Saturday, February 02, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 25, 2019

This permanent A list producer/writer who is probably about A-/B+ list as a singer right now had a line of shoes that sold out. He loves to brag about it but the company had to cut the price by 50-60% to accomplish it. They won't be back.

Pharrell Williams


  1. Was it a line of tiny shoes? We should ask Pharrell what “tiny pet” means!

  2. I see people wearing his hats everyplace.

    1. Where the hell do you live? Time to move!

      Lol but idk what his hats look like. I seriously doubt I’d see them around here though.

  3. @Freebird - I googled "tiny pet" yesterday. Such an odd fetish.

    1. WHAT IS IT?!! Enquiring minds want to know!!


  4. This is the third time I've seen the phrase "tiny pet" in 24 hours. Wtf?

  5. #@cheesegrater - it was in one of the blinds yesterday about "the disney podcast community" and that phrase freaked me out more than the "tiny pet" part. haha

  6. The days of ridic priced celeb sneakers seems to be over, the majority of them get marked down on clearance to sell.

    1. Seriously! I bought a pair of Adidas sandals online the other day. I think they were some type of collab but idk with who or what. They were $30 and marked down I think $20 or so. I also saw some Miley Cyrus Converse on sale. Like, most of them. I really hate her and the shoes are ugly (don’t like Converse anyway, they fit weird) so yeah.

    2. I love the old high type converse tennis shoes.
      You were the shit, if u owned them and the different colors they came in
      The new ones were made cheaply and sold for 6 times the amount in the 70’s

  7. As a one legged, hat wearing lover of plagiarised music, I resent this blind!

  8. I never buy crap they advertise on TV.
    I’m definitely not giving my money away, paying a high price for
    anything. Sale, clearance, or red tag is my way of shopping, I
    don’t need anything that bad.

    1. Same here. Most things I buy come from yard sales, thrift and consignment stores. I don’t buy used shoes though. I hate spending money. I’m pathologically stingy. Don’t get me started on name brand foodstuffs either lol.

  9. I'm an old fashioned guy who lives in an old fashioned part of the world and I am one of the few still alive who calls what you call "sneakers" 'gutties'.

    I doubt I've pay more than a tenner for a pair of Primark's finest footwear and I don't see that changing anytime soon .

    Any apparel that is likely to be regularly pressed in dogshit is not worth coughing up el primo priceiozo for.

    Learn that and save cash, fucktards.

  10. We used to call them gym shoes. and NEVER wore them outside the gym because they would ruin your feet. (Or so they said.)

  11. I don't spend much money on clothes any more but sneakers? Oh yeah. Love'em

  12. He did a "tennis" collab with Adidas. It was terrible.
