come alone or not at all. So How about you go back to fucking yourself. It’s tiresome reading your breakdowns

  45. Points made...let's move along now and let the dust settle.

  46. Thanks, Do Tell!

  47. Priyanka and Shah Rukh
    Priyanka and Akshay
    Priyanka and Harman Baweja (highly doubt she would cheat with him)
    Take your pick, she has gone around in Bollywood. Wives of the first 2 have forbidden them from ever acting with her again and her affair and breakup with SRK did lead her to be blacklisted in Bollywood, hence her arrival to USA.

  48. Forget it, Jake, it's Internettown.

  49. The "we" you are talking about must be your multiple personalities. You are taking random comments wayyyyy too seriously. But it is a good thing you don't come here to make friends, because you sure aren't making any. Seek help immediately.

  50. Oh my god the Suzuki Sidekick is a lesbian car? Lol I always thought they were cute, lots of people have them here, they’re good for the beach 🤷🏼‍♀️

    I always thought Subaru was the car of choice for LGBT+ people 🤔

  51. Get help you mentally ill fucking piece of shit so now we add Chica to the endless list of fucking alts in your sick fucking head don't we? And another meltdown talking to yourself in the middle of the night. And I have to laugh heartily when a mentally disturbed fucking idiot like you calls me a sick fuck. You were molested as a 13yearold you sick fuck and it's been documented those molested molest later in life pot meet kettle psycho. You should be so normal as iam and 95% of the people here. We laugh at the pathetic imbecile because none of us feel sorry for you in the least. Life getting the shit kicked out of you regularly must be tough too because you can't hide what a loser in life you are and I'm sure you lash out a lot in real life and pay the price for it. Too fucking bad, you deserve every bit of it you piece of shit.

  52. @Donna

    After watching Wild Wild Country, I read a lot of the archived articles from Oregon about the Rajneeshis, and the films of the cult practices in India. They left out so much in that doc. I don't even want to see the film because it cannot encompass how deeply weird and screwed up that cult was.

    I may have mentioned before that I had a roommate for while who spent time with them. He was one of my favorite roomies after college but his excuses (that I accepted at the time) for Rajneesh are so shocking to me now. I've tried to hunt him down a couple of times, but he has no social foot print (like myself.) The questions I'd like to ask him and I'd really like to know how he is doing.

  53. That comment was out of nowhere. And, like Catilin, I'm asking how Carlton "I'm better than Morticia Addams" Gebbia was even brought into it. I think this a pretty cool site. There is definitely a pecking order, and I think it's fun. I don't care if a few folks consistently comment "first," it's not a competition, it's a gossip community. I like everyone here. The ugly remarks and namecalling really have no place.

  54. I agree with Tricia: the blind refers to P. Chopra, who is nicknamed "Piggy Chops" in her native India.

  55. @Chica said... "If you are rally with your family..." I think the push-back you get is mostly due to spelling errors. lol. Your comments wouldn't seem so insane if you could just manage to spell correctly. l.o.l. at your. pathetic. spelling.
