Saturday, February 02, 2019

Blind Item #7

Has anyone looked who is the secret money behind the recent explosive documentary about the permanent A++ lister? How about that one named permanent A++ list celebrity and the mogul behind everything. One molested him and one hates him. 


  1. MJ/Geffin(mogul) and

  2. When paedo turns on paedo.

    Only the little boys suffer.

  3. Is Enty saying that the doc is not true?


    allegedly Geffen and Oprah were watching a copy of the doc....and I was thinking, how the hell would they have a copy?

    this is still a confusing blind for me.

    Geffen molested him and....Oprah hates him? confused!

  5. @BlissBooo

    I think enty is saying that the doc, although true, is being funded by another pedophile....(Geffen)

    the question, whats the motive? to take heat off Bryan Singer?what?

    1. Or take the heat off Weinstein, theres a documentary on him at Sundance but the MJ one is getting all the attention.

  6. Madonna? Oprah?

  7. I know I went to a state college, and my reading comprehension reflects that. But is ENTY saying Bono got Molested by Michael Jackson, and Hates David Geffen, or did Bono get molested by David Geffen, and hates Michael Jackson?


    Geffen molested him. Oprah hates him.

    MJ and Geffen/Spielberg had that big falling out way back where MJ paid to have this voodoo spell put on them...there were other names on the list besides those too...maybe Oprah was one of them.

    I wonder why Oprah hates MJ. I wonder what Geffen's endgame is for all of this. We already Geffen and MJ parted on I-hate-you Geffen's so fan of MJ

    1. @notthisagain
      You don't need a reason to hate MJ. He was a creep.

  9. The documentary may or may not be true,but GEFFEN and Oprah? financing the movie means something.

  10. Oprah is tho only one namer I know with Billions.

  11. I don't think it would be Oprah. Isn't she rated A+++?

  12. Oprah is an abuse victim herself. Could be her motivation.

    1. That and she dedicated shows to the '05 trial and she and her colleagues were HUMILIATED when he was acquitted across the board.

  13. @notthisagain - Thanks! That makes perfect sense. I'd say yes, to take the heat off Singer. I mean this doc was released out of the blue. I never heard any PR for it before it came out. Did anyone else?

    Maybe MJ screwed Oprah out of some interviews back in the day? Maybe she didn't like how he was un-blacking himself? Or, at the end, MJ was trying to get out of the Illuminati and was talking about "them". Holding spontaneous gatherings and telling his fans. Or, she caught wind that maybe he was trying to expose Geffen (her bestie) which could have tumbled the dominoes.

    In other words, she'd be exposed. It had to be something big.

  14. @Village Guru - A+++ is usually reserved for royalty, Presidents, the Pope, etc.

  15. God bless Joe Jackson for beating that mental patient into coming up with the moon walk. Best contribution and of the scum in this blind ever made to humanity.

  16. Is everyone done wishing Oprah runs for president?

    1. Just so all her "dirt" comes out. The only good Oprah has done was encourage reading.

      I'm waiting for more dirt on her school, in Africa, to come out.

    2. It’s already been exposed that they were raping the students.
      Sh flew her big wagon ass over there and done nothing. One woman
      was brave enough to tell what was happening at that elite school.
      I’ve never liked her big wagon ass, was told I was prejudice against her
      I don’t like her and never watched her shows. Come on out the closet
      and u can bet, that bitch is not running for President.

  17. MJ was gonna say too much

    i believe he was murdered

  18. Oprah / Geffen ??

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. if true, i wonder why mj never came forward and said he was molested himself

  21. Oprah is very good friends with Geffen, Weinstein and Speiberg...she has a lot of skeletons in her closet. Unfortunately her and Geffens wealth make them untouchable, but they are quite the pair. She pretends to care about abuse victims because of her own past, but behind the scenes she enables and helps to fund the most unimaginable shit out there.

  22. @b. MJ was passed around to countless pedophiles in the industry from the age of 6 onwards. Joe Jackson used him as currency on the road to fame and beyond. Geffen was just one of many.

  23. Oprah, Tom Hanks/wife and many others have "vacationed" on Geffen's yacht.

  24. I hate Oprah. And this blind gave me a migraine.

  25. " Oprah, Tom Hanks/wife and many others have "vacationed" on Geffen's yacht."
    this, and Tom Hanks closeness to SS makes me doubt his2 good guy" public person..if anything, he is one that hangs out with the worst people , and continuously

  26. Hanks started his career cross dressing. I think that's part of the initiation. Think Gulliani, Jack Lemmon, Robin Williams, Jack Benny etc. not to mention Hasty Pudding gang.

    He was totally hooked in to the Military Industrial Complex through his work with and for the WWII museum in New Orleans. It was originally the DDAY museum but they renamed it to broaden their donor base. Cynical fuckers and Hanks was there.

  27. Michael is innocent.
    The accusations killed him.
    Made him a recluse, and destroyed his already fragile health.
    Rest well Michael. No more fear .+++

  28. While we refer to Oprah, I feel she is still referred to an equal amount in print as Oprah Winfrey. Cher, on the other hand, has never been known by two names-- post Sonny days, at least.

    That being said, I feel like O is probably the one intended here, but Cher and Gef fen were once a couple. I could be mistaken, but I believe ive seen pics of Cher, G, and teen Michael hanging out at Studio 54. Not saying that proves a thing other than running in same circles in 70s....O's relatively late to the crowd at mid 80s...

  29. Seems obvious that some of these people are so well connected that despite numerous allegations, they'll face no consequences and no solid proof will come out until about 20 years after they're dead. Must cost a bundle to buy that deal.

  30. Conspiracy believing imbeciles are out in force today.

  31. Cher and Geffen dated while she was on hiatus from Sonny, and they are still super close

  32. cher has publically dissed MJ, while Oprah is compassionate of him due to his abuse. I can't imagine Oprah hating MJ

    She said of Jackson: ‘This guy is nuts. He shouldn’t have these children.”’

    1. Cher isn’t exactly mother of the century herself. I’m ambivalent about MJ, don’t know if he was a pedo or not, wasn’t really a fan. But Cher is a major bitch.

  33. all the blinds on this documentary are just making me want to watch it. abused people end up abusing people, unfortunately.

  34. @gauloise Oprah and MJ had a falling out about the rights to an interview she did with him in the early nineties. Rights which could’ve made Oprah hundreds of millions $ She’s hated him ever since and has done several shows alluding to him being guilty of pedophilia. Especially during the 2005 trial. It’s definitely Oprah. Don’t forget that it was her, Gayle and Geffen watching the Leaving Neverland documentary on Geffens yacht. The documentary has tight security around it, no one is allowed to view (other than at Sundance) due to HBO and Channel 4 having exclusive rights. If it got out before then on streaming platforms, the deals would be lost. Now the fact that Geffen has a copy on his yacht makes it pretty clear that he was one of the money men behind the doc. A doc that was dropped at exactly the perfect time to distract from the Atlantic article on Geffen.

  35. Maybe Oprah molested him... And Geffen hates him. Who knows... Anything is possible..

  36. Only in a small percentage of cases AmesR09. A lot become more sensitive to others suffering & wouldn’t dream of putting the pain & shame they felt onto others

  37. But why the man is dead ffs.

  38. @Renee yes of course. I must clarify that I was replying to commenters on this blind asking whether MJ was abused then does it mean MJ didn't abuse?

  39. Jerome cries that Michael’s interview with Oprah launched her to fame and she turned her back on Michael:

  40. Sorry, on my last post the last word should be Singer! The point of the documentary dropping when it did was to take the heat off Singer, who Geffen would do almost anything to protect. Jackson may be dead but he’s still the go to guy to use to distract from any other Hollywood pedo stories connected to Geffen or his friends. Anything scandalous about MJ sells and attracts viewers, they know this because they’ve been using the same tactics for over 30 years now. Make an enemy of Geffen and he’s relentless, sometimes his enemies will be killed straight away, but he kept MJ around for as long as he did to use him as a constant distraction from what Geffen and co were doing. The public sucked it up. Not saying that MJ wasn’t guilty, but he definitely took the fall for others whose crimes were even more numerous and despicable.

  41. Cher, Oprah, Moronna - they all make me sick.


  43. Fuck Oprah. Lying useless C***. I feel that way for so many reasons, but seeming to support the LGBTQ community, while lying about her own life is just not okay. Unfortunately, I know so many people who look up to her, subscribe to her magazine, etc. When I give them my POV, they are brainwashed and double down on supporting her.

  44. it did seem strange and unuual to me that this documentary about Jackson even saw the light, like it surprised me that Ophrah spoke about it,so, possible

    Btw, Geffen the mogul (the money behind), not sure about the other names

  45. Allegedly Cher is a paedophile. In her late 20s (28?) She had sex with a 13yr old Anthony Kedis when she was supposed to be baby sitting him. According to his biography anyway

  46. @Unknown It could equally have been to benefit Weinstein you’re right. If you scroll down on this NY Times article about Weinstein to the section called ‘Keeping the Media Close’ AJ Benza admits that he traded gossip and stories to publish about celebrities including Michael Jackson to take the heat off of himself.

    Backlash for the Singer piece and the Weinstein doc have both all but disappeared from the MSM in the wake of the MJ documentary. It’s a tried and true method of distraction.

  47. Sorry that first paragraph wasn’t very clear! AJ Benza traded gossip and stories to publish with Weinstein about celebrities including MJ to take the heat off Weinstein.

  48. I do believe this is Oprah and David Geffen watching the doc on Michael Jackson.

    After the interview Oprah did with MJ in the early 90s, something must have happened because I could tell Oprah could not stand Michael by some of the subject matter she had on her show afterwards. To this day, I have no clue what the issue is.

    As for Geffen, he and Spielberg kicked MJ to the curb to be part of Dreamworks; this is why he talked sh** about them for years. This was his chance to be involved in movies, which was his ultimate dream as he already conquered music.

    The way this documentary is positioned leads me to believe someone with a lot of power in the industry is funding this. It makes me wonder why now when these guys said the opposite thing for years.

  49. Michael was a victim from the day he was born .
    He was beaten by Joe Jackson if he missed a step or a note.
    Thats justvthe part Michael mentioned on the ABC interview.
    There was much much more.
    Now, we see classic Victim Blaming. To take the focus off of their crimes.
    I hope every single person who is calling Michael four letter names, burns in the next dimension.
    Rest well Michael ++ .
    I hope you are with Liz And Diana and George a far better place.

  50. Fuck MJ he was horrible, I've already posted how he hated black people and women. This post reminds me of another thing I learned with all my weekend reading and it is relevant to your comments -

    MJ was certainly very very intelligent. Let there be no mistake. He was also quite a fucking asshole and did a fair number of shitty things that are unrelated to kiddie diddling.

    He had SO FEW FRIENDS that the only people that showed up for his lifetime achievement award had to be paid.

    Remember how ZERO CELEBRITIES DEFENDED HIM!?:!?!?!?!? Wonder why? Think real hard.

    Because they already knew some creepy shit was wack or because they didn't like him as a person. He also was not beyond cheating someone out of some money all Trump-style toward the end.

    Just saying - maybe Oprah hates him for good reason. MJ pissed off Liz Taylor toward the end and she didn't have his back either.

    Not that Oprah prob isn't some Baby Eating Satanist as well, whatever, I'm just saying she probably has good reason to hate MJ.

  51. What about Oprah and the Brazilian baby farm guy?
    This is interesting

  52. @Unknown I actually think you maybe right about MJ. I came across a lot info in my research that suggests MJ was set up. I think MJ found out SS and others maybe were pedos and before he could call them out they set him up first. The information is out there if one wantst to research it. the Laugh Factory is a good place to start.
    I mean it is possible he suffered DID and had a personality that was an abuser but I haven't seen any real evidence of that. What is found when one researchs doesn't support MJ as an abuser at all. Esp once you look into his accusers and how they were introduced into his life. I usually say where there is smoke there is fire but with MJ there is too much damn stuff to suggest otherwise.
    No way to know for sure, but he does seem to be Hollywoods scapegoat and as anyone who knows anything about Narcs and psychos, which pedos are, they always project their crimes on to victims of their crimes. It seems to be anytime the public wants to talk about pedos in Hollywood they keep and will continue to throw MJ at us as if to say there you have your pound of flesh now shut up. Which is BS. MJ is gone that situation as sad as it is is over, what is important now is to expose those who are STILL hurting kids.

  53. 1. Why would David Geffen fund money for a film about someone he molested? To control the information?

    2. How do we know they watched the documentary on Geffen's yacht?

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.
