Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 29, 2019

This former A list teen movie actor doesn't have any of the money he got from all of you. His latest plan though is to get traditional financing for a movie from industry people and then make a movie with their money (while spending some too) and then claim he used your money to make it.

Corey Feldman


  1. Of course he doesn't have any of the money he got from me because I'm not stupid enough to give him any of my money Entern!

  2. "pictured in websters dictionary adjacent the word loser"

  3. Exactly Sandybrook. My favorite charity is my own damn family. If Feldman wants money he can do what everyone else does and get a J-O-B.

  4. The fact that Feldman offered Amber Tamblyn books should have been the iggy that they were gonna get ripped off.

  5. Im still waiting for my copy of that book Count and its been about 6 years now

  6. Shit! I gave him everything I had.

  7. A real blind would be if for one day Feldman didn't act like a scumbag, that would be shocking.

  8. Weep for the child he was, piss on the man that he is. Like a reverse R. Kelly.

  9. It would seem pretty simple to bring him down if this blind is actually true. Look at the Bobbitt case in Philly, where the couple raised 400k on GoFundMe. Turned out the money went to fund their vacations and the homeless guys drug addiction, and the whole story behind the GoFundMe was fake.

    If this is also fake, then it would only take a few of the GoFundMe investors to file a complaint asking for their money back to trigger an investigation.

    1. Moose, i think those 3 people are all locked up and awaiting trial for fraud and money seized to be returned.

  10. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Corey Feldman will never tell the truth about his past, because his past was being the procurer of the better looking boys for the powerful pedophiles.

    1. Same. The story he told about Corey Haim being horny and suggesting Corey have sex with Marty Weiss on the 'Lost Boys' production always felt bizarre to me. I instantly thought he instigated it.

  11. He's never gonna name real names, just a few of folks that had no power & are dead now, which he already did...so yep...

    Wonder if he's taking notes from LiLo, since Enty revealed this is what LiLo is doing now to get money. Fake production company.

    They both should just do what Bobby Brown did or Mary K Blige, set up a charity that their families use for expenses.

  12. I’d give to a Nigerian scammer before this fool.

  13. @Jerkula - all three were arrested, but out on bail right now (I live near where this all happened). GoFundMe has already agreed to refund the $400,000 that was collected through the site. I guess GoFundMe plans to go after the three of them for return of any money, but according to the lawyers ,there's next to nothing left. The homeless man is back using drugs, the couple has split up and have turned on each other.

    There's obvs a movie deal somewhere in the story, maybe that's how GoFundMe hope to recapture some/all of the 400k.

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Moose, me too! I knew that shit was fake to begin with you, that chick just has that kinda face

  14. I hear ya, Moose. Those people will have their assets auctioned and judgements hung on them for the remainder waiting for them when they get out of jail.

    P.S. how could the homeless guy get out on bail? Talk about a flight risk.

  15. I should start a Go Fund Me. It might be nice to get some free money instead of being the stupid tax payer that provides the free ride for so many lazy dead beats.

  16. @astra, I think as long you're honest about what you're going to use the money for you're in the clear.

  17. Now he’s saying that the guy who recently died from the young and the restless, could’ve been suicided, because he gave Feldscum an interview for his pedo documentary. Feldman says he has the guys final interview and possibly final public words on record. So I’m sure that Feldfuck will use that to his advantage. Arsehole.
