Monday, February 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 4, 2019

Apparently this streaming service has decided that if it is OK to launder money, then hey, what is wrong with also making sure people listen to horrible medical/health advice that could kill them which is what they are doing by allowing  platform for the actress turned quack.

Netflix/Gwyneth Paltrow/GOOP


  1. People are stupid enough to value her advice just as they do Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz...

  2. Gwyneth Paltrow is living proof that the Oscars mean nothing.

  3. Who in their right mind would take information from her..she’s got some weird hacks she believe in

  4. To hell with Harvey's old bimbo, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo is where's it's at :)

  5. Before I started to follow this blog I had no idea how many ways there was to launder money besides gambling establishments it is a big world of shenanigans out there

  6. Nobody is going to watch that pretentious twat and she will get cancelled just like the rest of the #Foke cunts they waste money on.

  7. I kinda like her. She's a good actress that chooses decent roles and is charming in interviews.

  8. Her mag got cancelled bc the publisher pulled out bc they would get sued for her crack med advice.

  9. Hands up who else thought this blind said 'steaming'service?

  10. @Flashy, Nah that would be HBO lately, been really dragging without GoT.

  11. @Silly Shabbir.

    Enough with the "sane comment" bollocks.

    This is CDAN comments, godammit!

    Sanity has no place here.

    Other than that, yes, I agree too.

  12. "Shabbir"? That's not even a fucking thing. Damn you to Help and Newry, autocorrect, now you're just making the fucking stuff up!!!

    It should of course have read 'SillyWhabbit'.

    Fucking AI autocorrect Skynet starting motherfuckers!

    1. @FlashyVic You always crack
      Me up. Thank you for making my morning.

  13. "Nah that would be HBO lately..." Their new director of programming, or whatever, wants them to be Netflix 2.0. He is going to utterly destroy the HBO brand. I don't know why whoever owns it is letting him get away with it.

  14. @mooshki, Why would he need to, HBO has been doing a great job of that on their own. What do they have going on now besides GoT? West World is the only other show approaching great and that's pretty wobbly. Their good stuff is up for debate.
    How many great things did HBO pass on that went on to AMC and every other network or streamer?
    HBO and Showtime also had an advantage because they could show R-Rated television without commercials. Think of all their shows minus the profanity, nudity and graphic violence, usually not much left. And now their advantage is gone, the streamers are here.
    So f*ck them and their brand. If they wanted to be the PBS of pay tv, one show one episode a week, good for them, I'd toss them a shovel to help dig their own grave. But AT&T bought their ass and wants to see some profit. We'll see how they do.
    Doesn't matter either way, I'm cancelling HBO when GoT season is done, just like I do every year. :)

  15. I applaud Paltrow’s efforts at thinning the herd. With warning labels on everything nowadays stupid people are dying at a slower rate.

  16. Diana-- 😂

  17. Gwyneth Paltrow is one class action lawsuit away from having to do another Iron Man movie.

  18. Ever since she knocked down that old dude on the ski slopes, she gets absolutely no sympathy from me. Hope her a$$ gets sued real good.

  19. @Do Tell: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    BTW: Does anyone know if she’s living with hubby yet?

  20. who knows, aren't they consciously un-cohabitated?

  21. I think the fact that people take advice from Gwynnie is just evolution at work. The woman grew up entitled and is so out of touch with the needs and wants of the modern consumer. Why anyone would think of her as aspirational for a "lifestyle brand" is beyond my comprehension.

  22. Anyone else hear the rumor, ever, that Paltrow's SiL voice had to be dubbed because she couldn't quite with the British formal accent?


    She gives bored moms or bored office workers something to talk about. Why anyone buys into her as a professor of wellness, I do not know. But they buy that shit she hawks on her site.

  23. Gwenyth was just one of Harvy's "clean-up" girls - how do you think she got the nick-name?

  24. @mooski said: " I don't know why whoever owns it is letting him get away with it."

    Because the propaganda agenda is of more importance to them than the making money agenda. If they can do both, fine, (see: "Singer, Brett"), but if you cost them money, why keep doing it? It isn't about "Art," so what is it?
