Thursday, February 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 14, 2019

She likes her hair short, but this former A/A- list mostly movie actress/protester from a franchise that kind of fizzled was told by her people that she wasn't getting hired any longer because of her short hair. So, she grew it out and now gets tons of offers. She still hates it though.

Shailene Woodley


  1. ...if I got paid actress-money, I'd wear my hair however they wanted me to. For $10 million a movie, I'd go bald. #justsaying

  2. Who knew your physical appearance could matter so much?

    Paging Jennifer Grey, Jennifer Grey please pick up the white courtesy phone in the corner.

  3. LOL! I totally understand WHY Jennifer Grey wanted her nose job. But I ALSO understand why her career tanked after getting it...

  4. She looks gross with long or short hair. Is that mean? It's mean. But it's true.

  5. JLAW looks gr8 with long and short hair, and will look gr8 without hair too! She is just amazing!

  6. You’d think she could just slap a wig on for whatever role requires long hair.

  7. God this is a humanitarian catastrophe.

  8. Stan alert, aisle 2.

  9. All she needs is one iconic role and she could do what she wants. I can, however, understand why this sucks.

  10. Whatever happened to hair extensions? Tie your hair back and suck it up. That simple.

  11. Agreed, V. Maybe it’s mean but who cares? Truth hurts🤷🏼‍♀️

  12. Fuck all the old white male Hollywood producers who want every single woman to conform to their idea of beauty.

  13. Sorry but if you're going to be an actor or actress, or work in entertainment in general, you need to accept that you're going to be told how you have to look and adhere to it. It's all about promoting a certain image. It's unfortunate, but it's the world we live in. If they don't want to play by those rules and want to look how they want to look, they should choose a different career path. For what these people get paid, getting told to lose or gain weight, change hairstyles, etc is part of the deal. If they don't like it, they need to walk away from the industry.

  14. Yeah Mooski who wants to sell any tickets for films!

  15. Please don’t conflate “white” and “Jewish”. Thanks 🙏🏻

  16. For years now, I get told ALL THE TIME that Shailene Woodley is my doppelgänger.

    I'm kinda disappointed because she's only average looking in my book.

    C'est la vie.

  17. Michelle Williams has had her most successful years while rocking a pixie cut. Same goes for Winona Ryder.
    Is there a quota? Can only one A-list female actress have short hair at a time?


  18. publicly stating Snowden is a hero did her no favors
