Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 5, 2019

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor can say what he wants, but the studio would love nothing more to pull his movie because they know he is going to have a career that is nonexistent now.

Liam Neeson


  1. "If you are looking to pull my movie, I can tell you I don't have mercy. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my movie go now, that'll be the end of it."

  2. There is more nuance in what he actually said in the interview than is being reported but really, how did an intelligent actor with decades of expreience allow himself to put his foot so far down his mouth? he can't blame anyone else but his own stupidity for the result of his actions.

  3. i feel like if a black actor came out and said the same thing re: whites then he would be praised for being brave ahahhahaha

    1. Dude I get the same commercial on YouTube every other day saying that it's the year Black People will tear down the Whites. It's for a women stand up comedy skit, but she isn't making any jokes. The entire commercial is quotes that sound like brainwash.

  4. It didn't do well but neither did the one before it. Maybe people don't want a Charles Bronson wannabe. He's still got movies upcoming and right now he is the new Marlowe.

  5. This scandal has nearly disappeared from the mattering map.

  6. He had an emotional and illogical reaction to the rape of a friend, imagine that, but he didn't actually do anything and now he realizes the error of how he felt at the time. All he is guilty of is thoughtcrime. It's almost like entertainers thought getting in bed with the far left would protect their freedom of speech, when in fact radicals on both sides want to curtail speech and thought. It's the horseshoe theory in action:

  7. Only old age will retire him.

  8. I thought it was a redemption story too, but some people are looking for anything to be outraged at.

  9. He and his career will be fine. Though he may not be cast in the next Black Panther movie.

  10. People were literally gunning each other down on the streets in the 70s in N. IReland, it was a really violent place.

    The fact that he didn't act on his inner demons and chose a better path should serve as an example.

  11. I don't know what to think about how he felt... I just know he should have been smarter to keep that to himself.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. AgreeπŸ‘†πŸΎ There was no need for this "redemption story." Wrong social temperature.

  12. Also, in 2001, there were only 1,100 black people in all of N. Ireland. In the 70s it must have been much less,

    so his chance of finding the black guy in his town who did the crime, would have actually been kind plausible.

  13. Sounds like 2001 would have been a really bad time for black people to take a vacation in Northern Ireland.

  14. He left Northern Ireland in the 70s. If this took place then it would have been in London or some place in the States.

    A black fella in Ballymena would have been the only brother for at least 500 sq miles. Liam would know where to find him.

  15. I'd like to see Liam Neeson around for a long time.

    The movie producers are wrong about lots of things. That's why they seem to make so many sequels. They don't want to risk anything. All they see right now is backlash against Liam because of his comments. If his movie turns out to make money worldwide at the box office and in video release, they'll only see the $$ and Liam's their star once again. Fickle and short-sighted.

  16. Let's be honest, if you know worldwide audiences then you know they won't give two shits about what he said, some of them will even wonder why he didn't do more. The US and UK may be a different story.

  17. Liam Neeson doesn't seem like a stupid or naive man, but what he said is clearly going to end up being inflammatory and heavily judged.
    I wouldn't want to be held up to judgement for things I have said that I would love to have taken back.
    He's the only one who knows what motivated this revelation, and a skillful interviewer can pull all kinds of things out of people who carry a load of guilt.
    Maybe he just stopped in the pub before the interview.

  18. @lightgirl, I don't know about that pub thing affecting him, I thought the Irish were required to be constantly buzzed, like sobriety for them is like sunlight for albinos.

  19. haha @Brayson, like mother's milk?

  20. If you want to watch a version of the movie that is good, watch Stellan Skarsgard in "In Order of Disappearance." Hollywood takes good Scandinavian movies and turns them to shit. Ex. Insomnia.Pacino's hammy version wasn't nearly as claustrophobic as the original.

  21. @Flashy Vic Yes, he moved to Southern Ireland in 78, where the demographics were much different, probably even whiter.

    He also spent 2 years in Newcastle in the 70s, which even today has a very small black population (only 2%).

    So no matter where he was, it wasn't NYC.

  22. Just the excuse he needs, forced retirement is much easier than being an aging out action star. He never seemed to buy into the Hollyweird shit anyway. Back home to Scotland (?) to be free of seemingly unwanted obligations.

  23. I get a kick out of this. He was asked a question about tapping in to rage as an actor and he related a story about a traumatic event that happened to a friend that had a profound impact on him at the time. The kicker is, he didn't go out and target black people because they were black. His rage was directed that way at the time because the perpetrator was black. If the perp happened to be a white preppy from the northeast, he would have wanted to take out his rage on white preppies from the northeast. Race wasn't the factor for his rage and actions, it was a characteristic of the attacker. People become outraged at the strangest things. Social media outrage is the cesspool of the world. No room for any other thought. Be gone with you!


  24. Has Neeson has heard anti-Irish comments in his lifetime? Probably.
    Humans are hard wired to prefer those who look like us. Even babies show this tendency.
    It's primitive behavior, based on survival on the cave days. Part of our limbic system.
    That will not just disappear. It will take a looong time.

  25. @SusannZ

    "Has Neeson has heard anti-Irish comments in his lifetime? Probably."

    Considering where and when he was born and grew up then I can guarantee he heard a hell of a lot. He probably had to use his fists a fair times because of it too.

    I wouldn't have wanted to grow up Catholic in Ballymena in the 60s and 70s.
    I was a Protestant kid during the late sixties and early seventies in a mainly Catholic area of Belfast and it wasn't pleasant at all. I doubt it was any different for Neeson where he was.
    It would be like growing up Jewish in Dearborn Michigan today.

  26. @FlashyVic I love that there's another Nordie commenting on this site - wonder how many of us there are?

    Yeah growing up in the 90s I had to change my name when out with my protestant friends or I would have got my shit kicked in. There was just zero tolerance for anyone from different communities.

  27. stay calm Kim , you'll have 5 maybe 10 seconds very important seconds, shout out what you can see about them, hair color eye color

    They're black!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    oh that's enough Kimmy

    now where's me cosh ?

  28. Bout ye, Wee S.πŸ˜ƒ

  29. @SusannZ ....I read a story in Reader Digest while at the dentist which said exactly that and had been proven by tests and several universities in the US and Europe.

    We are hardwired to feel threatened by any one that is different, tests involved pictures flashing across a screen and split second emotion reactions monitored,
    the images also included handicapped people and images of animals some non threatening like rabbits and others like tigers and crocodiles.

    In every single case no matter the age or race of the test subject the initial reaction to seeing an image of someone/something different (even a rabbit) was on of aprehension, anxiety or sometimes full blown fear. People who had a close relative of a different race showed a much lower reaction reponse but deep in the subconscious the reaction was still there.

    It stems from our prehistoric survival DNA and is a totally involuntary response.

    The slower the images passed the initial reaction was still fear but returned to normal within less than a second meaning that most people overcame their hardwired respones with logic very quickly.

    Interestingly there was a follow up study in Scandinavia, where the test subjects were given alcohol or recreational drugs before the tests and the initial primitive responses lasted much longer sometimes even minutes and were more difficult to overcome by rational thinking.

  30. Liam's interview reminded me of that crazy interview Raul Esperanza did with the New York Times. Were these guys high when they were talking to reporters? Raul talked like he was with a therapist. It was so friggen weird.

  31. What he needs to do is double down, not apologize and tell everyone to get fuc&ed. Quit caving to these free speech killing, SJW a holes.

  32. These times are very triggering for white people. It makes them act strangely and have outbursts. I've witnessed it. I try to have empathy.

  33. Kalergi plan in full swing.

    SJWs can lick my boots. About all they're good for anyway.

  34. The sad thing is he didn’t actually do anything wrong.
