Saturday, February 09, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 31, 2019

This A- list mostly movie actress who is a celebrity offspring of parents more famous was going to turn down a recent movie offer but her foreign born A list celebrity insisted she take it. He is tiring of her and would like someone new to play with. She has been refusing jobs just to be near him and he is beginning to dislike that a lot.

Dakota Johnson/Chris Martin


  1. Why doesn’t he just tell her?

    People of the world: Don’t lie; leave!

    1. +10000 donna. She'll live. He is no prize.

  2. Does anyone outside the UK take any of these Coldplay cunts seriously?
    And even here the reviled as pasty, inoffensive, weedy,limp fucked Radio 2 fodder anyway.

  3. Thanks SD, I always appreciate your common sense!

  4. This is her pattern, she did this with that model/boy bander she was with.

    Although, her mom probably tells her to do this. This is what Mel did with Don & Antonio.

  5. @Flashy Vic - I actually like ColdPlay. But I also like Nickelback. :D

  6. He runs back to GOOP whenever she looks at him, he's a waste of time, just like his sappy music is a waste of time.

  7. Poor Martin, always getting clingers. Remember when Goop allegedly caught him banging a random in their bed and she wouldnt leave him? He is going to have to try the same trick here.

  8. Goop quit acting when she got with him too. He must be kind of emotionally abusive to break women down, cause otherwise i dont see the appeal

  9. @SD

    Any guy who still hangs out with his ex all the time, and that ex is as insufferable as GOOP, is no prize at all.

    Mr Nice Guy passive aggressive to the MAX.

  10. Martin just comes across as a total wet, slightly camp, limp noodle. Dakota always used to come across as a badass independent woman, but his limp noodleishness seems to be wearing off on her.

  11. I dislike them both. He’s a pussy and she’s bland and boring.

  12. I hope he gets someone new soon and leaves Dakota alone.

  13. I thought CM had a bf and all these women are just a cover up because he is still in the closest! Lol
