Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Blind Item #6

This money laundering streaming service is putting Harvey to shame. No, they are not having their executives jerk off into potted plants, but they are spending four times the budget of a movie to make sure they win Best Picture for a movie most people have never seen.


  1. Netflix or Marvel?

  2. Netflix and Rome, obviously

    Which is a shame because it's probably the best thing I've seen for a long time

  3. Check out this year's first "Brutally Honest Oscar Ballot" in the Hollywood Reporter.

    Their voter, a director, calls Roma "just an expensive home movie."

  4. Here's his full comment:

    "Roma is beautifully crafted and looks fantastic, but ultimately, I was wondering where the entertainment or even intellectual value is in this movie. To me, it's a very slow and rather indulgent film — the most expensive home movie ever made. As far as the Netflix thing, what is our job as Academy members? We are trying to promote great films for audiences to see. When we gave our award to The Hurt Locker or Moonlight, we were getting people to go to theaters to see them; Roma is this brilliant work, visually speaking, on a big screen, but it becomes greatly diminished when you watch it on television, which is what 95 percent of the people that want to watch it have to do. I've spoken to several of my peers who watched it at home, and they were out after 20 minutes."

  5. Roma, and tbh, it should win. Roma or The Favorite. Everything else was pretty much just mediocre.

  6. Roma will be the worst Best Pic win this decade. No one fucking knows what that movie is. This is why people have stopped watching the Oscars.

  7. Roma seems to be The Birdman of 2019 - an arty film that people in LA and NYC like, but that no one else has seen or wants to see.

    Don't get me wrong - small films can be legit Best Pictures. "Moonlight" has stuck with me in a way that "La La Land" certainly hasn't.

    But in a year when there are some real crowd pleasers among the nominees, Roma seems like it would be an unfortunate choice.

    1. Agreed. Again, it's one of those arty but incredibly boring films that movie snobs and a certain type say they love to look like intellectuals. I love my foreign films 'The Lives of Others'being one of my favourite films but some of the stuff recommended over the years has bored me shitless. There was a black and white George Clooney film a few years back, got all the.nods, was full of itself and so boring that I switched off.

  8. Look, our daily Netflix blind!

    Honestly, Roma was boring AF. Beautifully shot and the acting was good, but I agree with the comment that reporter made about it being an expensive home movie. It wasn't compelling to me and I don't feel it should beat some of the other nominees.

  9. What's exactly is wrong with that?

    The budget for Roma was $15m. Even if they spend $60m to promote Roma, it would deliver a huge message to the industry and the audiences all over the world, which is that Netflix has original films that have nothing to fear when compared to high-profile releases that are released in theaters. It would get them more name talents as they understand they can still have a shot at the Oscars even if it's for Netflix.

    Sounds like a good investment to me. But Enty is bitching that Roma could win best picture instead of... let's say Bohemian Rhapsody, which is already a contender. The fucking hypocrisy...

  10. will it win tho????i need to know, i have a ballet to do.

  11. I wonder how the plant did? Did it die from the jizz or did it actually help it grow? Lots of stuff makes plants grow, blood, coffee grounds, eggshells....and spooge?

  12. Of the nominees, black kkkansman was my fave.

  13. I'd be surprised if most Best Picture winners were seen by most people or even most people who see movies often.

  14. First, I could not make it to the speaking on Roma before I bailed. Reruns of Portlandia is why I pay my Netflix money.

    My friend K in Venezuela used my passcode to watch Roma, and wrote me this beautiful note about how much the movie meant to her, and how it is one of the best movies she has seen in her life. She said it really resonated with her, because the of the family dynamics and social structures in Venezuela at this time.

    I almost want Roma to win, a movie I have never seen, nor ever will watch, y yo habla espanol muy bueno por un Gringo.

    My point is that if K was so moved by Roma, and I do not know her to be wrong, since I have never seen the movie, then it would be logical to think with all of the horrible movies released this year, the people voting just say F-it, I am voting for the Roma movie our Amigos guesta muy bueno.

    So, Netflix, promote Roma like this. Vote Roma, cause F- it, the movies you actually saw, sucked in 18.

  15. What is it with Enty's constant references to Netflix/money laundering? It soulnds personal.

  16. "Roma" is the kind of film I used to like Netflix for; you know, back when you could choose classic, foreign and independent films? When I saw the direction they were headed, I told them to f-k off.

  17. Astra: you know good and damn well that plant was dead quicker than someone in the Little Shop of Horrors. HW ejects reptile-acid jizz.

  18. It's the fucking Oscars. If you think each year's "Best Picture" is that year's best movie, then bless your spotless heart.

  19. Lol Hiram (nice name btw 😉) 😆

  20. Mr. Hedge was bitching on the podcast about how he wined and dined the CEO of Netflix on his yacht in Cannes but they still passed on his pedo doc, so yes it is personal. Some of the pedo blinds here are likely from Mr. Hedge who in turn gets publicity for his documentary. I would guess some of the politically charged finger-pointing at liberals in the business and all the CEOs come from Hedge because his political beliefs are pretty clear and obviously have spilled over onto CDAN.

  21. Hedge may also have a short order in on Netflix and I hope that bloodsucking piece of shit loses every dime of it.

  22. Anonymous10:10 AM

    So few people have seen best picture winners in the last years. The winner is clearly not the best picture. The best picture is the one that sells the most tickets. Because the freaking goal is to sell tickets and make money. The Oscar's best picture is just a statement that a few ultra left academy members want to make.

  23. For me, The Favourite has great costumes but tried (and failed) to do for a lesser female British ruler what Sofia Coppola did with Marie Antoinett (I was super excited to see it, and was disappointed). I’ve heard Green Book was amazing (although I don’t know if I would want it to win just because the pianist’s family hated how it misrepresented his role in the African American community). BlackkKlansman was phenomenal, although the violent NeoNazi protest footage should have been juxtaposed against the movie violent Black Lives Matter rioting and looting in Ferguson and Oakland to show that nothing has really changed for the better on either side (it was fairly well-balanced in pointing out the extremes on either side until that point, and for that I applaud Spike). Roma winning for the Hollywood Foreign Press makes sense, but not for the Oscars.

    Vice may win just for the political statement, same with Roma. Black Panther won’t, but I hope we see more blockbusters nominated in the future.

  24. Streaming service movies shouldnt be up for oscars

  25. I normally try to see every nominated movie, but this year I didn’t. Didn’t want to see BohRap for obvious reasons, can’t bear to watch anything that Emma Stone is in, tried to see ASIB but it wasn’t playing near me, but apparently it’s back now. Loved ‘If Beale Street Could Talk’ and wanted to see ‘Beautiful Boy’ but it wasn’t in the theater for long. Would like to see the Willem Dafoe movie. Always admired him as an actor.

  26. Harvey's insane lobbying in '99 for Shakespeare in Love set the Oscars on course for the disaster it's now facing. I kind of feel like they're doomed at this point.

  27. Roma was horrible. I don't know a single person who watched it all the way through. That Emperor has no clothes.

  28. I'm convinced that the true best movies and performances all take place in movies we've all never heard of. i wish we would go back to the heyday of the independent film. Marvel basically killed them.

  29. Independent film is nothing but gay cowboys eating pudding.
