Saturday, February 09, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 1, 2019

This A- list mostly television actor from that long running cable show was in his element. A fan convention and a drink in one hand and a willing groupie on his arm. Girlfriend shmirlfriend.

Norman Reedus/Diane Kruger


  1. No sympathy, she was warned, but is turining a blind eye as he makes a flow out of her.

    1. Warned? These are people that this guy claims pimp their young children off to billionaires on their yachts before going off to snort coke and get pegged by Angelica Huston at Weinstein’s secret rape palace. This isn’t Days of Our Lives, he’s describing a rape fest cesspool filled with trafficked kiddie porn and designer drugs.

      If a quarter of what this guy says is true then this “industry” of cult celebrity isn’t an industry built to cater to boosting movie sales but primarily a sex extortion scam to get “very important people” to pay laughably obscene prices for male and female escorts. Everything else is just window dressing, a facade, covering that fact up.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pacey DGAF, he found someone younger than her and cleaner than Reedus. He's happy as a clam, karma is a bitch.

  3. He is so nasty looking!

  4. Not only girlfriend, but month old baby at home with her!😒

  5. There's been no recent fan convention. It was an invited - guests- only pre Super Bowl party. These groupie rumors have been going on forever, yet theres never been one f*cking picture of him with said "groupies." I think by now there'd be
    visual proof. By all accounts, as much as i truly think Kruger is a tool, i also think he's pretty damn content with life right now. And the baby is over 4 months old at this point. This is getting worn to the nub already.

  6. How he managed to impregnate two women is beyond me. His behavior is gross.

  7. The baby is not his. She used a donor.

  8. Maine-- good point about no proof, but most cheaters are a bit slicker than a certain billionaire voluntarily leaving a trail of d*** pics,sonnets, and Lord only knows what other evidence behind.

    Baby was born on Christmas Eve.

    These things being said, I hope you are right.

    1. The baby’s birth was reported at the beginning of November, they never confirmed her actual birthday because DK wants “privacy.” (I suspect she’s keeping all these details to drop when public interest in her drops and she wants to be in the headlines again.)

  9. Oooh, Aquagirl! Really? What's the story there? How long have they been dating? Are we sure they're even still together?

  10. Oh no, and he's a new dad and all.
    Poor Diane. But I doubt she is really that into him as long-term partner material anyway.

  11. They aren't even on the same continent at the moment. She's all cosied up and looking fabulous with her rumoured squeeze and director in Germany for the Berlin film festival. I don't think she's smiled this much since before she met Reedus, she looks great. He meanwhile has managed to tear himself away from his little English hottie in New York that turns a blind eye to his shitty behaviour and is playing away in LA for the weekend. And for the first time in forever we're seeing tabloid trash about them that only mention them in articles singly. What is is Chris and Gwyneth call it..consciously uncoupling? I imagine Enty's podcast will be full of all it,hiding in plain sight.

  12. Wait. Does this mean I got one right? And first? Whoop! This is a good day already! (It's the little things people!)

  13. Random...cheers!!!🍻

  14. @Vita: IMO, they’ve never really been a couple. She seems like a desperate fool who continues to chase him no matter what he does or how much he cheats. Apparently her biological clock was ticking, hence the donor.

    As far as Helena Christensen (sp?) goes, I think she’s an absolute goddess and he’s definitely the father of her son. Luckily, their kid looks more like her.
