Thursday, February 07, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 30, 2019

Don't believe the hype. This tabloid would have you believe this royal couple is staying up late building baby furniture by hand rather than a team of a dozen people who have been doing the entire project from design to installation.

The Sun/Meghan Markle & Prince Harry


  1. why would this be a big surprise. wouldn't the Royals have everything like this done for them?

  2. I wonder if the Royals have Legos? Like what do their toys look like? It would be awesome to build a Lego castle inside of an actual castle.

  3. HI DOXXED DM'ERS!!55 years ago today The Beatles arrived in America and took over American music as the fathers of the British invasion.

  4. Why was this a blind?

  5. The only thing that "this royal couple is staying up late building" is her fake ever-changing baby bump- and even this is done with the assistance of other worker bees.

  6. As if any "royal" has any real life skills, they all hire people to do it for them, which is what we would all do if we had the money.

  7. @Pissoff,Enty gets more traffic,the Doxxed DM commenters have a safe space. Win-win.

  8. Why don't Wm or Harry get hair plugs like Elton John did? And why was William bald before 30? Weird.

  9. Hair plugs aren’t magic. I’ve heard that if you get them, it doesn’t stop you from losing the rest of your hair. So you have a patch of hair plugs on a bald or balding head. It’s also extremely expensive, which isn’t necessarily an issue for the royals but it’s still no small change.

    Usually if a guy just shaves their head, they look much better. Seems cleaner too. I hate hair on men, best is either bald or military hair. But if you’re going bald don’t leave the hair ring around your head. That looks awful, just shave it all.

  10. Speaking of tabloids... today's Daily Mail featured two of the bullshitiest stories possible regarding the Duchess of Blah. 1. She cooks for Harry everyday. 2. A midwife claims her "bendy thumbs " are a sign she will give birth much earlier than expected.

    1. I thought being a big time feminist made you “above” cooking for a man! Isn’t that oppression or something? Either way I can’t see her cooking much of anything. If she did it would probably be trendy crap, not normal healthy but traditional food. Which leads me to this observation: I cook all the time. Modern cookbooks are full of weird and obscure/expensive ingredients. Good luck finding a casserole recipe or anything normal that people would’ve eaten ten or twenty years ago. Food has turned into status signaling and it’s stupid as hell. I bet Meghan wouldn’t ever cook a casserole or traditional British food. Lol imagine her whipping up some kedgeree or a curry, a stargazy pie or whatnot. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  11. I find it so beta that Americans care about British Royals. It is like Protestants caring about the Pope.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Astra Worthington: exactly. Shave that mess. With Harry, plugs would be the answer. He won't lost it all like Wm. If EJ can afford plugs, I know the Saxe-Goth-Coburg(?) bros. can.

  14. @Count Jerkula - I am Episcopalian and I could become Catholic if I wanted to without having to go through indoctrination (this is what I've heard). I am very interested in the Pope as the leader of the Christian faith. The protestants broke off from Catholicism and to me it is a purer form of Christianity. I also had a lot of Catholic friends growing up as well as now. As for Americans caring about British royalty, I also have a lot of British friends and I love all of the pageantry. I am not a fan of Smirkles and find her to be a Dirty John/con artist/grifter sinister type. I'm looking forward to her downfall. That mess is a real soap opera and it is fascinating the way she pretends to be pregnant. She is such an attention whore. From what I've heard, surrogacy is not allowed with the British royals. I'm sure Her Majesty is just waiting for Smirkles to try to pretend to actually give birth. It just never gets old.

    1. Give Orthodoxy a try. Much better than Catholicism.

  15. The Pope is not the leader of Christianity. He is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, which Christ founded and tasked St. Peter with leading. People who claim to be followers of Christ, yet reject the church he founded are as silly as people who call America the Land Of The Free, but want to make it Socialist.

  16. And Count, that's also idiotic. St Paul was really the person who founded the Christian church, and it is not necessarily Catholic. Certainly Jesus would have found the medieval church that Martin Luther broke off from utterly ridiculous at best.

    1. What ever happened in the medieval times was gods will and obviously culled heretics from true believers in Christ and his church.

  17. I love how CDAN predicted all the fluff pieces coming out 2-3 weeks ago. They’ve dropped like 10, all to make her more likable.
    I’ll never stop thinking she seems super manipulative.

  18. +1 Astra, good healthy or hearty food is the way to go. A bunch of weird spices and cheap sauces are not going to cover up crappy ingredients or under cooked meat. Like I get it, simple wholesome recipes are not going to get people clicks or sell books, but damn that is the best food of all.

    1. Some people are too special to eat normal food, or cook at home. I can see why so many people nowadays can’t cook. If you pick up a food magazine or look for recipes online, it’s all time consuming, weird stuff that calls for specialized equipment, etc.

      Don’t even get me started about restaurants and their insane prices for the exact type of food you describe. Crappy slop doused in chemicals and weird shit, prepared by meth heads and people that don’t wash their hands after using the crapper. Ugh!

      If I was Meghan, I’d probably want to prepare my own food, seeing as how much everyone hates her. Don’t want a loogie or worse in your meal.

  19. And you’re a fucking cunt. So now that we’ve got it all figured out, you can eat shit and feel free to scroll on by my comments πŸ‘‹πŸ»πŸ’©πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ–•πŸ»

    Go feed your cats, I’m sure they’re hungry πŸ˜†

  20. Er, was that at me, astra? I keep telling you and your doofus cohorts that for many of us, comments aren't nested, depending on your platform. But you and your idiot pals continue to reply on HA! or NO! or whatever, having zero idea, despite my informing you, that YOU MAKE NO SENSE WHATSOEVER to many of us.

    And I don't have any cats, sweetums. I'm glad you know exactly what food Meghan cooks for Harry, though, at least in what passes for your brain.

  21. If you don't know what nested comments are, go look them up. Keep your lips moving so you can figure it out.

    1. Scroll on by, twat. Scroll on by. You aren’t interesting or worth the time. Bye bye πŸ‘‹πŸ» πŸ–•πŸ»

  22. Duh. We know they have servants. Whateves

  23. Well whoever is cooking for Harry, he looks like he’s on a damn starvation diet!

  24. I’m sure they paid for white glove service like many other people in the world. Geez.

  25. KRAB, the person who doesn't believe in sex trafficking rings calling out Astra. Stop me from laughing, I'm going to break a rib. Omg, STFU, your constant negative droning is like Chinese water torture. Your posts will NEVER match what Astra posts. I've got her back, you can trip over my extended leg. Keep running off your mouth, just know that we think you're a moron. Go ahead, insult me, I expect it. So original.

    ASTRA, I take it you're British, I'm American so I'm not familiar with "kedgeree or a stargazy pie" would you please fill me in? Thank you.

    1. Love ya BlissBoo❤️❤️❤️

      Lol nah I’m Anglo American so yeah I technically am British, but it’s from a looooong time ago. Stargazy pie is a fish pie made with pilchards and veggies, like potatoes and onions, where the fish heads stick out the top, looking at the sky. That’s why they call it “stargazy”! Kedgeree is a smoked fish, egg, and rice dish. I make it a lot (not really the traditional way so idk if it counts). I have been to the UK though and it’s here where I got my interest in my ancestral foods and heritage so I know a fair amount about British food and I make it pretty regularly. Good stuff, their reputation for bad food is a cruel lie!!!

  26. Wow. There's a rabid Meghan defender roaming this site. If she doesn't like anyone in her family, she won't like you, unless you got some money for her.

  27. Hey!! What did the cats do wrong? Leave the bitty kitties alone! 😸😸😸😸😸

  28. The only reason Meghan is cooking for Harry right now is because she doesn't want anyone around to see the charade up close and personal. Kensington Cottage must seem like a safe place to her right now where she can draw the curtains and drop the act. Like some women who take off their bra as soon as they get home, she probably walks in and pitches the moonbump into a corner. Official reasons are, "The Couple would like privacy right now during this special time," and "The royal pregnancy is making the Duchess very tired."

    @ Astra - Krab is right about the nested comments. When I started reading your comments, I thought you were insane because you were replying to other posts on mobile and I was reading CDaN on desktop. They look something like this:

    "[Celebrity] has been cheating on her from day one!"



    "Fuck off, I don't care what you think!!"

    "I agree!"

    Leaving me thinking, "WTF is she on? Or does she have Tourettes??" Then one day I was on my iPhone reading comments and saw that you were replying directly to some posts on mobile in nesting format. It really does look bizarre and I'm sorry that I sniped at you that day.

    1. @mango and cuddlebutt

      Ok, I will start putting the person’s name when I reply to them. I only use my phone so I wasn’t aware that others didn’t see replies in line. This is the first time I’ve heard of this, so my apologies!! And no problem, we cool 😎

      Thanks for letting me know in a nice way, unlike some other assholes around here 😁

  29. Lol, Mango, this is my life. I don't CDAN (yeah, I'm making it a verb) on my phone so comments that aren't @'d confuse me.

  30. Re Nested Comments. There are two versions of CDAN. The mobile version displays replies as nested comments. The pc version doesn't display nested comments.

  31. I just tried opening the mobile link on the pc. See above and you can get nested comments displayed that way. Just wish there was a like button

  32. I guess you can go after her if you want to, but if you do try to raise the stakes a bit, okay? I mean seriously ... baby furniture? Yeesh.

  33. @cuddlebutt - You posted yesterday on another Markle reveal about her being at an animal rescue and her baby bump making an audible popping noise when she stood up. I searched for it and OMFG! I can't believe KP hasn's squashed it or bought it or done something to prevent the public from seeing (and hearing) it. She even looked down when it made the noise. And the fact that she squats down all the time and then stands right up quickly and gracefully without being ungainly or without needing help. While wearing those heels...

    Link for anyone who's interested:

  34. @ Astra - πŸ‘

    @ LeahBryar - Figures. I always hate the mobile/ap versions. To me, the desktop versions seem easier on the eyes.

  35. I too am grateful for the info on nested comments.

  36. @Mango: I’ve been convinced from the beginning that she’s not pregnant, so where is this ‘baby’ coming from? Surrogate, adoption? I read more comments today about her being so emotional, because of her family. This is the story of the week—that her baby could be harmed because of her stress. I don’t think it’s coincidental. Really hope that she is not going to go with a late-term miscarriage or stillborn story but she might. It’s the only thing that would help her reputation and gain her compassion at this point. Narcissism knows no bounds.

    If I had to guess, I’d say that she has a surrogate and the baby is due quite soon (within the next week or two) and she’ll say she went into early labor (and somehow they’ll smuggle the baby in.) I think the April due date is just a red herring.

  37. Holy smokes, Mango! That is proof positive of the moon bump. I also can’t believe KP allowing that out there... holy smokes! What I don’t get is why they won’t announce a surrogate?

    There Is also twitter link someone posted on here the other day that is from same day & it shows close-up of the deflate and her hand touching the moon bump during. It actually looked so weird, lol. Like sigourney weaver in alien.

  38. @ Anne T. - it’s gone too far for them to announce a surrogate; she’s paraded that fake belly for months. They have a surrogate squirreled away somewhere, that’s why they are having a home birth. I do think it’s MM and PH’s baby; she is just not carrying it.

  39. Anonymous5:43 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Anonymous5:53 AM

    The publishing of reader photos names, and personal info (Doxxing) equals a complete breach of ethics by Daily Mail.
    Readers will go away, In droves. That's my prediction.
    I suspect that D/Mail's advertising values for the coming quarter, are down. Drastically.
    There are dozens hundreds of news sources. If it's celebrity news you crave, just google 'celebrity news'. You will find it.
    Good luck, Daily Mail. I hope you planned for this.

  41. Anonymous6:05 AM

    If you are going to write something online, make sure you can personally and professionally stand behind that statement.
    "Average" people were just exposed and humiliated....'doxxed' if you an international publication.
    Celebrities have highly paid public relations, to save their faces.
    Normal folks don't.
    Think about it.
    This was one more way for the Elite to say, "We got this. You don't."

