Thursday, February 07, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 30, 2019

As I have said for at least two years, this reality star/celebrity is setting the market for a virginity video when her daughter turns 18. She is counting on it for her own retirement and doesn't care if her daughter walks away with any of it.

Farrah Abraham


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I dont really like shaming alot of the celeb moms because we dont really know what they do or dont do. farah on the other hand.....fuck that bitch.

  2. Well, someone watches all the tv crap which makes these monsters famous in the first place. It ain't me.

  3. She probably fingers her daughters butthole, getting it ready to earn.

  4. Oh get real, if Farrah's that low then she probably already sold it in person a few times. She's not really a long term planner.

  5. You know what, I hope her daughter decides before then that she is trans *and* asexual.

  6. I hope she pisses off a client and they feed her to the camels or whatever animal they have in the Middle East, that will eat corpses. See Muslims, pigs eat everything which makes them an indispensable animal to have if you’re in the body disposal business!

    That poor kid. Seriously, I hope she somehow escapes this creature unscathed, but I doubt it.

  7. There is nothing Farrah won't do for a dollar. She's an appalling human.

  8. i despise her. but having said that, i'm skeptical about this blind. it's too awful even for her. but even if it is, with the upbringing that poor child is getting, she'll most likely lose her virginity way before she's legal. maybe at the hands of one of mommy's 'friends.'

  9. Obviously a fake blind... Why wait til she is 18? Just move to a 16y/o consent state or a 13 y/o country.

    She could take a much earlier retirement then!

  10. She needs to get some professional retirement advice from them smart AF models building theme parks and such....

  11. Kindness blind for waiting until she's 18?

  12. If it's as good as Farrah's other videos it will be a win.

  13. It's very unsettling that Farrah takes her daughter with her on yachting trips.

  14. I am placing money on the fact the child has already begun her career as she is pictured travelling with Momma Whore on her yachting jobs.
    Farrah will make it seem as if this is a virgin but this girl will lose it to a client WAY before the age of 18. 12-13 is more realistic considering the countries Momma Whore travels to.

  15. Some people really need to be dropped into a volcano.

    1. +1 although that may be too kind for many people.

  16. I can’t believe any mother who is not heavily into drugs could think of selling her young daughters virginity. Yes she is certainly grooming her up be like in her in the sense making her money of promoting products and cosmetic surgeries on social media but not filming a porn video. She MIGHT tell her when she is older she could makes loads of money if she looses her virginity to someone who is willing to pay but she is not telling her stuff like that now I hope she is not thinking of doing so. She will fo all that she can to make money now and way beyond her daughters 18 bday.
