Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Blind Item #7

This foreign born former A list singer in a group and solo turned B+ lister iconic singer is being investigated by the police in his native country over a decade old sexual assault allegation. This now aging star is denying the allegation he groped a young male industry insider inside a hotel toilet. It's very bad timing for the outspoken star who has a new album and tour on the way.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was also gonna guess Morrissey. I could see that happening.

  3. Morrissey does have a tour of the UK and Ireland planned, and a Canada tour as well.

  4. Aging


    tour on the way:


  5. Morrissey is getting ready to start a tour he will most certainly cancel.

  6. Yes it's got to be Morrissey.

    UK press reporting on this but not on the name.

  7. Robert Smith / the cure
    New album expected to come out this year

  8. Ah yes - I saw that.

    Coincidentally, I've been listening to a lot of old Smiths stuff recently. It ages pretty well, although the meaning of some of the songs has taken on new shades with time.

    "Bigmouth Strikes Again", for example, sounds to me like the story of an abuser who is constantly justifying himself and feeling sorry for himself for having to face the repercussions of his actions.

    Which may be the case for Morrissey, come to think of it.

    1. For me, it’s really hard to reconcile the man who wrote “it takes strength to be gentle and kind” with the hateful things he’s said in recent years.

  9. Morrisey. Smith was never outspoken and has been with his childhood sweetheart his entire adult life. Plus his music was and is far better.

  10. "Former almost A list singer in a group"? Oh please. Back when I used to go see the Smiths 30+ years ago, NO ONE in America had heard of them. They played small clubs.

    However, Enty also described Chaka Khan as a one-hit wonder, so music isn't his strong suit.

  11. Morrissey fits, though Sting is also about to tour a new album. I think Moz is more the type to grope a male stranger.

  12. " For me, it’s really hard to reconcile the man who wrote “it takes strength to be gentle and kind" oh, my god, that song

    now i have to listen to it again

    1. It’s so good! Not really a fan of most of his solo work though.

  13. i guess now he does feel " the soil falling over his head "

  14. He's made some interesting comments about spacey in the past: Specifically, he says that the allegations against Kevin Spacey are “ridiculous,” saying that if he was 26 and alone in a bedroom with a 14-year-old boy, than the boys should’ve known what was going to happen. “When you are in somebody’s bedroom,” he says, “you have to be aware of where that can lead to.” Because of that, he thinks Spacey has been “unnecessarily attacked.”

  15. Anonymous9:21 AM

    In the gay world, groping and being groped in bathrooms was common practice in gay bars decades ago. If this is Morrissey then it's just silly. It was probably the highlight of the grope's life at the time it happened.

    Again, within limits, we cannot judge people for yesterday's acts by today's standards.

  16. Here is a interview of Morrisey calling “bullshit” on what of Kevin Spaceys victims

  17. Its prob him ...but Morrissey is Perm A!

  18. Everyone here praising Morrissey seems to be in his age group.

    Asking the younger people on this board: do you listen to the Smiths or to Morrissey's solo work?

    Johnny Marr recently said he was proud to see student protesters in the UK wearing Smiths T-shirts, but that's not necessarily the same as listening to and liking their music.

    The teenagers I know who are into retro stuff mostly like Bowie, Queen, and Led Zeppelin.

  19. I saw something about this on the Sun's website and wondered if it would be touched on here today. They used the phrase "is idolized", so I wonder if that really is applicable to Morrissey.

  20. "Is idolised by their fans"

    He's had a few low points in recent years but I'd say Morrissey is truly idolised and worshipped by his fans. To a sort of demi-God status.

  21. @Davina David What the hell are you talking about!?! Consensual groping probably happens everywhere, but not nonconsensual groping. Men don't just go into gay bars or restrooms and start groping people without their consent. You'd find a lot of broken noses in addition to lawsuits. Oy.

    That said, this was a regular hotel restroom, not some cruisy gay bar.

    Why the hell are there so many non-gay people on here that seems to want to speak like experts on gay life and completely misrepresent it?

  22. My kids have loved the Smiths since they were young teens. My daughter always goes to see Morrissey when he tours.

  23. "He's had a few low points in recent years but I'd say Morrissey is truly idolised and worshipped by his fans. To a sort of demi-God status."

    I saw the Smiths three times in the 80s and loved them. Now? I wouldn't pay money to go see him. Most of the people my age who are still fans laugh off his usual idiotic "Old Man Yells at Cloud" rantings.

  24. "Most of the people my age who are still fans laugh off his usual idiotic "Old Man Yells at Cloud" rantings."

    Speak for yourself. None of us know what 'most' of Smiths' fans think about what Morrissey says. Besides, it's not a matter of how many people agree with him, unless one's priority is always being one of the cool kids. There's plenty of irony here since a lot of Smith's fans saw themselves as people placed on the outside back in the 80's.

  25. I’ve heard of the Smiths/Morrissey. I’m mid 30’s. I like their/his music. I had heard the name of Chaka Khan but couldn’t name anything she’s done. The reverse is probably true with different people. I would say that most people I know would probably know Morrissey but I’m also sure a bunch would know who Chaka Khan is. So 🤷🏼‍♀️ I would guess that different people like different things.

  26. Oh I’d also add that idk anything about anyone other than Morrissey, so whoever else was in the Smiths, idk. I mean, we aren’t talking about TRUE A list status, like Wham!

  27. Morrissey always was a whiny cunt. I remember all those Smith's fans at the time. You couldn't imagine such an up themselves rabble of entitled fuckwittery.
    They haven't changed either near forty years on. Still the flaky, pretentious blowhards they always were.

    The Smiths: A vastly overrated group composed of a great guitarist, a cunt and two nonentities.

  28. Thanks Astra.

    Vic, I agree that Marr is a very good guitarist. Do you think he was influential? I hear very few guitarists that sound like him.

  29. Morrisey does it to deliberately piss people off. He succeeds. That is and always been his character. He likes being unique and in a day and age where absolutely everyone is offended or a victim, he stands a lone.

    1. As for sexual misconduct, I am now probably going to offend. A lot of gay men like younger looking men. Gay porn is full of twinks. It is common knowledge that this stuff went on and a lot of youngsters were willing and put themselves in positions. 16 year olds/17 year olds. Any younger is massively concerning but we are now choosing to lack common sense when we know this stuff has been going on forever. Queer As Folk in the UK bloody glorified an older man shagging a 15 year old boy and it received praise.

  30. @Amy You are correct! It is going to offend!

    Some gay men like younger men, just like some straight men like younger women.

    Some gay men like older men, just like some women like older men.

    Some gay men like masculine men, some like more passive men, some like thinner, some like muscular, some even like chubby. Some like smooth, and some like hairy. But I'd say most just like "attractive" people without specificity to age.

    Do "a lot" of gay men like younger men? I think "a lot" of gay men like younger men because younger people tend to be more fit and attractive, not because they are young. I think most people, regardless of sex or sexual orientation, are going to be more attracted to a fit, sexy older person than an unfit, unkempt young person.

    Please, for God's sake, do not judge gay men and women by soap operas like Queer As Folk, or weird porn that somebody told you about. It is not real life. Unless in turn you would like all straight people judged on the basis of something like East Enders or Coronation Street and straight porn.

  31. @Joey Boy George is an interesting guess. He’s on tour at the moment with Culture Club. Hope it’s not George, I like him.

  32. That explains Morrissey's publicity grab of returning to Canada. A handy distraction.

  33. Tom Jones was in a group, no chart success, though they were a popular live act.

  34. Tom Jones had chart success with Cerys Matthews, at least in the UK.

  35. Flashy Vic - OMG your comment made me laugh out loud! Totally agree 100%!

  36. I met Boy George, and he was a jerk to me. I asked him if he thought I was hitting on him, and walked away without waiting for his answer. With his past history, this blind could refer to him. He tours with his DJ gig.

  37. It is definitely NOT Robert from the Cure. I know him very well on a personal level and he’s been with the same girl for years. Mozz and Boy George are good guesses.

  38. Fake news just to get a discussion started...
