Sunday, February 17, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 9, 2019

Why go to AA meetings if you aren't sober is probably what this Housewife is thinking.

Luann de Lesseps


  1. She is right! I love her 😂😂😂

  2. Kind of backwards thinking. The point would be that lots of people at those meetings are still struggling, which would be relatable, and those that aren't probably have some good tips on how to get through the quitting and maintaining process. Support is never a bad thing.

  3. Since its part of her probation requirement bitch better get her ass there drunk or not.

  4. I like her logic.

  5. She will be falling down some bushes and laughing it off.
    Come on LuAnn the judge gave you a sweetheart deal and you can’t stop drinking.

  6. Drinking can be an addiction and recovery takes a lot of work. Lots of people fall off the wagon - so I don't think it's appropriate or helpful to recovery to gossip about it. I've been sober for 25+ years and it's no cake walk.

    1. Congrats on your time!! 25 years is amazing :)

  7. It doesn't matter if you're sober or lit - get your ass to a meeting.
    No one judges you if you show up drunk, you're there because you need the help - judge ordered or not.
    AA can work - you have to be willing to let go and just get your ass in that seat. It's an hour. You have 60 mins to spare.
    I wish her nothing but strength.

  8. So you can get your paper signed for the judge.

    Silly though, since it is anonymous, and you only have to sign a first name. I have been to a few parties where papers for the judge wre being passed around and signed.

  9. Anyone who would try to turn someone away from the rooms doesn't deserve to be there. The rooms are there for the person trying to get sober, not the people with the shiniest chips. Keep coming back, it works if you work it.
    Then again there might be a rule against reality stars, they really are human garbage. ;)

  10. She threatened a police officer, violently resisted arrest, and is now not following the terms of her probation. Didn't the old slag write an etiquette book? I hope she goes to jail. She hasn't done any community service, either. I hate sociopaths.
