Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 29, 2019

Our favorite alliterate actress turned celebrity is accepting money from designers to wear certain clothes and products. She doesn't care at all that it is against protocol. She is cashing in.

Meghan Markle


  1. I need a blind on which of her 'inner circle' anonymously talked to People about how great she is!

    1. Me too! I just cannot believe the pathetic shit coming out about her lately. The DM article about her friend Serena Williams (nasty tempered bad sport) offering Meghan her PR people, the doxxing of people that don’t like her, by a major international paper, and now this People article. Which I read snippets of, and it is so embarrassing I had massive second hand embarrassment for her.

      I also read some of the tumblr blogs about her. That belly is definitely strange. A whole lot of strange shit going on there.

    2. Chopra probably...

  2. MarkleMotion is back!

  3. All of the quotes sounded like a Meg wrote them herself. Waaaaaaay over the top.

  4. Rather that than living of the tax payer.

  5. @ Nutty Flavor- I enjoy reading your blogs, and was curious as to why it was American women who were being doxxed. Thanks for sharing your insight with us.

  6. @Longtimereader, you've got it spot on.

    Who's paying for Meghan's PR?

    I wrote a blog post about exactly that today, accessible via my profile.

    Short version: I certainly hope the British taxpayers aren't paying for publicity aimed at the American public.

  7. They even featured the "5 besties of Sparkle" people story on the Today show this morning
    complete with multiple clips of her grasping her fake belly

    best one was the secret, anonymous, best friend who claimed that she is super-duper connected to God and anyone who says differently....
    just doesn't love Jesus I guess

    They also managed to work in a huge slam of her dad and how she tried to reach out to him, begging him to be part of her life...


    1. They need to leave Jesus out of this! How could anyone ever think that’s a good idea? Are they all smoking crack?

      Now I’m even more embarrassed for the BRF. All of this mess, just so people wouldn’t call you racists. Stupid, stupid Harry. What a fool!

  8. she bought the moonbump that moves to pretend the baby was kicking. Every day, she sinks lower and lower. Every day we think that she's hit rock bottom and then we are surprised that she can find lower depths of public humiliation and ridicule. When will she learn to stop digging her own grave? And did you see Lainey tossing her salad in her column today?

  9. Thank you HeatherBee!

  10. @Mischi, I think Meghan's going for the Big Lie, which is why she's taking legal action against bloggers and other members of the public who point out her mistakes and distortions.

    Here's the theory of the "Big Lie"

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    That said, I don't think she has much power (or enough money) to repress "dissent" in the long run. I say she'll be gone by Christmas.

  11. Gone from the Royal Family, I mean. Not gone from the planet, although you never know.


  12. they'd give her a car accident but they already used that excuse with Diana

  13. Where's sandy? He loves these

  14. honestly, if Meghan and Harry were to drop off the face of the Earth, people would just breathe a sigh of relief, except for Lainey and Jessica Mulroney, whose golden ticket has just disappeared.

  15. Yeah, where is Sandy? He likes to tell the same joke at the beginning of every Meghan thread.

  16. @BradPitt, they've got a ready-made excuse in that Meghan won't follow the instructions of her security staff, as this Quora poster described a couple of days ago:

    Security incident?

  17. Forget death pools, maybe we ought to start a "How long before Harry dumps her or is forced to dump her" pool.

  18. It's also against protocol to have kids fathered by red-haired scoundrels.

    Didn't bother Diana.

    1. Speaking of telling the same joke at the beginning of every MM thread...

  19. Harry looks exactly like Phillip did when he was young.

    He is a biological Windsor, no matter how promiscuous his mother was.

  20. HIs growing baldness also looks a lot like William's baldness. Same pattern, same progression.

    He looks awful, by the way. He's lost a lot of weight in the past 6 months, most of it muscle, and his clothes are shabby. Hot Prince Ginger no more.

  21. Late to the party but HI DM'ERS who they doxxed,our Enty won't ever do that to y'all he loves you!!

  22. >I say she'll be gone by Christmas.

    Right, Karen. I will be laughing at you then.

  23. LOL Sandybrook. Good to see you!

    I don't think Enty can "doxx" us - remember how much trouble he had finding Tricia for the podcast?

    Now that I have a blog, I'm getting more familiar with the back end, and I can tell you it shows nothing but screen names.

  24. BTW - back to the topic of the actual blind - did anyone else notice Meg merching breath mints the other day? They were prominently displayed in a vehicle as she exited.

    By "prominently displayed", I mean that the portion of the car door was totally black except for the "Smints" breath mints.

    Hello Magazine had a totally organic piece featuring the mints:

    Poor journalist Sharnaz Shahid. I doubt this is the kind of story she dreamed of in J-school.

  25. Product placement now? FFS. If the Queen was 20 years younger she might have the energy to pay attention to or take her to task on things like this.

  26. @Do Tell

    Yeah, agreed. This is really Charles' job now, and he's not doing it very well.

    Saw him photographed at a receiving line for a reception yesterday - British Asians, lots of dignified ladies in saris - and he looked like a drunk in an old Playboy cartoon. Big bright-red bulbous nose.

    Wonder if it's feasible for William to push him aside.

  27. I'm sure she is reporting all this to the income tax collector!

  28. @Nutty, only if there is a stairwell.

  29. What is the obsession with people talking nonstop about people they hate? She exists, she is there, she is not going anywhere. She has no power, at best she's part of a figurehead. She's not abusing anyone, her worst crime seems to be possibly being bitchy.

  30. Brayson, you're a psychologist, correct?

    I'm not, so feel free to correct me, but I see it as an acute case of psychological reactance.

    "Reactances can occur when someone is heavily pressured to accept a certain view or attitude. Reactance can cause the person to adopt or strengthen a view or attitude that is contrary to what was intended, and also increases resistance to persuasion."

    Vast amounts of money are being spent trying to persuade the public that Meghan is a fabulous and likeable person.

    Nobody's buying it, and there's a distinct joy in saying to others "You're not buying it? No, I'm not buying it either!"

    Not to mention that we all know there's more to the story than we've been told.

    "Once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, their motivation to access and spread it is increased" - ie the Streisand effect.

  31. So far, she's exposed as a yachter, a spoiled, entitled brat and now an money-grabbing opportunist. How did she pass screening that I assume the Royals conduct before they allow new blood into their mix?

    She's a very odd fit for her prince and the rest of the Royals, I think. If she's starting out like this (isn't she still in her first year of marriage?) what will it be like in several years from now?

  32. Why does she need the dough? Doesn't the Firm pay for her? Is she padding her coffers for the future without them?

  33. Maybe people hate MM because she is just always there,everywhere, all the time. Is Brexit even getting the same level of attention? She's not particularly attractive and she's plain boring. And most importantly her husband will never be the sovereign. Did Sara Ferguson get this amount of attention?

  34. I think Fergie did get a lot of attention at her peak, but she was kind of naturally cheerful. I still don't think Fergie has a mean bone in her body.

    Which can't really be said of Meghan. One of her directors is actually on the record saying she was "the meanest person I ever met in my life."

  35. Wow, seriously, "Nutty" is obsessed. Over half the posts here are from you. Get a hobby or get out of the house & do some good like volunteer somewhere. I don't like Megs, but you are seriously unhinged.

    1. Why do you care how others choose to spend their time? I see this type of comment and never get it. Everyone here is probably like 95% of the world, always on their phone. If it wasn’t this, it would be YouTube or Facebook or what the hell ever else people waste their time with. I like Nutty Flavor’s blog and her comments.

  36. perhaps Megna M will be sent away from the royal family, but i don't see that happening within this year...i think AT LEAST one year or two after the birth of her children

    if she goes away at all, that is

  37. The more I read about this overexposed z list wanna be the more insightful Nuttys posts are. Thanks! Btw I wonder if she's merching bananas yet.

    1. Nutty is great and very smart. If you dont like it, Duch, go back to ghosting little old ladies on their blog. Geez, crap pr so far

  38. Thank you, Chris P and Astra!

  39. @fnchrstphr
    I found Fergie rather charming, in a drunk aunt kind of way. She was a mess, but she did not seem to be obsessed with the Firm.

  40. I follow some sustainable fashion blogs, MM is on par with Princess Di in those circles, they totally adore her for being ethical, lol

  41. She's really into Vegan clothing

  42. That's really interesting, Gauloise.

    I've seen some of that in the general press - some jeans and some shoes recycled from tires? - but not a lot. MM does wear leather.

    I wonder what the revenue model for the sustainable fashion blogs is.

    Do you think the vegan fashion companies pay them for placement and use MM as an angle?

  43. Don’t forget the vegan eucalyptus infused paint for the nursery! 🙄🙄🙄🙄

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Oh, I'm sure the vegan paint company must have paid for that!

  46. NUTTY_FLAVOR - I am so psyched to see you have a blog!!! You make great insightful comments so I look forward to reading it. Is that you in your avi? Phenomenal pic.

    I enjoyed your contribution on Reactance as well as The Big Lie. Both are so relevant - the first to Markle and the second to so many things in media today.

    I have been astonished at Meghan's blatant product placement. At first I didn't want to believe it but it is so obvious!! The reason this is a problem is because it's distinctly unroyal, "common" behavior - reality level label whoring, if you will.

    As an American who liked her I am disappointed she didn't do us more proud. I think she is pretty and always liked her outgoing personality and was happy to have an educated, well spoken American representing us but ... now I am embarrassed she is doing this.

    As for the moonbump - yeah. Look at her face & ankles. That girl is NOT pregnant.

  47. As far as the moon bump goes, the best picture is the purple dress. She walks in high, tight and holding, then walks out and the bitch slipped between her thighs. I was a skeptic but when I saw that, not so much anymore. I was meh but now I’m popping popcorn. Like I posted before, a Prince of the Realm marries a social-climbing, status-seeking, yacht-sailing American actress divorcee. What could possibly go wrong? Nutty Imma read your blog because it sounds good and pisses people off and I like that.

  48. Hi Hunter! Actually, that's a photo of Lindsay Lohan from Interview Magazine in 2009. I'm not actually a Lindsay fan (although I think she was pretty when she was younger). I just liked the image.

    I also think Meghan Markle can be very pretty, particularly when she's styled well, as she was at the Fashion Awards in December.

    But she seems greedy - greedy for attention, greedy for prestige, greedy for the love of strangers.

    That doxxing of bloggers that took place earlier this week was as creepy as hell.

    Why does she care what a bunch of low-wattage civilians in the provinces of another country say about her? She has Vogue and People and vegan blogs kissing her butt and she's worried about Skippyisheretostay and JerseyDeanne and VintageScorpio1975 on Tumblr?

    Sorry, but that's nuts.

  49. NUTTY Flavor, great blog. Well written and you make good, concise points without devolving into Tmblr histrionics. It's sad to see the media so manipulated by her PR. That's what I dislike about the whole Meghan Markle debacle...she's simply not a good person and yet she's using the cult of personality to spin a false narrative that people are buying into. I hate it when assholes win. As unrealistic as I know it is, there's a part of me that wants the world to be fair, wants bad people to get their comeuppance, but in her case? It may take a while. I wish a lot of her dirt would start to hit the media, but so long as they suck up to the favor of the royal family (who is footing the bill for this mess) it's unlikely that her true (lack of) character will be revealed.

  50. Nutty, keep up your posts here and on your blog. I enjoy your insights. This whole situation is like a train wreck. MM is so over-exposed! My mom is the only person I share my dislike of MM with in real life, so I enjoy comparing notes with ppl online. I'm just shocked the BRF hasn't set boundaries with her. I'm disappointed in PC, but I have hope Camilla and PW have her number. I've noticed Kate seems almost joyful, and much more comfortable in public. It's almost as if she is in on a secret (that there is an end in sight for MM), giddy to an extent in a professional way...perhaps she knows karma will catch up with MM?

  51. Thanks, SwishyFishy! (Great name, too.)

    I think Meg *wishes* she had a cult of personality. What she tries to market as her personality is ridiculous.

    Here's a quote from today's People article:

    "A friend from L.A. recalls visiting the cottage, sharing, “We had a couple of days together recently. Her husband was out of town on work. In the room she made up for me, there was a candle lit by the bed, slippers and a robe. We were the only two in the house. It was our time. She made the most lovely meals. She made tea every day. It was raining and muddy outside, so the dogs got all dirty, and she’s wiping them off with towels. How much she loves her animals, how much she loves her friends, how much she loves feeding you, taking care of you — none of that has changed.”

    I mean, barf.

    Real relationships aren't like that, even great friendships. Half of what we love about the people we love are their missteps and vanities and quirks. But Meg is so vain that she won't allow herself to have quirks.

    I maintain that is one of the reasons Diana is still so loved - because she was such a mess that many people could identify with her. Nobody loves someone else's perfection.

  52. Thanks, Beth! Yes, it's good to have someone to compare notes with.

    The situation is so bizarre - fake pregnancy with a bump that gets bigger, gets smaller, and then falls down to her knees? past as a yacht girl with Harvey Weinstein and Steve Mnchin? merching breath mints at official Royal engagements? - that it can be a little bit overwhelming to discuss with people who haven't been following the whole story.

    1. That bump thing is what really gets me. Sorry but you DO NOT EVER get smaller in a pregnancy, until you deliver. You only get bigger. MAYBE you might be bloated somewhat and you could go up or down a cm, but the bloat would show all over you. And at this point in her pregnancy she would be showing some swelling of some sort. Those bony chicken legs look exactly the same as they always have. That is really pretty much impossible, especially for someone so old to be having a first child. None of it seems real at all, in my opinion. But where is the baby going to come from? Who is in on this deception? So many questions!

  53. Nutty, I find the whole thing like a soap opera, and since i don't have a television, politics and the royal family are the only things that are so entertaining.

    She did not look good at the fashion awards. She looked like one of those old time strong men in those one shouldered leotards. Pulling the hair back from her face is not a good look on her.

    I hope we see the last of her soon. She has abused her position in so many ways that she is dragging the royal family down with her.

  54. +1 Hunter. The merching is so undignified. It’s really blatant and classless.

  55. I enjoy your posts too Nutty!

    @longtimereader - Meghan is double-dipping. She is (according to this blind) being paid by designers; she is also being paid for the outfits by Prince Charles - who gets his funding ultimately, from the British tax-payer - one of which I am.

  56. Wait. Sandy's a dude?!

  57. @Nutty
    Would you say it to her face?
    That is the question.
    That is what they want people to think about.
    No one is truly anonymous.

  58. Yes, I would say everything I have said here to her face.

    Charles too.

  59. @Thursday November I LOVE seeing posts from Nutty_Flavor. She is always informative. I wish every post was from Nutty_Flavor! Your posts, I'd like to see less of. Why don't you get a hobby and make yourself scarce?

  60. My God we have got some crazy people on here.

  61. You mean people who write entire blogs with their troll Meghan Markle fiction might be a little mentally off? The hell you say.

  62. Crazy = doesn’t think, or behave the way I think people should.

  63. Cheesegrater-- lol!😂 me in 95% of conversations, ever! (And, yep!)

    This whole s**tshow with Meghan is just disappointing, bc it validates "money-grubbing, obnoxious" American stereotypes on one of the biggest stages around.

    Perhaps she can just wear a NASCAR style jumpsuit the rest of the pregnancy. Plenty of advert space (and less room for slippage, if true ---- Gahhhh, I still can't believe that anyone in constant public eye would think they could pull that off).

  64. Damn this must be what it is like to be committed. Reading the ramblings of crazy people. It’s spooky scary.

    Love that astramhas a ready made retort. Lol. People must tell her she is crazy

    1. People call anyone that isn’t 100% a programmed robot, “crazy”. And yeah I’ve heard it a time or two, but I just keep on keeping on, living how I want and not caring what others say. Seems like the more people worry about the opinions of others, the more miserable they are. If people think I’m crazy, that’s cool. In fact, I welcome it because then it hopefully keeps them the hell away from me!

      I would be interested to know what people like you think “normal” is. Who decides? It’s very easy to label independent thinkers “crazy”, but can you define normality?

  65. Just read about 2 paragraphs of the People magazine article. Had to stop. It was so ridiculous, especially her strong relationship with God. Is that why she’s changed her religion 3 times & only goes to church on Christmas?

    Also, I think the article would be more believable if the 5 friends were named. But we all know, she doesn’t have 5 friends.

  66. @ Nutty- I went to that Quora link you posted and a reader there who identified herself as a psychiatrist made an interesting comment:

    The British people sense that there is something not quite right about Meghan, and I think they are right. Yes, she is deeply infatuated with Harry, but only because he is deeply infatuated with her. He is a prince who is all over her - How could she not adore such a person? And, clearly, there is a lot of genuine sexual chemistry between them. However, when this intense period of infatuation wears off (as it does in all relationships), I do not believe that this marriage will be able to become one of true love. I believe that Meghan is going to truly hurt Harry, and that she is going to turn on the royal family. It will take a while, but once she is no longer the flavour of the month, she won’t be able to cope with the next star. No one walks around with a smile on their face all the time. No one who is not pathologically disturbed. Meghan’s smile is hiding a myriad of other feelings- jealousy, greed, the need to always be the centre of attention, insecurity etc…

    And you're right about Harry losing weight. There's a recent photo of him looking down at her belly in which he looks very thin. It could be the stress of watching his wife strap on a moon bump everyday as he wonders if it will slip and they'll be exposed, or maybe it's the meals that Meghan allegedly cooks for him every night (as per Meghan's unidentified friend in the online People article). Eating kale's gotta get old after awhile.

    @ Brayson87, If you don't like the Meghan Markle posts, skip over them. That's what I do with MTV Teen Moms and a few other popular topics. I don't have a compulsion to post a comment on every item, I just read on.

    And I don't hate Meghan Markle. I just think she's a big ol' phony grifter.

  67. Nutty Flavor, I really enjoy your comments, and your blog You present the facts about Markle, and then make informed opinions about her.

    Did you really think the BRF did away with Diana in that crash? In the US there is a fiction crime write, Patricia Cornwall, who spent time investigating the crash, and thought that forces hired by the BRF threw a "flash bang" in front of the car, causing the driver to lose control.

  68. Now it’s being said that Meghan’s father is causing her so much stress and ‘it may harm the baby’. Are they really going to go down that route?

  69. Aquagirl, I think the "stress will harm the baby" storyline is a little worrisome as well.

    I've always been agnostic about whether she is really pregnant - although she is certainly padding. (Your can see it in the Fashion Awards photos, where she would have been not quite five months, but has a full, rounded eighth-month belly.)

    But if she isn't pregnant, she has about two months to come up with a mixed-race newborn from somewhere. How's she going to do that?

    I certainly hope we're not going to get a "stillbirth from stress" storyline. I have friends who have had to go through real stillbirths and it is devastating.

    How painful for everyone who has experienced that to have to watch it again in the public arena as some kind of cheap plot device.

  70. If you watch the video on the Daily Mail where she visits the animal rescue while wearing the Kardashian outfit, she bends to pet Minnie. When she stands the top of her belly pops out with an audible thunk! There is another where you can see her belly deflate! She has no respect for boundaries or protocol. Typical narcissist. She's faking this pregnancy. Pisses me off double that she announced it at Eugenie's wedding. She can't bear to have attention not on her.
